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Queenbert~ The experience!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 25, 2014


HIglam said...

The greatest experience EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

See ya in Vegas!!!

Anonymous said...

See you in DC

Anonymous said...

See you in New York!!!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

See you in Chicago!

choons said...

see you in Toronto!!

Anonymous said...

See you Madison Square Garden, NYC. So excited ~

Anonymous said...

See you at The LA Forum and Las Vegas. Love!

Anonymous said...

See ya at Mohegan Sun . . . maybe twice

Anonymous said...

See you on Adam Lambert 24/7 News!......poor me :-(
........JAK whining

esther macha said...

See you in Vegas...both nights!!

Anonymous said...

See ya in Vegas July 5 & 6 !!!!

Anonymous said...

See ya in hell !!!!!

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure those concerts will be as Hot as Hell!! Can't wait!! Queen + Adam will set the roof on fire!!!

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need nothing....

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

See you in Houston TX

Anonymous said...

See ya with Jax, whining from fla lol


Anonymous said...

See you in CHICAGO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

See ya at The Forum, Los Angeles, San Jose and Vegas!!!!! Queenbert I cannot wait :))) Sorry for all the Glamberts for whatever their reason they cannot attend a concert. We'll bring back the experience here to you with posts, pics, vids :)


tess4ADAM said...

And I'll see ya' here in Buffalo waiting anxiously for all the videos of all the concerts on Ytube!! Have a blast all you LUCKY Glamberts!!! ... Love 'n Light ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

See Ya In PHILLY !!

Anonymous said...

See ya in Auburn Hills, Mi. Anyone know how the tickets sales of the five added places are doing? I hope DrBri and promoters didn't take too big of a bite there. See some of you guys soonish.

Bing said...

OMG i am so thrilled for all of you who are in for an incredible experience of a lifetime. Couldn't resist the chance to congratulate all you lucky Glamberts \o/ and since i am not as fortunate, please don't forget us here. Will be looking forward to your posts :D
@JAK, am sooooooooooo glad that you are back, been meaning to say this since i saw your tag again. You have no idea how you give life to 24/7. Thank you JAK!
Ok gotta go and the new US Amb. here in Manila will be in our office this morning for his courtesy call to our Department Secretary.

SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT teehee. Kind regards to all the regulars and please do make us feel your presence once in a while. It is so exciting to see old regulars posting again.

Love thru Adam,

carolynj said...

Well this is a comment section that is joyous! Those who can't go, you will have the best seat in the house--watching it on YouTube from the comfort of your home. I'll be in Vancouver, far from my northern CA home, but a place I visit relatives. Cannot wait!

Anonymous said...

See you in LA and Lost Wages aka Las Vegas both nights. One unforgettable epic concert, Queenbert. YAY!

Anonymous said...

If you're in N. Cali, why not go to San Jose? Many fans will be there.
In fact, see you glamberts in San Jose & LA!!

Anonymous said...

Please help: I will attend the NYC show and I would like to do the stream live from MSG but I don't know how to do it. Anyone can help me understand what type of equipment I need to have? Any advice will be greatly appreciated ~

Anonymous said...

See you in Dallas!!!!!!!!!

lorraine said...

See you in Las Vegas and at The Forum!!! Wish EVERYONE who loves Adam could attend at least one of these concerts. I will bring ALL of you in a little piece of my heart {Janis} when I go to see and scream for Adam and Queen. It's because of ALL of our love for him that Adam has reached this pinnacle of his career! XO

Vicki in Ohio said...

See you in Auburn HIlls! July cannot come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

See you all on You Tube! I know you will all be sure Adam feels the love.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:13 PM
I don't do any live streaming myself but this is the site that I see most live streams using. You sign up, do a couple of test streams to be sure you've got it figured out, and do it. All you need is a reasonably decent smart phone like an iPhone, or other similar device. iPads work too, but not too many other concert goers appreciate a big tablet blocking their view :)) Especially those like myself who are petite.. :))))))

That would be awesome btw :)) You do have to see what the rules of the venue are... Some allow cell phones, simple cameras, etc.. (usually NO "professional cameras with detachable lenses). Others do not. Some are very strict and others are not.. And it can depend on the wishes of the artist who is playing the venue. Some venues jam the signals, or sometimes just the sheer number of phones in close proximity will create issues with live streaming, and cell use in general, for some, not for others. And not always for everyone.. Just a few things that I know from personal experience.. (My iPhone via Verizon worked only intermittently at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas for iHeart, but people sitting next to me with different phones, same provider, worked fine.. the cameras on all of the phones worked, but internet issues for me.. as well as cell tower issues..). Just to let you know about possible problems that you may not know about until the show starts..

But give it a try and see what happens!

By the way, if you can, create a tag here, and perhaps use it on your Live Stream so we know who to follow. You would want to post that info on twitter etc.. and here of course!!!

glitzylady said...

Oh, and see you in Vancouver and both Las Vegas shows!!!

carolynj said...

PRS @4:12 I go north every summer anyway and I have a semi-
Glambert friend there to go with me. I'm hoping she'll be a full-fledged Glambert after the concert. My northern CA home is 6 hours from San Jose--I'm in Eureka.

carolynj said...

I wondered if you'd be in Vancouver. I stay in Bellingham when I go north. My seats are Row 45 on the floor. Where are you? Also, thanks for all your sharing. You are a great fan of Adam's, as are many of you on this site.

Anonymous said...

Nothing compares to live concert. Not even Professional DVD. Cameras can't grab the amazing sound system at these venues. I'm thrilled to witness this once in a lifetime concert at the new renovated LA Forum section 107 row 3.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for all the fans that can't make these concerts. Must be hard to read about people going to multiple shows.

Anonymous said...

@5:58 PM.....JAK, it really isn''s exciting.
I can't be greedy. In my long life I've seen so many Broadway shows, all the great stars, concerts with Elvis, the crazy Jerry Lee Lewis, Frank Sinatra (ya know...Nancy's dad!), Cher, Tom Jones, Michael Bolton.................
all the jazz greats (my husbands type of music), and more,more,more. I've crammed in a long lifetime of live shows so I know the electric tingle everyone will feel when that Queen emblem rises.

YAY for everyone going to the concerts. I am so proud of Adam....and glad I hung around long enough to enjoy this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious young man !

Anonymous said...

See you in Philly! This will be my first time seeing Adam and I'm soooo excited. Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself JAK, it is hard.

Anonymous said...

Love the Eureka area. I'm in Chico. Wish you safe travels this summer.

carolynj said...

Maybe we'll meet at a SF concert in the future when he tours with album #3. Yes, I believe there will be many more tours!

glitzylady said...

I'll be in Section 118, lower section off to the left side of the stage, toward the front of the venue..not sure of the exact seat #'s, but definitely not front row.... Bought some from a friend but I don't have them in hand yet...

Anonymous said...

@7:04 PM ..... I always speak for myself....I'm the only 'me' there is.....JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

@JAK you're so witty. Btw, how is the study going you had mentioned a few weeks ago?

Anonymous said...

@'s always a pleasure to see your tag heading a comment. If that ambassador was Phillip Goldberg did you check out the right eyebrow....interesting arch!
........JAK :-)

Magiclady said...

See you all in LA at The Forum!
Not the greatest seats, but at least I will be there!

Anonymous said...

That would be a treat. I've always had faith he will tour again. :)

Gabi said...

See you in San Jose, in LA, and in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

@8:49 PM....JAK have a good memory!
This is way OT folks!

The study on aging was very interesting and tiring. I don't 'do' sitting for hours on a hard chair well. My vertebrae are rapidly flaking away. The main thing I experience with aging is pain!

We did the usual cognitive testing....reasoning, memory, judgement, perception and they declared my brain fine and dandy....well, they didn't use those exact words, but the electrons and neurons are still firing away, doing what comes naturally. I always love mental testing I think that's why I enjoy Jeopardy!

The visual results were fine, I can read a thousand page Ken Follett novel and only start to blur up about page 900. I knew my auditory test would show damage to my right eardrum due to a wicked line drive in baseball when I was a kid.

My brain (no matter what skeptics may) think is young and feisty. I'm anxious to read the book that will be written. I was sent home, but several were kept for some hopefully beneficial training.

It was rewarding for me that one of the doctors had been my pupil when she was 4 and 5 and I started her out on her long journey to a Pd.D. That's the reward teachers work for....cause in those days it certainly wasn't the money.

Anonymous said...

See you in Toronto and New York!

Anonymous said...

See you in dreamland.

The USA has Queen + Adam, and diehard fans from the world who aren't able to attend concerts for one reason or many reasons can only dream about being at the concerts and catching them on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Dreamland fans unite!

Anonymous said...

@JAK Thanks for the update. :)

Anonymous said...

@ 3:06 AM.....JAK nada, prego, bitte, de rein.
You're welcome!

Anonymous said...

Oops...that's de correct should mind their own business! :-)

HK fan said...

Its really not that hard to hear of fans going to multiple shows.I know realistically that there is no way I can get over to the states which hep. I was lucky enough to see 2 Adam and Queen shows in London, a memory I will treasure for ever, and I am truly happy for all the fans that are going to get to experience that.
I will join JAK and Brownie, Tess4adam, and all the others fans who are only able to watch via youtube, and we will enjoy sharing the videos and recaps from you all.

And welcome back Bing....long time no see.

HK fan said...

oops - helps not hep

Anonymous said...

GlitzyLady - Thank you so much for the stream live information and link. I have a good cel and reception. I will try to learn and give a try. If everything goes well I will send the info before the MSG Concert. Have a terrific day :) Glambert NY.

daydreamin said...

@GlambertNY I hope you can get the live stream to work! Gabi, POS, and CT it would be awesome to meet up with you all somewhere in San Jose! That would be awesome! @Bing it's great to hear from you! Where have you been? JAK sounds like your brain function is great! I can only hope to have the same wjen i am older. Stay the feisty person that we all know and love keep up the posts. I just wish we could get everyone who has never seen Adam lives to these shows!!

Anonymous said...

I imagine you meant me PRS (POS), and wanted to say it would be great to meet you. I know plans are currently in the works on several levels. I'll let you know what comes out in the end.

glitzylady said...

Wish I was going to San Jose... I'd love to finally meet @Daydreamin..and get the chance to see @PRS again...


daydreamin said...

Im sure this thread is long dead but on the off chance, YES PRS my darn autocorrect put POS! I did mean you! I will for your posts for a meetup in my city of San Jose! @Glitzylady someday we will meet. I wish it was San Jose. Have you ever been here?