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Tommy Ratliff: "Adam Lambert's new album is going to be HUGE! Get ready!"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 29, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 29, 2014


Anonymous said...

He's back? X@*#^£>€+#¥ rats!

choons said...

He's back!! : ))))))

Anonymous said...

Hi Tommy I just ordered one of the prints you just started selling today on TJR merch. Tommy such a loyal Adam fan. Love you.

Anonymous said...

He didn't say if he actually heard any of it yet.

Anonymous said...

Just listened to a YouTube video from the UK from a program called Smoke with Adam's Underneath playing in the background.

Anonymous said...

Here is the tv promo for "The Smoke" that uses "Underneath."

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tommy. Such a loyal friend.

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Tommy;he said he'd heard some of the music,but he didn't say that Adam was home;hope he is,tho.

Anonymous said...

Love Tommy. Always loyal and a good friend. AND heck, we cannot wait for the new album! OMG we can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

oh tommy .. if you just go away

Anonymous said...

Oh 3:29 You first.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all the Tommy haters could just wear blinders like horses strapped to their heads. That way you could only see Adam in front of you and be able to enjoy a performance!!!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I do only see Adam until Tommy leans on him like a cat marking it's territory. I don't hate Tommy, I just wish he'd shoo! He seems so obsequiously needy.

Anonymous said...

Are you gearing your comments on fact? Pretty hurtful remarks. Tommy is a good friend of Adams.
Seems you don't have much faith in Adam's judgement either.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam's third album is proably the most anticipated album of this year. He seems to be working very hard on it with Max Martin in Sweden from what we read here. Hopefully he will release the first single early in the fall as he will be riding on the success of those concerts with Queen and his name will be familiar to so many more people. It seems that most performers now are releasing a single first and then continue working to finish up the album for a later release date. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

nope , you and this clingy thing first
his fans are just like him ..yuk

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is such a sweet and funny person. How could someone not like him. He has never hurt Adam. Good friends are a good thing. I think it is awesome that they are still close. I've seen their interaction up close and it is very genuine and loving. They are friends who have been through alot and care for each other. How is this bad? It is sad that some fans feel they need to hate one to love another. Oh well, carry on with your hate I guess. I love both. Glambert always!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Tommy's getting a little pre-taste of Adam's new music. After all, if things so well (and we hope they do), Adam will tour with A3 and Tommy will play lead guitar. Tommy will know the new songs inside and out. I like Tommy, and no amount of crabbiness here about him is going to make me not like him. He's talented, loyal and darn cute. Anything he and Adam do now onstage is very innocuous, IMO. Nothing to get riled up about. Please don't turn this thread into a Tommy hate-fest. Please.

I hope that Adam is NOT home yet from Sweden. I hope he's still there working hard on the new music. He needs as much time as it takes. There's plenty of time for Queenbert preparations and rehearsal.
Oh, and that Smoke promo using Underneath is FANTASTIC!


Anonymous said...

sweet and funny? lol

Anonymous said...

he's a combination of blankness & awkwardness , where did you get the sweet and funny vibes from ? fan fictions ? lamo

Anonymous said...

I think Tommy likes to be equal with Adam.

Anonymous said...

We all see people differently. Some people focus on the negatives more than the positives. Some people get an odd rush from saying bad things about other people. Life's too short to be so nasty about someone you don't even really know.

Anonymous said...

I'm always gobsmacked when those who claim to be Adam fans (regular resident shitstirrers and trolls excluded) without any scrouples pour hateful and hurtful comments on Adam's glamily, friends, co-workers and often also on other artists and performers Adam likes and appreciates.

I'm not saying that you have to like/love everybody and everything Adam does, but why can't you just say your piece in a civil manner?!

No one here truly knows Adam and even less about all the people in Adam's life (those mentioned above), so why be so awful?!? Are you people truly so childish and immature that you think you KNOW these people based on gossip mags, tv programs, interviews, twitter and other social media rumours & 'reports'?!?!

All this and e.g. the amount of assumptions and speculations based on some instagram photos, expressions on a photo... is just staggering and truly makes one wonder whether the study results showing that people are truly getting dumber by the minute with all these modern tech appliances, internet and social media are accurate...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

@8:29 what do you mean by we are making assumptions on instagram photos? Whose instagram photos? You sound like one of those Tommy fans who have their own truth.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is lucky to have Adam. Not sure how loyal I would be if I had a lifetime job though. I mean money is not very important to me. I hate competing and the need to learn new jobs all the time is tiring, especially at my age.

Anonymous said...

TJR needy??????? I think SEK seems like the needy one??????????

choons said...

juvenile "discussion" here - let's move on.

Anonymous said...

Admin.,DELETE!DELETE!!DELETE!!!!@ 8:33AM!!!!!!!!!Rude,crude,etc. remarks on here all the time by this hateful troll!!

Anonymous said...

@9:02 how about Tommy is more important to Adam than SK, Rca and Queen altogether..

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many fans have thought about is Adam gonna like touring with the Queen. I admit I have thought about it..

Anne Marie said...

Adam will be keeping TJR as his guitarist I am sure. It also makes sense that he will let Tommy hear the music before we hear it. Last time Adam's whole family plus Sauli, and Tommy heard it. He wanted every ones reaction to it. I am not a fan of Tommy, but Adam is, so it doesn't matter what we think about him. It's a waste of your time to put Tommy down, what is, is.

Anne Marie said...

I re-read Tommy's tweet, and he doesn't say he has heard anything yet. I don't think there is anything ready yet to be heard. I am sure Adam keeps in contact with Tommy, Adam is excited about his new album, and is working hard on it.

Anonymous said...

Rat-bert alert.

Anonymous said...

@9:09 AM That's not the kind of thing admin disapproves of.

Anonymous said...

ADMiN...... the resident slob's comment needs removed at 8:33. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. So glad you posted! Thx

Anonymous said...

BOTH 8:29's btw - both valid posts, thx

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy have been friends longer than any of us have been fans of Adam. The fans got no right to kick Tommy to the curb.

Anonymous said...

Tommy was a big mistake From the beginning , maybe Adam knew that but choose to ignore it

Anonymous said...

A friendly correction: There are lots of people on this site and others who have been Adam fans longer, most of us from Idol days, some even before that... Tommy came to the scene when Adam's band was formed, i.e. after Am Idol. js

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Omg let's argue about every little thing here.

Anonymous said...

We all want the best for Adam and Adam and part of the fandom thinks it's Tommy. I'm ok with that, because someday when I die I doubt Adam will be my last thought. Priorities.

Anonymous said...

no one will listen when you're shouting !

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

someone is gonna be sent off on the exit train.

Adamluv said...

Love Tommy. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

The arguing is no surprise but

ADMIN, PLEASE DELETE the graphic sexual comment.

glitzylady said...

My experiences with Tommy have left me with positive impressions. He's a decent guitarist and bassist. I do not understand the hate. I also assume Tommy knows something's about Adam's new music... I love Tommy's excitement for sure!

Anonymous said...

I don't hate Tommy. I am just weary of him perpetually sidling up to rub on Adam, yes, like a cat. He's continually harking back to the pretend passion of the GlamNation act! Adam has moved on, Tommy seems unable to leave it. IMO it looks kind of icky. If he would just appear to be engaged in the music and play the guitar with authority and seem to be enjoying himself, then I would enjoy his performance more or at least he wouldn't be a slinking distraction. We are never going to all agree on this subject and I accept that his band members are Adams choice -- it's not like he can hire Brian May!

Anonymous said...

I totally don't hate Tommy. However, I totally agree with 1:22 PM. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

1:42 I have a hard time believing Tall Tree wrote that comment. If she did, she is as childish as1:22.

Anonymous said...

Whomever you are, would you please stop telling Admin to delete posts you don't like. To sanitize the site would make it dull and uninteresting. Freedom of speech is live and well in the USA. Maybe, you need to start your own milk toast/white bread fan site because these posts seem to be too much for you.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

What part was childish? It was an accurate description of Tommy's actions. And did you notice no vulgarity?

Anonymous said...

1:57 some comments are too much for me and I will continue to ask admin to delete them. My freedom of speech is very much alive and well too.

Anonymous said...

@1:49 PM, It's me. Maybe, I'm having a bad day. I'll stop being grouchy.

Tall Tree

glitzylady said...

The only comment I would like to see deleted from this thread is @Anon 8:33 AM. Crude and rude.. Not a prude at all but it's disrespectful to bit Adam and Tommy, IMHO...

glitzylady said...

**both Adam and Tommy***

Anonymous said...

Where is the childish part ? I completely agree with what she/ he said , Tommy thinks his action still works so far !
It's getting tacky actually

Anonymous said...

Tall Tree, here is my unsanitized freedom of speech response: fuck you.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to read the overt sexual comments. They are even worse when they are intended as an insult to Adam and written by a troll.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you get to write whatever you want wherever you want.

Anonymous said...

@2:41 PM, Okay...I don't have a problem with your comment. By the way, I'm not 2:29 PM. I always sign my posts.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said... Sauli looks so sexy. How could Adam ever resist the urge to fuck that mans brains out!

Anonymous said...

Don't just erase, BLOCK

Anonymous said...

I don't know what planet I'm living on ... Because in my view, Tommy rarely, almost never, makes a forward or overtly direct or bold move onstage without a gesture from Adam first. I am utterly befuddled by the attitude towards Tommy some of you take. And it's not like we have to guess, there is much video of every performance, & to me it is so inescapable that Tommy almost never makes any kind of overt action toward Adam without Adam first in some way instigating it! I am trying to be kind here, but man, people got other issues they bring here I think.

Anonymous said...


I think you are so far off the mark IMHO it's comical. Your post was well written and civil, thanks very much. However, for the life of me, I can not see what you are seeing ... & there are hours of video to make a case contrary to the one you adopt.

Anonymous said...

There are just as many hours of Tommy approaching an unaware Adam and lying against his back in a submissive gesture. Fortunately Adam does not step away and let Tommy fall on his a**. We disagree, I comment on what I see. I think Tommy's actions are comical, it distracts from whatever song Adam is singing.

I'm moving on, how about you?

Anonymous said...

This fandom is full of people who just want Adam to stand behind a mike and sing. They often start their posts with "Adam does not need..." (dancers, back up singers, Tommy, stage shananigans, make up), when in fact none of us KNOWS what Adam needs or wants to do...

One of the reasons why I have so enjoyed these years with Adam is that I know he is in charge of his life (both professional and private), I don't need to take charge (like in RL), I don't need to worry or do anything except ENJOY! And oh boy, have I enjoyed!!!

PS. Love, love, love Adam and am a Glambert through a& through; therefore I also love Tommy and the rest of the band, Terrance & the other dancers, the V-Jay-Jays...and probably also the possible future members of the Glamily!

Anonymous said...

Another troll that needs to be deleted and blocked at 3:01pm.

This is a very public blog that anybody can come across. Adam also has very young fans and it's is not appropriate to have comments like 3:01 pm and 8:33 am here.

I'm an adult and I don't want to read that kind of filth here. If this kind of commenting is allowed to continue you can add me to the list of people who have left the site. Pretty soon it will just be vulgar trolls left here.

Anonymous said...

The admin can't block anyone from posting on this site. All they can do is delete comments. That's the downside to letting people comment anonymously.

Anonymous said...

4:02, and she doesn't even delete.

Anonymous said...

Adamtopia can and does block people. But also you cannot use anon, you have to use a tag.

Anonymous said...

Admin once said she can block and when she does you are not allow on any blogger site not just this site.

Anonymous said...

I have a blog with Blogger myself. That is the same provider used here. With Blogger accounts you have a choice of who can leave comments ranging from anonymous to registered users to Google accts and more. You can block followers. You can report trolls as spam which gets them blocked. You can monitor the comments and approve or delete comments before they are seen on the blog. There are add-ons that can block specific IP addresses. Admin has many choices, she just doesn't seem to want to do anything about the situation here.

Anonymous said...


RIGHT ON fellow fan, right on. Gosh, we'll said!! THX

Anonymous said...

Don't jinx it, Tommy. That's what they said about Trespassing, and radio stations wouldn't play it. Mum's the word until the release.

Anonymous said...

You all keep thinking this blog is for the benefit of Adam Lambert. It is not.

Anonymous said...

7:32 of course it isn't but it should remain respectful., I don't care who it is for.

Anonymous said...

Tommy was asked a questions and he answered it. What could be seen as the problem, for god sakes? If he'd answered half-heartedly he would've been blasted!

Most likely, Tommy will be playing these songs in the future, if we go by past concert tours, and it's wonderful that he is excited by what he's heard so far. Lordy, he's part of ADAM'S BAND. A little respect, even if you're not a huge Tommy fan. Adam picked him and has enjoyed working with him ever since.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Why would the admin ever block anyone. The more hits to the site the more ad-share revenue $$$. Cha-Ching! Cha-Ching! All you people arguing are making the admin lots of money. Way to go. Thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

Who are the experts here to judge Tommy's guitar playing? I must not have your ear for perfection. I always enjoy what I hear. Can you site some examples and comparisons so I might educate myself from your knowledge.

Anonymous said...

8:49 pm, you've already heard it. Brian May and Nile Rodgers are examples of great guitar players. Remember Kevin Hastings playing guitar during the radio tour for BTIKM? He is a good guitar player. Or go to you local bar and you can hear adequate guitar players at Tommy's skill level.

Anonymous said...

8:40 PM, one, I doubt Admin makes much money from this site. Two, theoretically she is a fan of Adam. Three, she stands to make more money if this is a pleasant site that attracts fans rather than driving them away as has been the case for some time now.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Tommy has the talent of Brian May, and never will have. Brian May is listed as one of the top three in the world. I think Adam is stuck with Tommy, because of friendship, and loyalty. There might come a time for some reason, that he will replace Tommy, or let him be a back up player, but don't count on it. After the tour, and Adam gets used to singing with Queen, he might hold auditions for a better guitarist, but it will be a bit more expensive. Wishful thinking I know. I have nothing against Tommy, but Adam needs someone better. I think he could use a whole new band, now that he is making more money. But he wont do it, this is what comes of having your friends play for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, fellow fan!

After reading this thread...have to say my gosh some of you are so depressing...

Anonymous said...

10:14 yes we know, you must have written this same comment a million different ways over the years.

Anonymous said...

If Adam Lambert wants to be real world star, he needs a good band, nothing to do with friendships. Straight people are not interesting of gay kissings on stage etc. I know many people who says that he is so good singer, but other things spoils his popularity. Hope the things are changing.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is Adam Lambert wannabe, he feeds on his demented 'fans' by encouraging 'subtlely'.
A typical example, a twitter handle usually send horrible tweets to Adam, his ex boyfriend or close friends..she had a twitter bio
'in my dreams with TJR'..yeah its not Tommy's fault if someone decides to be that stupid on twitter, but guess what he did?...he tweeted her 'HBD to his lovely fan' like who does that?
Stop saying he is loyal, he needs the money and cheap popularity he gets from Adam..
I am not wild about Sauli, but we all know that he is needy and clingy like Tommy.. Imagine Tommy was Adam's boyfriend *shuddering at the thought*

Anonymous said...

sauli ISN'T needy like Tommy
damn phone!

Anonymous said...

Reminder of what someone intelligently said upthread... the fact of the matter (yes, facts, those pesky little inescapable things) is that NONE of us here on this blog know much of real, concrete, deeper-than-surface things about Tommy, professionally or otherwise. (We hear how he plays, his playing we can judge after listening, sure, but there are pros & cons that can be made for every band member, that's life). Good grief, I can not believe that people, probably smart, capable people here, really think that what they know of Tommy from social media and the like amounts to a hill of beans, let alone a basis from which to make statements delivered as facts. And that video after video referred to here, concert footage, I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen Tommy be the aggressor (for lack of a better word) in an interaction with Adam, and I venture to guess I haven't missed a minute of concert footage in 4 years (maybe that's not something I should proud of, :), but it's true ;)). In my view, Adam is the boss on that stage, through and through. Regarding skills, can a case be made for replacing Tommy, I suppose, but may I remind you all (and I am an uber Adam fan here) that Adam hasn't had some solo career arena selling out tour by which to draw the best guitarists in the world. Not trying to be snarky, just trying to be a fan while also being a realist, which so many of you here like to also be, seemingly by your comments posted here. Could Tommy contribute what Monte did in Fantasy Springs that day with that initial searing, sultry slowed down Whole Lotta Love - probably not... but what is apparent to me is that Tommy is working very diligently on his skills!!!! That I am knowledgeable enough about music to ascertain by watching this past 2 year's performances. Geez, the guy is obviously working very hard on his skills, and to that I say good on 'ya Tommy. Thumbs up to 'ya dude.

Sorry to be so verbose, really I just wanted to throw in my two cents that I think it needs to be remembered that we don't know jack squat about real relationships, intentions, motives, feelings, actions... about the people we read about on public blogs and fansites! FACT. We have come to glean quite a bit about Adam, real information, because he is so forthcoming... but the same can not be said for many of the people in his life around him, professionally and not, so I'd invite us all to keep in mind that what we know from social media doesn't mean sh*t in the total scheme of things, and to make sweeping generalizations, unkind ones at that, is not only foolish, but outright small minded. I do not address the sh*t-stirrers here, they will do what they do, let them have at it and it is for intelligent, well balanced people to scroll on by; but I address those people who I really think admire and enjoy following Adam's career, care about it, and yet seem to have this, imho, misguided emphasis on Tommy's role in it. Just my POV. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:53
nice and intelligent words, might have agreed with you except that Tommy seems shady
sorry..its my opinion

Anonymous said...

@March 31 6:25am

No dog in this fight, but the whole essence of your brief post suggests that you wouldn't have agreed with or seriously entertained the thoughts put forth in the 5:53 post at all... that you wouldn't have had an open mind to the points made in 5:53 at all. So Transparent. Btw 6:25, opinions don't always have to be based exclusively on visceral reaction, there is such a thing as an INFORMED opinion. Give us some evidence as to why you hold so strongly your opinion that Tommy is Shady, I promise you I will consider your evidence quite seriously. Whatever, this is just a blog, it's going to get all kinds, carry on.

Anonymous said...

TommyJoeRatliff: So, I'm selling some prints on :) photos by twink6…

Anonymous said...

Obviously what @5:53 said did not sink in with you... "seems shady"... that's not an opinion, just your subjective projection based on some pics, vids, twitter gossip...and sounds so judgemental.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:08
I was following TJr on twitter and usually see his retweets, favourites and all..there was a twitter handle that usually tweet horrible tweets to ( Sauli,Adam and any close friend of Adam's). There was a type i confronted her and she and her armies attacked me..VEHEMENTLY!
Many Glamberts then, asked him to put his 'followers' to order, he did..sent a stupid tweet about liking Sauli, Adam blah blah...then went ahead and praised this same twitter handle and called her fav. Fan...
Truth is Tommy might be a cool guy and all, but if he can't his fans to order, unfollow the stubborn ones....'m sorry, i'm not buying the good guy charade.

Anonymous said...

@8:40 Nothing wrong with that, imo. In fact I hope admin profits something from this sh*t. Fans sometimes ask for donations. I would donate for this site, if it was needed. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree that Tommy sometimes uses cheap adommy tricks to get some popularity among fans. He won't get great success by doing that for sure.

Anonymous said...

Also, I don't understand why fans should compare Tommy and Sauli. Two different things. Tommy is Adam's guitarist/bassist and Sauli was Adam's bf. Only the Adommy fans (and perhaps Tommy himself?!) see them as rivals for Adam's attention. I hope that is not what boosts Adam's ego! Think about it..

Anonymous said...

@2:29 PM, I forgot to say thank you! I appreciate your support!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Okay @March 31 at 8:31AM

That is a rather compelling scenario.

There are things that go on in peoples lives behind the scenes that we can never fully understand or know about.

Anonymous said...

why doesn't TJR chew gum while on stage?

Anonymous said...

The topic was Adam's new music. Can't wait, ADAM!!!

Or actually, can wait fine, take your time, ADAM!