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Very Handsome!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 9, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, March 09, 2014


Anonymous said...

Shave that ruffage Adam

Anonymous said...

@11:26 You need anger management..

Anonymous said...

Adam should get some Skingraft leather outfits as his wardrobe for the concerts. Love the top hat and his leather sleeves with fringes. Dragon Attack jacket is a must. Love his new leather pants and the one he wore last year at WAF gala in NY. The leather vest with studs is nice. His same total outfit at AIS8 finale with Queen is fabulous. Just some suggestions for the looks I love to see him at one of the concerts I'll be attending. BTW love his look in this picture. Facial hair is popular instyle now. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I think he will definitely have new outfits..

Anonymous said...

I like the the Blonds jackets. The hippie fringes not so much. I hope to see the yellow striped Blonds jacket on tour. Roger and Brian said they like the Trespassing album. My heart is full.

Anonymous said...

As long as Adam wears tight pants and shows a bit of skin, I'm good. LOL.

The singing is a given, of course.

HK fan said...

As much as I like the elmo jacket...its been done. He needs new outfits for the tour.

Anonymous said...

No he can wear the Elmo jacket for a brief time on this tour. I would love to see it in person.

Anonymous said...

facial hair is so ugly on Adam. shave please.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the hippy fringe at all. The emo jacket probably won't surface again - it's been done - onwards & upwards in the wardrobe department.

Anonymous said...

It'd be one thing if Adam's facial hair suited him but it doesn't. It detracts from his handsome face.

Anonymous said...

Such a handsome man he is!!!

What a bunch of teenage comments! I like...I don't like... lol

He will surprise us all anyhow.... :)))

Anonymous said...

Don't shave it!!!:) Perfect for the concert tour indeed!!:)

Especially for the rock album he!he!

Love his facial hair it compliments his eyes!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

This heading is really cute. Yesterday it was Handsome! and I wrote on the thread; today it's Very handsome! So tomorrow it'll be Very very handsome! And following that, perhaps, Extraordinarily handsome! lol!

Handsome Adam
Throws no tantrums
Always smiling
That's why he's handsome
He sings like a nightingale
Those lingering wails
That cut through the ether in a sonic trail
Of echoing effervescent notes
That seem to ooze out of his throat lol!
We are so accustomed to his face
Sometimes he looks like a clean-cut gentleman
At times, like the boy next door
Adam is such a tease
But we Glamberts are pleased
With all his many whims and fancies
Lost in his no-exit crazy maze
Of daily excitement, trying to keep up the pace
Concerts, fashions, gossips, dates, venues, albums, displays
So involved, micro, dizzy and dazed lol!


Anonymous said...

Love it, Lam-my. :)

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam will shave his face (fully) when every other guy does. He's a follower, not a leader.

Anonymous said...

Love the Featured Pic.

Anonymous said...

If you got to meet Adam today would you actually tell him you think he looks ugly and needs to shave? Would you actually say that to the sweet man that is so full of positivity and so supportive of other people? Then don't say it here either.

Anonymous said...

Some really cruel and bossy people here.

Anonymous said...

4:54 AM
Freedom of speech and stop telling other people what to do.

Anonymous said...

LOL the old freedom of speech excuse to say whatever you want no matter what.

Anonymous said...

I don't mention to my g'son that I miss his sweet shaven cheeks, if he had a Duck Dynasty beard I'd still be glad to see him. Fortunately he has a beard like Adam's, it's soft to touch and he looks like a pirate! When he's thru 'playin'
I will welcome back his 'sweet cheeks' as I will welcome back Adams.

I think I have the weather on my soon as hot summer comes here in Florida, that beard is gonna be too darn hot in his Megatron Transformer costume & helmet at Universal Studios!
I can wait!.....JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

he's not a Stripper .. stop asking for tight pants and shows a bit of skin, if you want that you know where to gets it . have some respect for him ..omg

Anonymous said...

my 5 yrs nephew can wrote better poems than lam-my ,haha

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing that we all know what Adam should or should not wear during his appearances with Queen. It's all a personal choice including the facial hair or not. Adam will surprise us with whatever he chooses to wear. I am sure it will be something special for these shows. Black will probably be the color choice for the wardrobe he selects. I think I am more interested in the music, the song choices they will perform even though I will not be able to see any of the concerts. I will have to rely on videos hopefully that will be on this blogsite for all the details.

Anonymous said...

I wanna eat up Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hey Thank you! 4:51 !


Anonymous said...

When will you accept that there are Glamberts from all ages, sizes, races and preferences - and that Adam provides something to listen to and to look at for each and everyone who just wants to see it, look for it and wait for it.
So many have said he's a chameleon, and that he truly is in his performances, in more official meetings, festive occasions and on leisure.
BUT it is impossible for any one, not even this multitalented versatile International Superstar to please each and every one every day, every occasion, so stop arguing and look at those pics/vids YOU love, listen to those performances/songs YOU love - there's so much to choose from! And REJOICE and wait happily, cause there will be new photos, vids and performances that YOU will love!!! That's a GUARANTEE!

Anonymous said...

you're not seductive !, you idiot

Anonymous said...

I wanna eat him up, too.

Anonymous said...

same person again
your mouth is too filthy for him , give up dummy!

jackie said...

Just got my tickets for Madison Sq Gardens. At first only $90 seats available high up so my son in law using his AMEX card found $225 VIP side and front of stage first row with all the perks T shirt, photos etc etc. I didn't care I said get them. I will probably never see Adam and Queen in Madison Sq Gardens again so I am thrilled. Very very happy. By the way only went to one Glam Nation Concert and that was in London (was visiting my sister at the time)the seats were up so high we needed binoculars. So as you can see I haven't spent a fortune on this wonder guy but I said to myself Jackie go for it its a birthday present to myself.
Needless to say I am happy, happy, happy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jackie! So happy for you and all Adam fans who scored tickets!...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

My computer has broken down, I'm using my sons for the nest week but then he needs it back, so knowing these concerts are coming up has really spurred me on to get back to work asap to buy a new computer hopefully just in time for Adam and Queen, so I have Adam to thank for putting a stop to my procrastination and putting my plans into action. I just love this guy so much.

Anonymous said...

I was so afraid that I would not get tics but I did I figured double the price on TM and I got them so excited can t work

Anonymous said...

I was so afraid that I would not get tics but I did I figured double the price on TM and I got them so excited can t work

Anonymous said...

See how excited

Anonymous said...

I can't go to the concert, to far away. But went into his fan base to check it out anyway. Next time I will know more on how to go about the ticket process in his fan club. I looked like I could of got a seat up close, but had to stop so I would not get charged, they had the clock running and it timed out. Oh well it was fun anyway. Congratulation who ever got tickets, and will be at the concerts. You are so lucky, and must be really excited.
Will have to wait for his new album to come out, and maybe a tour. Looking for video taping from the concerts. For the ones that can't go.

Anonymous said...

@5:47 AM

Your 5 year old nephew must be a high achiever and a litter genius if he comes even come close to writing the beautiful poems and words that come from Lam-my's heart and her experiences in life. Also, the wonderful moving art she expresses about our beautiful Adam.

Let's hope that your nephew does not ever display the rude and demeaning behavior of his aunt regarding another human beings expression of their art.

Anonymous said...


Well you'er following Adam around with your silly remarks; he's certainly not follwing you; so who is leading who? I guess that knocks the wind out of your stupid theory!!

Anonymous said...

There is so much excitement in Glam Nation today. I can feel in the air. Getting my tickets today; just can't wait.

Anonymous said...

@5:47 AM

I bet you can't!!

Anonymous said...

So that is why I had trouble getting tickets. They were tied up by somebody who had no intention of ever buying them.

Anonymous said...

Yes I had great intention of buying tickets, but the distance is to far. I have every right to check the web site out even through I did not buy. Not a nice comment at all. I belong to that fan club, and paid money for it. I have every right being in there.
A very rude comment at 1:13.

Anonymous said...

at 1:13pm

If you really want tickets; you can get them, no one person that probably may not even be in the same state can stop you. Get real!
Certainly not @1:28pm's fault; but you already know that don't you?

Anonymous said...

So if I didn't like her poems I'm rude huh?
Stupid people .. Stupid people everywhere !

Anonymous said...



You would think that they would go to thier favorite artist and post . .

Anonymous said...

Of course I can't , I will never allow my self to write stupid stuff like that
I write better though , but it's not your business so .. Bye .

Anonymous said...

@1:48PM You really need to get a grip on just about everything.

Anonymous said...

@12:00 PM
That is a very good idea to have a dry run on ticket buying before you're 'under the gun' to actually do it.

Anonymous said...


You are posting on an open forum; so you are making your remarks the business of everyone who wishes to respond.

You claim to be so much smarter then everyone; thought you would at least know that!

Vicki in Ohio said...

@Lam-my Every line of your poem is so true! I' m not new to this site but sort of new at posting comments.I have followed Adam since Idol and love him very much. I got tickets for the Detroit concert,still can't believe it. Are you going to any of the concerts?

Anonymous said...

I think it's just one bitter childish person...

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful Adam day.
Everyone seems so happy; love it. Finally got my tickets; so thrilled. Now I can't wait for the day I see Queen and Adam to come; but, I will!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a gorgeous, gorgeous picture of Adam! There are so many though. I swear, this man gets more handsome every step he takes; and I am watching him!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi 5:47am ...

I would think twice about criticizing someone else’s post.

You said, "my 5 yrs nephew can wrote better poems than lam-my, haha". And, then, you go on to defend it in a follow-up post. Ummm, you may want to check your own writing abilities with the English language before calling others on the carpet. Just sayin'.

If you insist on being rude to a goodhearted fan, expect to get feedback.
And, yes, it was rude... not just an opinion. You don't have to do that to join in the conversations here. We love talking to and hearing from all fans with all different kinds of opinions. It's just that meanness is never appreciated. Thanks.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Xo Laura
They can speak for themselves , mind your own business Laura !

Anonymous said...

Not true , you said " We love talking to and hearing from all fans with all different kinds of opinions. "
Everyone had different opinion here gets criticize to death and sometimes they call him troll , and from who ? a goodhearted fans like you said ,wow .. a goodhearted indeed !

Anonymous said...

Nope, 3:28pm, not going to mind my own business when it comes to a poster being mean to another poster for meanness sake.

3:17pm, I called no one a troll. Opinions are fun to discuss, but I will agree that sometimes overly sensitive souls will read opinions the wrong way and take them way too seriously.

Lam-my has been a long time fan of Adam's and most of her posts are harmless fun. As far as her taking some opinions too seriously in the past and lashing out, well, that's for her to address. I have no desire to get into it. But, the poem she posted TODAY did not deserve the ragging from 5:47... silly and mean it was, as Yoda would say. She was just having some creative fun.

Thanks for the discussion!
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Poetry is an art form. Just as everyone does not like every painting or every song, they may not like every poem or poet, however that doesn't mean it isn't rude to say so. If I don't like them, I just keep my mouth shut. That's easy and not hurtful.

What is gained by being rude other than the warped satisfaction of being mean?

Anonymous said...

5:03pm ...


xo laura

Anonymous said...

If you want to practice your dry run ticket buying don't do it as soon as buying opens. Tickets are held out of the pool for at least two minutes and another ten minutes if you start the purchase process. Meantime fans who will buy are hitting search repeatedly and are thinking all the tickets are gone. They aren't gone, they are sitting in your experimental dry run. Have some consideration for other fans at the height of the buying time.

Anonymous said...

@4:01 PM

So you say the person is a him? Well maybe people are just misunderstanding him; and he should explain himself more clearly.

Anonymous said...

That is one of the most gorgeous pictures of Adam. Eyes, baby eyes!

Anonymous said...

Got my tickets; so excited I could scream; but, I won't, people will think I really lost it. So thought I would come here and SHOUT!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind generous appreciation of my poems / writings and your defending. Actually it's all fun to me; I too can't figure out why Adam sparks these light-hearted fun poems out of me. It still seems surreal actually. It also goes to show how stimuli and experiences can draw out things from the brain...rather mind-boggling. lwl!

Hi Vicki!
By the way, I like your name. Whoa! you got your AdamQueen concert ticket, that calls for a celebration. lwl! Actually Margarita Lady invited me twice to go to the concert with her, whoa! just the thought is so exciting; alas can't oblige but I have wild imagination and the QueenAdam concert videos are superb, almost like seeing AdamQueen live; but definitely not real. lwl! Hey Thank you! for enjoying my poem.

Hey Laura!
Yea I've always seen you standing up to adversaries, for others! That indeed is a courageous, admirable quality. Thank you! for taking that knock on my account. Yea you got it! about my posts being harmless and fun. At times I seem cornered and when I lash out it can be rough and I know that, but only as a last resort.

Thank you all three above!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your clear-cut comment on poetry. Again, my encounter with writing poems came about accidentally; I used to write haiku and never thought I could write anything more than that. lwl! And then Adam keeps igniting my brain cells, seemingly endless. lol!


Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, haiku though consisting only of 3 lines, has to be very subtle, real and precise to get the feelings across...not easy at all.


Anonymous said...

This picture of Adam makes me think he needs a group hug from all who love him.

Anonymous said...

This is an old haiku...Adam was in Singapore, performing at the Padang, a large historic field / related to the Japanese Surrender of Singapore.

His ethereal voice
Soars into the sunset sky
Padang, 20,000


(p/s posted at Examiner)

Anonymous said...

Broadcast everything you do, Lammy. Remind us every chance you get, over and over. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh I would like to show my appreciation again to my dear brave cyberpals who put their foot down against jealousy and lying as seen on this thread and others; targeted at Adam and Adam's dedicated fans. Especially a couple intimidated beings who ply this site stalkishly hopeful to catch an incriminating morsel. lol!
My cyberpals who I enjoy talking to:
Margarita Lady, Kindred, Laura, Vicki, Adamluv, Tess4Adam, JAK, Rosepetal, Sue, atm, SG, DRG, CT, Leilani, Glitzylady, Jadam, Super Anons. Thank you all! Wow! I do have many pals here. No wonder I have to recapitulate some of the things.


Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.......JAK here.....5:03 was my post.

I think those of us who often comment in verse are occasionally misunderstood. We don't write asking for praise for our effort, it's just a lifelong habit, the words well up and come pouring out. Sometimes at odd moments!
I've "composed" sitting in a dentist's chair, lying absolutely still on an MRI table, always during long drives or flights and during the middle of the night. I keep a pad and pen by my bed and frequently wake up to see I've scrawled a line or two. Just words that seem to flow.

Sometimes I write a poem around them....sometimes not. Some phrases I've tried for years to incorporate with no success. I've always liked "slip into a river of memories" but have never found a place for the line.
I only recently wrote a poem about a phrase I've loved for about 30 years! "Reaching out into the sun, I catch happiness." What a relief it was to finally find a home for that line!

I understand completely your compulsion to write, it's irresistible, don't's just your way of commenting. quote Adam, "some people like it, some don't". No big deal! :-)

Anonymous said...

I had no idea it was you but as I said it was clear-cut to the point; and I read your question at the end a couple of times...makes good sense.

Oh I left out Nancdruuu2, Daydreamin and Axel; they should be included in my cyberpal list.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my I love your poems and words, they take my mind off on journeys far away from my every day life:D I´m your kindred sister:)))!
Have a lovely Adam Day! Sending you a huge cyberhug!:D

Anonymous said...

Hey kindred sis!
Yea I know, you are so warm with your heartfelt telepathic cyberhug. Thank you! :D
