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Young & handsome Adam old picture!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Thursday, March 27, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 27, 2014


Anonymous said...

he looks like a big chick magnet. chicks don't do a thing for him. Nothing NADA

choons said...

Oh his lovely cheeks! What a doll.

Anonymous said...

Adorable smile..

Vicki in Ohio said...

Love this look but I also love all of his ever changing looks. Gorgeous and talented man !

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Hooray for can capture moments you never want to forget!

I think Adam will always be a chick magnet....reluctant or not!

Anonymous said...

chicks don't put a perk in the peacock? c'mon!

Anonymous said...

BABE!! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so cute in these pics, always smiling.

Anonymous said...

Like the clean shaven look, no excess rats and no awful nose ring. Too bad he has to keep ruining his good looks. Should have stayed like this.

Anonymous said...

It's been five years since that pic for pete's sake...get real and follow the change. Nothing stays the same! Eagerly waiting for what Adam comes up....every day... ad infinity!

Anonymous said...

10:46, really shallow attitude.

Anonymous said...

@10:46 I was trying to figure out what excess rats were...then it dawned on me that you must've meant to type "tats". *giggle*

I'm finding that I like both the tats and the nose ring, maybe cuz they give him a more edgier look, along with that gorgeous face and killer bod. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think some of us might, if it were possible, choose a period in time which we could have frozen. At 21 I was def HOT! But if I'd stayed there I would have missed years of good times.......( and good food ). :-(

Adam is moving ahead, living his life, experimenting with lots of looks,
He is def a fashionista! ...... Ole' ..... JAK

Anonymous said...

I suppose since Adam is busy working on his album in Sweden, we are not getting too many new pics of him so we are seeing some of the older ones. It is amazing to see the transition in Adam over the last 5 or 6 years since Idol. Even though we see a change in his hairstyle or color, the kind of clothes he wears, facial hair or not, the voice and the talent still remain the same...amazing. Adam is an extremely talented individual in a music world filled with so many untalented and attention seeking performers who seem to be in it now.

Anonymous said...

4:47 PM . . . AMEN

Anonymous said...

JAK @10:11 AM

I second that emotion. One big BRAVO for you enlightened post!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:47 PM

Thank you; I totally agree with you. You hit the nail on the head, so to speak!!!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion; Adam has never looked better!! Forward he marches into the future with gusto!!

Anonymous said...

Agree with poster @4:47 for the most part...However I think his talent has not remained the same... He's all grown up now and his talents have been 'groomed and developed further' by each passing year!

Anonymous said...

TommyJoeRatliff: So, I'm selling some prints on :) photos by twink6…

Anonymous said...