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Adam Lambert followed bluehamilton on Instagram!!

Filed Under (, ) by Adam Lambert on Saturday, April 5, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, April 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam is in LA and bored.

Anonymous said...

10.45 pm
It seems he's in Stockholm.

Anonymous said...

Where oh where is my living angel, oh where oh where can he be?

When will he come home to me?

Anonymous said...

And why wouldn't Adam be spending a lot of time in Europe. People seem to forget that he has a sold out tour coming up this summer with QUEEN (probably planning rehearsals with them) AND he is working extremely hard on his next album with the amazing and incredibly successful music producer Max Martin!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is working with a bunch of songwriters who max martin has enlisted into a writing collective using his name. They are not people who are well known or have produced any hits, ie they are nobodies. There is a big difference between that and actually working with max martin.

Anonymous said...

A snippet of Runnin' used at 9:28

Runnin' by Adam Lambert used in a TV coverage of Kirin Challenge Cup 2014, Mar 5, Japan-NZ @9:28 via @harubon_ TY!

Anonymous said...

8:16 am, you have no idea who all the songwriters are that are working with Max or how much Max is in the studio with everybody. Max isn't going to let anything harm his reputation as a hit maker.

Anonymous said...

New to me pic of Adam and Caleb from AI mentoring:

NEW PIC for me from AI workshop Love these 2 #calebjohnson @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

8 26
You did notice that neither adam nor shoshanna have ever said adam was working with max and neither retweeted the reports that he was. why do you think that is? Maxs reputation is secure. This songwriting collective is a new business venture for him and if adam can't come up with a hit its not maxs problem.

Anonymous said...

8:38, They let it "leak" to Rolling Stone that Adam is working with Max Martin. Everybody knows it now. Adam said he was keeping more to himself this time around and he has.

All you do is spout your theories. You have nothing to back up anything you say. You don't know much about who Max is working with and to what degree. Got an article saying its all new people and Max is hands off? No, you don't. And now that the media has said Adam is working with Max you can bet it's Max's problem.

You are really just a troll here always putting Adam and his fans down. Weird obsession. Don't you have anything else to do in your sad life?

Anonymous said...

8 56
Lol so delusional. Hilarious

Anonymous said...

Sauli and his hot doc posting cute pics from the Bahamas this morning. So happy for sauli!!!

Anonymous said...

9:18, such a troll.

Anonymous said...

But not a very good troll :p

Anonymous said...

8:38/9:18 is just a sad and angry person.

Anonymous said...

9:37, nice to hear Sauli has a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

It must be a slow news day in Adam and Tommy fandom, if you're stalking Sauli voluntarily. ;)

Anonymous said...

9:18 when in doubt ad hominem ?

Anonymous said...

I'll say!!!

Anonymous said...

Even if Adam is or has been working with Max Martin personally, it doesn't mean that he isn't working with Max's team as well, while Max is doing other things. It doesn't have to be either/or and probably isn't.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Max M would have a bunch of no-talents on his team. I'm sure there are quality people on the team as well as Max himself.

Anonymous said...

10:26, that's all they got.

Anonymous said...

I sort of like the thought of new blood working with Adam.8:23 thanks for the link nice to hear when a TP or FYE song is used somewhere. My sister uses Runnin' as a work out song.

Anonymous said...

10 34
Tove lo is a third place finisher from Swedish Idol who is just now putting out music. It's basically like working with alison iraheta. The UK guy has exactly one song to his credit.

Max martin charges 100k per song for starters. And that doesn't count all the musicians and cowrters and studio time expenses. No one is investing multiple millions of dollars in the album of a guy who sold under 200k and couldn't get a song on the radio. If max has a great song he wouldn't be giving it to adam, he'd give it to someone who is successful.

Anonymous said...

10:53 -- Wow, what a sad life you have :(. Poor you.

Anonymous said...

10:53 thanks for telling us that same story for the hundredth time.

Anonymous said...

10:53, you are still just blabbing without any links or real information to back up what you are saying. It's just you trolling.

Tove Lo is getting rave reviews world wide. She is not an Alison Iraheta.

Max Martin only works with labels so Adam has a label behind him.

You are so transparent. Just give it up.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna think positive. Adam did work with successful producers on Trespassing. Pharrel for example. I just think he shouldn't have done the radio promo with Tommy who obviously didn't value it as much as FYE album and especially Fever.

Anonymous said...

Omg there are not many sane people left on here anymore. Lol a bitter old troll and a Tommy hater.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 You may want to watch Trespassing radio promo tour vids. They played Fever. Fever was a radio single in Denmark and it didn't do very well.

Anonymous said...

*comment was meant to @11:09, who thinks I'm a Tommy hater.

Anonymous said...

11:15 ummm ok thanks for explaining that to me.

Anonymous said...

11 03
This fan fantasy that adm has to have a label because he is working in Sweden is hilarious

Anonymous said...

LOL at the troll saying Martin isn't involved. In the Billboard article Janiak says Martin and others have conjured special moments in the studio.

Shoshanna's pal Peter Pop posted the story so you know it is true.

Others reported the same story, working with Martin, produced by Martin and no corrections came from either Adam's camp or Max Martin's camp.

Anonymous said...

Tommy sucks! And when I say sucks I mean Adam's dick.

Anonymous said...

11 05
He worked with big names because he had a big label pouring big money into him. He isn't that guy anymore

Anonymous said...

I am hoping they would play Better Than I Know Myself on their next promo tour, but you might say why the heck would he do that. Though it was a real single, but it's not on the new album. All in all I'm happy Adam is doing the album in Sweden. Less complaining about the music this time.

Anonymous said...

11:28 one hundred and one times now.

Anonymous said...

I just feel sad for adam these days. Seems to be spending his time with an 18 yo mall cashier. Lol

However, so happy for sauli having a lovely vacation with a very handsome and successful guy!

Anonymous said...

Happy for both guys if they are happy!

Anonymous said...

LOL the troll just can't accept that Adam has been recording in Sweden for two months now with Max Martin. That's good no matter how the troll spins it.

Anonymous said...

Mte, if Adam is happy I don't care what the guy does for living. As long as he's not asking money from me ;) I'm sure Adam will get enough money from the Q+AL tour.

Anonymous said...

Sadly all the money adam will earn seems like it's going right into his album. And we know that doesn't have much chance of success. Money down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Admin, please delete 11:27am #3.

Anonymous said...

11:34, oh please. Like you know.\

Anonymous said...

Gawd all the sad trolls on here today are making me sad. Lol

Anonymous said...

I don't know; but I think this person posting negative and untrue things all over these threadsk since so many good things are happening to Adam; may not be just a random troll. He or she is beginning to seem like someone who has a definite vendetta against Adam the man!

Don't know if it was someone who worked with Adam at one time; or their spouse. Maybe someone who feels as though they should be having the same kind of success as Adam.

I just know that each time Adam is about to put out an Album; someone tries to throw a wrench in it. So bad; that last time; a stupid law suit was involved. So who knows; there is always lingering resenments somewhere; even for a great and wonderful man like Adam!

Anonymous said...

Why can't we get rid of this foul mouth condescending thing? Go Away! Get busy with your sad life. Don't project your sad life here onto Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

@11:47AM how do you know about Adam's financial matters? Are you his accountant?

Anonymous said...

@1:24 PM

Ha, I know, right? Pretty sad state of mind at 11:47 AM.

Anonymous said...

This thing is like a stalker in a bad way. Hope Admin. could have found out exact location of this thing and reported it to authorities. This thing is obsessed sexually with Adam in a disgusting way and has a violent behavior of attacking every good news about Adam and his fans. Go take care of your sad life instead of dwelling on someone you don't like.

Anonymous said...

Someone was sending a lot of nasty tweets to Adam yesterday. A fan complained to Twitter and got the account shut down within hours. So, it is possible to shut down these trolls.

Anonymous said...

3:16, we need admin to do that here and she doesn't seem to care how nasty or sexual it gets.

Hk fan said...

alas its true...Admin only seems to care about number of hits, and it doesn't seem to worry her/him that 95% of them are nasty and negative...

Anonymous said...

Oh geez ladies stop your bitching.

Anonymous said...

If you crazy people on this thread would post with a tag, we'd all know who we're talking to and who the trolls are. Admin needs to require sign in/log out.

56 comments and two tags: Hk fan and me.


Anonymous said...

4:57, time tags seem to be working for us. Do you think you could get the trolls to sign in with Troll 1, Troll 2, etc?

Anonymous said...

Hi Shiggles...always nice to see your tag.... :-)

Anonymous said...

Same trend
criticise Adam's career choices
praise his ex boyfriend....

Anonymous said...


I know, right?

Anonymous said...

Please IGNORE the resident trouble makers!

You've heard it all before. Let them stay in the cutter, where they belong!