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Adam Lambert On New Album: "Completely post-modern affair. Very sonically diverse and very honest." + NEW PICTURE

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, April 01, 2014


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Anonymous said...

the new/old picture is incredibly hot! So excited for album 3!

Anonymous said...

Very, very handsome but doesn't look recent . Nose ring? No shaved sides of hair?

Anonymous said...

I just read in the Sexy Pic post (the one with the pic of Adam laying on the stage) that JAK is taking a break due to the smut and disgusting comments that are there. Why won't Admin delete that trash? All it does is drive away nice people. I'm so sick and tired of the trolls here.

Anonymous said...

OMG new video of Sauli baking cookies :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for album 3.

Anonymous said...

So, everything is relative (individual perception).

Anonymous said...

I think the picture is a little tense and scary - but handsome!

I'm trying to figure out Adams statement about new album. Sonically diverse just means - lot of different sounds.
Post modern?
In the pre-modern world religion was the source of truth and reality.
In the modern world-science was the source of ---- etc.
In the post-modern world-there is no single defining source beyond the individual!

So - I'm just going to hope you can dance to it!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so cute!

Anonymous said...

That video of Sauli baking cookies, looks like a commercial for the decoration items for cookies. Wonder if he did it here or in Finland?
I hope that JAK will be back, so enjoy her comments. I think she will stalk to see how this thread is going. I sure wish we had more co-operation from ADMIN. That is where the problem lies. Maybe we could get rid of the people who make these crude remarks against Adam.

Anonymous said...

Freaking gorgeous! Adam has fully come into his own......and he is astounding! Wow! So powerful in the most beautiful way! Wow, just WOW,

Anonymous said...

9:34 sonically diverse mean it isn't all one type of music e.g. not all pop or not all dance.

Anonymous said...

Something for everyone is a must in this fandom.

Anonymous said...

But it could just mean Adommy is back. I'm a realist.

Anonymous said...

9:46 - isn't that what I said? : )
"A lot of different sounds."

Anonymous said...

Adommy was never gone, just hidden. Adam and Tommy have been together sinse the AMAs in 2009. They've just been lying to everyone about ther secret relationship. Open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled that Adam's twitter party last night ended on an uplifting and exciting note about his music. He is smart to just give away enough to spark a discussion. Can't wait for #era3!

The picture is proof what he does to us. Wham!

Anonymous said...

@10:09 I have opened my ears too. Sonically diverse is like Tommy's guitar playing.

Anonymous said...

Sauli AKA Adam's sperm recepticle ;)

Anonymous said...

you suddenly wants to talk about Adommy crap ? no one interested
oh .. and no one interested about Sauli ether .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:15 AM - you misspelled receptacle.
Why am I not surprised?

Anonymous said...

Tommy's face is covered with Adam's jizz. Yummy snack.

Anonymous said...

Wow that picture! Adam is truly a man, so handsome, pure sex!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Adam is a man but sometimes he's a woman when he takes a hard throbbing cock in his ass.

Anonymous said...

So beautifull! I am so excited about the new album, how on earth are we able to wait patiently!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for everthing coming up for Adam. Going to be a fun summer.

Anonymous said...

@10:30 Check postmodernism and conspiracy theories. Adommy fits the conspiracy theory category. I don't believe in it. I do follow Sauli in the media though.

Anonymous said...

Sonically different was on both FYE and Trespassing albums and I can't wait to see what Adam is cooking for his third album. Best cooks are the ones that always experiment new things. That very well applies to music.

Anonymous said...

10:15 I'm my husbands sperm receptical but there is love included. Adam loved Sauli lets stop making it so trashy.

Anonymous said...

Where is Admin? Did she took vacation time?

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam had something special and I have no doubts they are still attracted to each other. Seeing each other now and then is not unusual but it's how you build a life time relationship.

Anonymous said...

A Great Big World ‏@agreatbigworld
GLEEEEEEEEE! Watch it TONIGHT to hear them sing "Rockstar"!! @gleeonfox @adamlambert @chriscolfer

The Dark Side said...

So looking forward to new music. Is Adam still in Sweden or back in LA? I refuse to leave this site due to a few remarks by people trying to rile Adams fans. To hell with them!

Anonymous said...

11:23 Don't be so shocked. The purpose was to show our troll we're no different than a gay men. I'm sure he (she) is someones receptical! The laugh is on them.

Anonymous said...

LAMBERTLUST ‏lambertlust
New New York EP Glee Cast Featuring Adam Lambert is #12 on iTunes Pop Chart! Buy it! ?

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that Adam is back in LA and jet lagged given the time and frequency of his tweets. He was gone for quite a while if we count that time before the GMA announcement.

Anonymous said...

What a fun twitter session with Adam! He sounds in terrific spirits and, yes, the photo is gorgeous.

xo laura

p.s. I hadn't read that JAK is taking a break. Hurry back! At least the "interesting posts" here(side eyes) are just smutty, not cruel.

Anonymous said...

People seem to be ignoring the nasty unintelligent trolls. If this continues; perhaps they will crawl back into the hole or holes he, she or they crawled out of.

So pleased with the wonderful things that are happening to beautiful Adam; seems very hard for some folks to take; without them freaking out!!!

Anonymous said...

Aquarius and Aries fight like cats and dogs. It never works. Aquarius are so stubborn and Aries are so jealous. So glad i'm a SCORPIO-EE0-EE0-EEO

Anonymous said...

Adam is so successful at reaching his goals. He's getting exposed to many new fans in this tour with Queen. They will see what we've been talking for the last 5 years. Happy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

11:46 I've battled Trolls for close to 5 years....they don't go away.

Anonymous said...

I just loved the twitter session that Adam engaged in last night. Always so thoughtful to his fans; what a great guy!

Anonymous said...

As usual Adam teases and doesn't reveal jack shit. His twitter parties are a joke. Only ppl that like them are the brain dead fans that believe every single word Adam has ever said.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@11:56 AM

Of course; they have nothing else to do; they evidently love the battle then.

Just a waste of time. I choose to just ignore; bet they will hate that! They can only talk to themselves for so long.

Anonymous said...

Love Adams twitter party he gave what he can now. You been very successful over give years bout I think we ain't seen nothin yet of the next two years. Troll remarks here are ridiculous and mean less than nothing as usual. That was five years.

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam can't wait for Queen concert that's going to be off the charts great.

Anonymous said...

Remember GLEE tonight folks. I loved every minute of. Adam on GLEE, it was all so cool,will miss it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am too nonchalant, but why would a fan want to know anything before the album is ready, unless you want to impact the creative process. Too bad, I can imagine some fans wanting to.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed he tells his female followers to BREATHE. Come over and you will get HEAVY BREATHING.

Anonymous said...

12:28 - simple curiosity

Anonymous said...

Sauli doing an adorable commercial for cookie dough and an easter baking contest. Perfect!

Sauli is someone who really is both out and proud but doesn't constantly make a big deal out of it. Adam could learn a lot from sauli.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the new album either. Coming off the Queen concerts with Adam this summer should bring in lots of new fans who want to hear his music. I hope he releases the first single with lots of promo in advance of the completion and then release of the album. I also hate reading all of the ugly, cruel, trashy comments that have been posted lately on this site and it just makes me sick. Most of the time the lovely, positive, happy comments outweigh the others and I just skip over them as best I can. Some people are just horrible and must lead miserable lives to make such cruel comments about someone that they don't even know personally.

Anonymous said...

@12:29 Yea, but I'd like it to be a surprise.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is doing Adam in the ass right now. Thats what gay people do. Don't hate on Adam because he's gay. Love overcomes hate.

Anonymous said...

Lmao girl you are on a roll. You are cracking me up

Anonymous said...

I hope before Queenbert concerts and release of Adam's new album Administrator of this website that uses Adam's name can have people to login with Google Account to write comments. If money is the issue we can all help Admin. raising money for this website and the time she spends. Direct insults are totally intolerable.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam meant Sauli about that "So so so so true! @purpIegirll: @adamlambert Aquarius Aries combo you really cant help it lol”"?

Anonymous said...

I always knew it the resident troublemaker is a fan of other

Anonymous said...

Adams sun sign is Aquarius and his moon sign is Aries. So that was not about sauli

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) tweeted at 11:03pm - 25 Nov 13:

As a society, are we getting more and more hyper-sensitive to every little trivial thing? How are we so easily "offended" these days. #chill (

Anonymous said...

1:10, I don't think Adam was referring to the tolerance of the downright ugly filth that some people post on this site.

Anonymous said...

1:10pm there aren't any 'little trivial thing' on this website or what Adam sees on his twitter account. They are big issues of tweeting him 'so sad that you are gay' or nasty porn comments on this website or writing lies about Adam. They are definitely not little trivial thing.

Anonymous said...

Lol glamberts on their high horses are so amusing

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) tweeted at 9:46pm - 25 Feb 13:

Contrary opinions have become so unfashionable. When did this happen? (

Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) tweeted at 9:49pm - 25 Feb 13:

I prefer folks with their own, individual point of view and the balls to verbalize it. (

Anonymous said...

10:15 10:37 10:39 and last but not least
You are hilarious
Thanks for the entertainment!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) tweeted at 1:47pm - 1 Apr 14:

Just posted a photo (

Anonymous said...

That photo Adam just posted is super sexy! :)

Anonymous said...

Sure is. Can Adam get any more gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I love that natural look. Even tho I suspect that pic is photoshopped a bit.

Anonymous said...

Yes that new picture too, so gorgeous! I love that adam has been in glee, there were something new for us to listen. He is so freeking good, he makes every song better!

Anonymous said...

@1:21 PM

Amen to that!!

Anonymous said...

@hooplamagnet: STOCKHOLM PIC ON FB

Anonymous said...

Adam was just fabulous in Glee; picked up many new fans young and older; man has some acting chops! Hate to see him leave. But, the future calls!

Anonymous said...

I love everything Adam has done on Glee. Great that he was able to do that while working on his new album.

Anonymous said...

Picture does not looked photo shopped to me. Adam is a very good looking man.

Anonymous said...

Why are you getting so worked up for all the stupid ignorant posts here, that's exactly what they want! I couldn't be bothered to even think twice about them. I know that there's a lot of true fans here too with common sense.

Anonymous said...

From Adam's tweets , he wants people to focus more on his sexuality rather than his music , i don't get it !
Every time when some people start recognize his songs he brings that subject all over again ..!!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait until tonight to see Adam on Glee. Bitter sweet; as it will probably be Adam's last Glee appearance for awhile! He will be quite busy for awhile!

Anonymous said...

@2:10 PM

Of course you don't get it; because what you are saying is bull crap!

Anonymous said...

Over Photoshopped : /

Anonymous said...

sit down before you look at this

Adam posted new pic to instagram

Anonymous said...

Post 2:16pm is for 2:10pm #2

Anonymous said...

Why does Adam Photoshop his pics. He's so beautiful. They just look fake now.

Anonymous said...

Adam's photo's don't even do him justice. In person; Adam is one of the best looking men I have ever seen!!!

Anonymous said...

The natural fan taken pictures are a billions times better.

Anonymous said...

@2:19 pm

He does not have anything to do with his pictures; just poses with his beautiful self!

Anonymous said...

@2:19 pm

He does not have anything to do with his pictures; just poses with his beautiful self!

Anonymous said...

Love all Adam's pictures.

Anonymous said...

@2:19 PM


Anonymous said...

Are you the one who was bragging about garbage truck yesterday ? Because if so , please go a way
We don't want stink in this theard too ,shoo ..

Anonymous said...

To all complainers; post your pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

2:26 post for 2:16 #1

Anonymous said...

women just want a piece of his action. they are feeling betrayed. boo hoo hoo hoo Enough of the fantasy. They want a taste of his reality.

Anonymous said...

@2:26 PM

Don't know who you are talking to, or about garbage; but the stink is sure here today; sounds as though you are a part of it; they must have hit a nerve! Now shoo!!!

Anonymous said...

2:32 here/my post is for 2:26 PM #1.

Anonymous said...

Woman want Adam's balls on ther chin. His tweets were to tell all the ladies to give it up. Why are so many of you trying to make Adam straight. It's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world is anyone dragging up that awful thread from yesterday that was full of crazy trolls. Please leave it in the pass. Stay there with it if you must.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so Handsome; and smart; just a wonderful man. So glad that so many wonderful things are happening for him!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that new instagram pic that Adam posted is absolutely beautiful. His bone structure and profile and jawline are sublime. When I see someone this handsome, I just absorb the beauty of it. No need to nitpick about anything. This man is damn good-looking.


Anonymous said...

I hope that's what he looks like on the tour. Longer hair. With or without the facial hair, just longer on his head.

Anonymous said...

New posts on Adam's Facebook page:

Don't forget to 'like' them and/or write your comments

Anonymous said...

Disgusting and shameful.

Jadam NZ said...

Thank you for the "sort of" explanation of Adams comments on his music, I didn't really have a clue what he meant.
Ignore the filth Its the reaction they love, but I do think Admin needs to keep a better eye out for this type of comment. It is chasing good people away. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Adam posted new pictures on his IG:

Don't forget to 'like' them and/or write your comments

Anonymous said...

I'm going to mail Adam a box of razor blades. Hint hint ;)

Anonymous said...

To the commenter that said Adam could learn much from Sauli really? They both are great friends and I am sure they have given each other knowledge about different cultures.
But as far as being gay Adam has lived in those shoes longer than Sauli and is international. He had to deal with a great deal the last five years more than Sauli I suspect who's main success is in Finland where he from. Doubt he deals with thousands of all kinds of twitter followers all the time all over the world and does it very well. He does not always focus on his sexuality at all but has a right to his opinion. What I have seen last five years he handled everything with great dignity. Adam has many good things happening now. Finishing up Glee maybe for now. Queen and that new album as he said a good year I this year. They are both great guys why do some of you feel it's necessary to run One down most cases Adam to build up the other it ridiculous constantly happens serves no good at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh .. so I was right , it's you !
Don't trying to cover it up , it's obvious
Now shoo to where you belong and don't come back

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's new twitter header pic. OMG!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's new twitter background picture! Holy crap!

Anonymous said...

I noticed the new twitter header pic also. Thought the same thing, just clicked on it and I knew something was different. But I like it.

Anonymous said...

Why won't Admin delete this filth?

Anonymous said...

Adam changed his twitter pictures:

Anonymous said...

Fans have left tumblr? That's where the pornographic comments belong.

Anonymous said...

Essell ‏@essellsari
.@adamlambert I'll conjure a shield for you against stupidity,hatred,ignorance &all #mighttakeawhile #bepatient <3

Anonymous said...

@3:08 Glitzylady said she can't at the moment. Stop whining.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

2 DAYS IMAGINE D ‏@cuckooforadaml

Anonymous said...

Love this one:

Anonymous said...

3:20, I don't see where glitzylady said that. Also, that wasn't whining.

Anonymous said...

2 58
Uh what does having international twitter followers have to do with anything?

Sauli came out to all of Finland on national tv when he was only 21. He didnt hide it or avoid it in an effort to win a competition. He didnt give everyone the finger and perform crazy sex acts to overcompensate. You think adam handled the amas with great dignity?

sauli is calm and matter of fact and relaxed about it. I'm sure sauli tried to mentor adam but adam has a long way to go to be as emotionally stable and secure as sauli is.

Anonymous said...

OMG just wow!! Another new/old Adam Lambert photoshoot pic!

Anonymous said...

Ignore the hater troublemaker

Anonymous said...

Now it is clear why 3:25 is always so rude. They should just go back to a Sauli fan site.

Anonymous said...

3:25 I became lifetime fan of Adam because of his AMA performance. I'm not the only one. I'm from NZ.

Anonymous said...

3:20 PM, when did glitzy say Admin can't delete? I've never seen her say that.

Anonymous said...

I always said the rude troublemaker is a fan of other. Condescending, foul mouth, makes up lies, twist every news about Adam, attacks fans, degrades Adam, his family, band members, friends, fans. Go away!

Anonymous said...

@3:25 We've seen Sauli giving the finger, but we will never see Adam making cookies. ;(

Anonymous said...

Haha, sauli so adorable making those cookies!

Anonymous said...

@3:40 Sauli is not exactly Adam's enemy either.

Anonymous said...

@3:39 Patience is a virtue. In the meantime we could speculate where Adam is.

Anonymous said...

Adam came out at age 18. He has lived an openly gay life since then. The staff and other contestants on Idol all knew he was gay. Idol contestants are not allowed to give interviews when they're on the show. Adam felt that his success or failure on the show should be about his singing, not his orientation. Wise choice, IMO. Sauli has a totally different personality. He is also comfortable with his sexuality. I'm sure they learned a lot from each other when they were together. It's a two-way street.
Love the new pix he posted!
Be sure to watch Glee tonight!


Anonymous said...

Adam would make cookies if it was a commercial and he was paid well to do it, just like Sauli did.

Anonymous said...

Take Sauli news on his fansite. He has a fansite, doesn't he? All the ones made by Adam fans on Adamtopia and Idolforum and AdamOfficial and other Adam's fansites that made a separate Sauli news sites!? We, Adam fans, are paying so Sauli can have his own fansites.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, would Adam bake bunny cookies.

Anonymous said...

Some of you always find a way to make any theard about sauli 😳 !!
What about Adam's pictures ?

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry's pictures.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3 59
Paying? How much do you pay to come here?

Anonymous said...

Those new IG pictures of Adam are great. He wishes he had clear skin like that. He pays a lot of money for products to help his skin. He is aware that he has blemishes, He would give millions to really have his skin flawless as in the IG pictures. Photographers are paid well to do that, it is a very easy process on a photograph. Nobody who has seen him in person has seen that skin so tanned and unblemished. I will say he looks great, but it is not really very real.

Anonymous said...

It's good that Sauli met Adam. He now gets to do commercials instead of cleaning up snow from businesses' rooftops before he met Adam. He gained priceless fan base by being with Adam for more than two years.

Anonymous said...

3 59
Adam lived a gay life in a gay ghetto. Sauli actually came out to his family and friends as a young teen. I was talking about doing so in tv in the middle of a competition that people are voting for. Adam could have addressed the rumors while he was on the show but he chose not to. The producers asked him if he wanted to. He wasn't held back.

Anonymous said...

Entrance fee here would be a good idea. Better than tags, imo.

Anonymous said...

@4:05pm. I met Adam numerous times really close up and never saw any blemishes. I don't understand what you are talking about. He looks flawless close up. His IG pictures are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I think he wants it now about his orientation , because it's Controversial this way , and he likes that ..

Anonymous said...

It certainly did not hurt Sauli to be Adam's boyfriend, but he was already well known in Finland before he met Adam, from winning the Big Brother contest. His sisters are in show business too, in Finland. Following Big Brother he did a lot of work hosting shows, modeling and various other gigs, all before he met Adam. He has progressed naturally into bigger gigs, in Finland. Adam and Sauli are spending week ends together now, but they both have a heavy schedule to fit into their lives. Hopefully they will be living together full time in the future. Adam won't find anyone who is as good looking as Sauli or as kind, or as trustworthy. He is very loved by all of Adams family too.

Anonymous said...

@4:09pm. AI isn't about people sleeping with one another like Big Brother. AI is a talent singing show. It's about singing and at that time there was no reason for contestants to talk about their personal life. Back stories of contestants came about after Simon and Paula left the show. But up to season 9, it was all about singing talent.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I can just see the trolls frothing at the mouth on here if Adam's tour with Queen and his album does well. I will almost feel sorry for them. LoL

Anonymous said...

@4:24pm. Their ugly mouths already frothing. Otherwise they wouldn't be here throwing stones at Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

4:19 I hate to break this to you but there are many good looking, kind trustworthy gay men out there and Adam is one of them .

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone needs to worry about Adams album doing well. LOL

I think he will be lucky to sell 50k copies because he isn't going to get any promo or radio play. Doubt he even gets it out this year.

Adam just pissed away his career doing nothing for too long

Anonymous said...

you are delusional. You were so starry eyed at meeting Adam, you probably did not notice. Nobody has seen Adam at a meet and greet, where he was not wearing makeup, which does hide the blemishes, which is why he has always had makeup on even in high school. Adam told us that himself.

glitzylady said...

About the 24/7 Administrator: she has a difficult personal situation that is taking all of her concentration today.. Hopefully she will soon delete the worst of the ugly, crude comments. I can't say any more than that .

Peace, love and light to all..

Asking for respect for Adam, Sauli, and the Admin of 24/7.


Anonymous said...

4 14
Sauli isn't spending weekend with adam other than one time. I hope they stay far away from each other. It's not heathy to be in the life of your ex . Sauli is a normal happy guy and he can find someone who is equally happy and mature and do a lot better

Anonymous said...

4:31 I thought you said he hired someone for promo and distribution.

Anonymous said...

4:36 I use to think Sauli looked happy go lucky but anymore he looks stressed and putting up a front. Is he recording for his program now? He is probably a very busy guy.

Anonymous said...

What about yesterday? Admin couldn't delete anything In that other thread yesterday or this morning when she had time to post this? She has time to let Glitzylady know she has a situation but she doesn't have time to close comments on a thread? And should Glitzylady even be telling us Admin has a situation? Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy thanks for your message I hope everything is ok with admin.

Anonymous said...

Sauli has his own fan sites. There was no reason to bring him up here. Go argue about him someplace else.

Nice pics from Adam. Looks like it is the entire photoshoot from the pics he has on his twitter.

Anonymous said...

Lambert was wagging his bi tongue after AI and getting all the hot hormonal honies panties in a twist. He should back up what he says. He wants it, he should go get it.

Anonymous said...

Zip-a-dee-Doo-Dah There was another pic of Adam posted just three hours ago on his Ig. Sorry if already posted here I just can't read all these comments

Anonymous said...

@brianmaycom: PRESS REL @QueenWillRock 1stEvr Live Performance Korea @SuperSonic_Kor 2014 w @AdamLambert

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert: SEOUL! Are you ready? @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert will ROCK @SuperSonic_Kor in August! #SuperSonic2014

Anonymous said...

Please don't gloat, you seem to be as juvenile as the shitstirrers here. And you are not helping.

That/Those person/s you are referring to as 'fan/s of other' (meaning fans of Sauli) is/are NOT real fans of Sauli. Sauli would not welcome that kind of misfit/s as his fan/s. He/she/they are not real fans of anybody.

Based on your post, you are not a very graceful Adam fan yourself.

Both guys, Adam and Sauli so NOT deserve the kind of crap that has been showcased here in several threads already.

There's nothing wrong with this site - I thank @Admin for having provided this "Home for AL News" for so many years - HOWEVER, the scum sucking bottom dwellers that reside here spoil the atmosphere every day, so I will follow JAK's example and take a breather.

Can't believe all the idiotic crap produced by some... Feel like I need a long WARM shower, plenty of scented shower gel and a good scrubb. YAK to all this subhuman behaviour.

ADAM, you have my love (as a fan) ad infinitum - you are the bright star, the unsurpassed one in a billion voice, never get discouraged by the ignorants which there are plenty!

Anonymous said...

Adam on Glee right now forget the bottom dwellers for a while.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lambertlust for that news. OMG Queenbert is going global. YYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYY......for real Queen fans and Glamberts. What a huge huge platform for Adam to be able to launch his next album to the stratosphere after all these Queenbert concerts. Happy happy dance dance! :))))))))

Anonymous said...

I think I'm just going to look at the pretty pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam on Glee. I'll miss him on this show. Love!

Anonymous said...

Adam on Glee. I'll miss him on this show. Love!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a gorgeous man. He radiates beauty and sexiness from the inside. You either have it or you don't. Same for Sauli. He seemed like a great fit for Adam, and I assume they are still very attracted to each other. I hope they will always find a way to connect even if it's only for special moments. IS EVERYBODY WATCHING GLEE TONIGHT?? I AM.

Anonymous said...


This coming August, Queen, Korea’s the most beloved international band, will perform live for Korean fans for the first time. The band will be joined by Adam Lambert performing together again after a sold out series of US concerts.

'SUPER SONIC 2014’, Korea’s most notable urban music festival, announces the festival and that Queen + Adam Lambert will headline. The announcement comes via SUPER SONIC’s official homepage

As to Queen’s first Korean show, Roger Taylor said, “I first visited Seoul on a promotional trip in the early 80’s and was so impressed by the architecture and culture. It will therefore be very exciting to finally play a concert and bring the music of Queen to this great city with Adam Lambert”.

Queen, formed in 1971, released numerous hit songs throughout the years until the death of the band’s main vocalist, Freddie Mercury, in 1991. The band has a special place in rock history and is regarded as one of the world’s most beloved rock bands of all time.

Queen has amassed an astounding list of awards, hall of fame inductions, and record sales. Their sales have been estimated to have reached the hundreds of millions of units, and their songs such as: “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “We Will Rock You”, “We Are the Champions”, “Somebody to Love”, and “Don't Stop Me Now” have been, and still are, loved all over the world. “Bohemian Rhapsody” was voted ‘the UK’s favourite hit of all time’ in a poll conducted by the Guinness World Records British Hit Singles Book. On top of that, the songs “We Will Rock You” and “We Are the Champions” have been inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.

Queen is the first band in history, in which all members (Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon) have been inducted into the Songwriters' Hall of Fame, and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Lead vocalist for their performance at SUPER SONIC 2014 will be Adam Lambert. This move has received lots of praise and created much excitement throughout the music world. "I'm honored to be able to pay my respects to Freddie Mercury's memory," Lambert said. "He's a personal hero of mine. I am deeply grateful for the chance to sing such powerful music for Korean fans of this legendary band."

Adam Lambert burst onto the pop music scene by taking second place in the 8th season of American Idol. He quickly became a pop star worldwide. His debut album was nominated for the Best Male Vocal Performance Grammy, and his second album debuted at No.1 on the Billboard charts. He made his debut performance in Korea in February 2013.

SUPER SONIC is held in Olympic Park, Seoul which is easily accessible by public transportation, and has become the representative brand of summer festivals in Korea since 2012.

SUPER SONIC has close partnership with SUMMER SONIC in Japan, and as a result, is able to invite world-class acts by sharing their line-up.

New Order and the Smashing Pumpkins headlined SUPER SONIC’s first year. Last year, Pet Shop Boys and Cho Yong Pil (a legendary Korean artist) headlined the festival with great performances. This year, Queen + Adam Lambert will continue this tradition of great headliners.

SUPER SONIC 2014 will be held in Olympic Park in the heart of Seoul for two days on August 14 and 15.

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Anonymous said...

I'll be watching Glee in westcoast in about two hours

Anonymous said...

Very well said!

Anonymous said...

i'm downloading glee right now on torrent. it'l be done in about 5 minutes. can't wait to watch!

Anonymous said...

@I_ship_Glee: I approve of the top 5 trends

Anonymous said...

Adam and Kesha should tour together and call it the ANIMAL-BERT tour. raunchy and loud 4 sure.

Anonymous said...

Adam Fucking Lambert, I'm sure Glee will get you back next season. The "Rockstar" was flawless, superb and your acting charisma is brilliant!
This side became gross.

Anonymous said...

well, the door was left open for Elliot to return..very interesting..unless they mention on an upcoming show that he has moved to further his career somewhere else...

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign my comment.

6:30 PM

Anonymous said...

Great news about Queen +Adam performing in Korea! Great for Queen and for Adam. Looks like it will be a very busy summer for Adam and hopefully Album 3 soon to follow with a release after the touring with Queen has finished.

I'll see Glee in 1hr and 10 minutes...YAY!

Ignoring ALL trolls, scrolling on by............................


Anonymous said...

Wow that was incredible! Just got done watching Glee! Hope they bring Adam back sometime in the future!

Anonymous said...

I so agree with Adam's comment about being hyper-sensitive to every little trivial thing nowadays. Whatever is said or done has to be "politcally correct" or someone will criticize, ostracize or crucify you for a comment that is not "appropriate" or "satisfactory" according to someone's standard of what is right or wrong. You can't even express an opinion that is different for fear of offending someone. There are times where you just have to speak out as to what you think and stand by those convictions. Adam has done so and I respect him for that. I am tired also of all the ugly comments made here and wish those people would get a real life and not criticize Adam, a person they don't even know or have ever met. It must be so sad to view life in such a negative and critical way.

donnaw said...

JESUS! He is one good looking man!

Anonymous said...

First of all, Adam was great on Glee! Rockstar was really really good. And I liked his acting scenes, too, esp. the one with Blaine. I thought Adam was supposed to sing in another song, though?? Oh well. At least they left the door open for Elliot to reappear from time to time.

GREAT news about Queenbert in Korea!!!! They are really taking this show on the road. The Korean fans will go absolutely NUTS!

Prayers to admin for her personal issues right now. We need her back when she is able.


Anonymous said...

I loved Adam on Glee tonight. I also thought he had another number. Did I miss something about what actually happens to Elliott or was it just left open without any kind of definite closure to his plans? Great news to read that Queenbert will be appearing in Korea. They love Adam in the Far East and with Queen their show will be amazing. I suppose if they had the time and the stamina, Adam and Queen could probably do a world tour until the end of this year for all those other countries that want to see them. I hope Adam has to time to finish up on his third album because no matter how spectacular this Queenbert concert series will be, I think we all want new music from Adam on his"very sonically diverse and very honest album."

Anonymous said...

Rockstar now my fave song ft Adam on Glee, also loved Gloria. Good program would have loved to see more Elliot tho. Wow I loved Rachel's singing more than ever tonight, my sister now a new fan of hers. Cool about the Korea SuperSonic.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Adam on Glee was way too short,tho.I will really miss him until he comes back,if he does.I know that there will be many,many requests to Fox and the show for BB to return sometime.I did notice the shorter haircut,more facial hair,and the nose ring( first time for the nose ring on Glee)His singing w/Kurt was spot on!his acting was,too.

Anonymous said...

New QAL in Japan now?woots.

Anonymous said...

Not confirmed but possibly two dates in Japan. Hopefully China and Singapore. Then Australia and NZ.

Anonymous said...

Loved Adam on Glee so much and I'll miss him on my TV. Seems they want him back on the show again. Yay!

Links please to download tonight's Adam's performance.

Anonymous said...

Glee recap:

Anonymous said...

Song and dance numbers:

The boys waltz to "You Make Me Feel So Young," and Kurt and Elliott rock out on A Great Big World's "Rockstar" in the guitar shop. Complete with backup band.

Yeah, but how offensive is it?

Let's face it, Kurt hasn't been feeling this relationship in ages. It's time to end this charade and go make beautiful music with Elliott full-time, Hummel!

Anonymous said...

"Glitter rock vampire, huh? I like that. I can work with that." - Elliot #glee

.@adamlambert @chriscolfer you guys are so awesome. Thank you for killing it!

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert @GLEEonFOX Loved having you bro! Honor to work with you. Hope you're enjoying my homeland!

Anonymous said...

Socialite Life
Adam Lambert and Chris Colfer's latest duet for Glee reminds us of just how flawless they are.
Give it a listen!

Anonymous said...

ATTN GLEEKS-Hear Elliott (@adamlambert) & Kurt (@chriscolfer) sing @AGreatBigWorld's #Rockstar TONIGHT on @GLEEonFOX!

@MichaelOrland @AmericanIdol @CJHarrisMusic Cool... but don't forget to catch @adamlambert on @GLEEonFOX tonight! :)

@TheOrigFRODO @AmericanIdol @CJHarrisMusic @adamlambert @GLEEonFOX how could I forget? #NeverForget

Anonymous said...

If Adam Lambert's voice doesn't make you at least a little bit shaky, you have no soul. Lol! #Glee

.@AdamLambert is a damn treasure. #Glee

Haven't watched tonight's ep yet, but I know this to be true RT @AndySwift: Adam Lambert is a damn treasure. #Glee

@adamgasm1982 #glee

Anonymous said...

Adam was fabulous on Glee tonight. His acting was flawless. I keep rewinding to watch his acting. He should be in movies, definitely.

Anonymous said...

You can download Adam's performance from iTunes:

★ ☆ Rockstar ★ ☆ (Glee Cast Version) featuring @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

Canada iTunes: Glee Cast - Rockstar (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Adam Lambert] -

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