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Adam Lambert transformation from this to this!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Thursday, April 10, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, April 10, 2014


Anonymous said...

WOW, many things improve with age.

Anonymous said...

Adam was a cute teenager who became a very handsome man. It's really not that great a stretch in my opinion. Everyone changes to some degree. Adam happens to have become a Rock Star!...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

He always was cute. But he blossomed into an incredibly handsome man. I hope my own photos of me in my teen years never see the light of day. LOL


choons said...

Two stages of sweetie-piedom.
He's a doll.

Anonymous said...

And a beautiful inside! not perfect, as none of us are, but a well developed inside, maybe the sexiest thing of all

glitzylady said...

I agree: I hope no one ever sees my freshman in high school pics.. Ever.. Truly bad....

Adam was always a cutie for sure...

Anonymous said...

Adam looks as though he received a sizeable amount of sunburn in the younger pic.

Anonymous said...

As Adam has said publicly, "It's all smoke and mirrors"
Yes he knew what would make him look better, he lost weight, colored his hair better, used makeup, and now sports some face hair. A great improvement. Now you know why you have never seen him without makeup. It may look natural, but it isn't. He did a good job, but he is actually a fraud. Sauli and his immediate family have seen him in his birthday face, and some in his birthday suit. Congratulations Adam you have done a really good job of improving what you were born with. Not too many people could have done any better. He is now as we can all see a handsome man.

Anonymous said...

All entertainers make changes throughout their career. MJ, JT, Mars, Enrique, Prince, JB, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Kesha, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Minaj, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, etc. etc. None of the iconic artists have the same look as they did in their teenage years. Adam is 16 in that before picture. He was in high school still. To call him fraud is so uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

4 hours ago · Cycle House
Soul cycle swag with my boy @mdmolinari . Surprise guest @adamlambert #models #hollywood #fit #gym #swag #sweat #get #sexy #body

Our signature SoulCycle ride is indoor cycling re-invented. With inspirational coaching, rockstar music, and a full body workout (we've added hand weights and core work!), this 45-minute class will transform the way you look and feel.

daydreamin said...

Thank anon 12:12!

Anonymous said...

So if you dye your hair and wear are a fraud
Oh boy a lot of people are in trouble
Kinda like being a trollbert and hanging around BB's site pretending you are a fan

Anonymous said...

Love the pics!

Anonymous said...

Adam was beautiful ALL the time and always will be. One thing ADAM will NEVER be is a so called 'Fraud'! Hells bells you obviously don't know the guy else you'd eat your words!

Anonymous said...

I prefer Adam's look with thinner brows and black hair.I actually think he looks cute in his school pic. though. I wonder if he will be on Idol to perform. "Lay Me Down"

Anonymous said...

Improving one's self; whether physical or mentality is not fraudulent it's called being smart and many times helping a person to become healthier in all areas or their life; whether mental or physical. Self improvement is part of growing and reaching one's higher goals in many instances.

In my opinion, a perfect example of an act of fraud would be a person pretending to be someone that they are not; oh, like being an Adam M. Lambert Fan; yet throwing in a horrible negative remark, that is a bold faced lie, by all stretches of one's imagination!!!!

Dear Fellow Glamberts have a great day and keep the faith with our wonderful man! Off to face the work world.....

Anonymous said...

I thank God for the day Adam Lambert was born and for giving me the opportunity to know what I know about him. I send all my best thoughts to Adam for his eternal happiness.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 12:12! Sounds like Adam is working out and keeping in shape for the big tour. Exciting!

BTW, as others have said here, if changing our looks and improving our bodies and appearances is being a fraud, then all of us are frauds. What a ridiculous statement. Adam is beautiful inside and out, and he gives us his best. Hope we can keep him with all his various looks for a very long time.


Anonymous said...

@6:53 AM
Thank you; very well said. Factual and to the point, could not agree more!

@6:53 AM
Also, very beautiful sentiments regarding Adam; agree 100%!

DRG, @7:25
Great points, and so true in my opinion!

Anonymous said...

Well Molinari and Adam may be doing the soul cycle, which I understand is very healthy, and probably good for Adam. He probably wasn't doing much exercise in Sweden, and good for Molinari for introducing him to it. This will get him in shape for his summer tour, I guess he won't be hiking with Sauli in Runyon Canyon, now. If this is too strenuous he will get bored quickly. But I am quite sure he will be doing something , they have a gym where he lives. He does believe in getting into shape
This was one thing that Sauli encouraged him in, as Sauli is a fitness fanatic. So maybe Molarni will be his encourager now.

Anonymous said...

at 9:18 AM

Molinari,too used to a pudgy boy and not so long ago. As an ex-overweight person he has to be very careful with his diet. Just like Adam has to.

Anonymous said...

@9:18 AM & @9:30 AM

You probably don't know as much about Adam and his personal life and health habits as you would like us to believe. Sounds like you are more of a fan of Sauli's and attempting to make people believe that Adam can't seem to do anything on his own; or have no original ideas about his own health and fitness regime.

Pretty sure that in a person's life; they have learned many things from one person or another; pretty sure that Adam, Sauli or Marcus and the rest of Adam's friends for that matter, have learned something from each other. None of these men are children; so by now, their main encourager would be themselves!!!

glitzylady said...

Adam has said more than once that he has a personal trainer and is doing Pilates, and apparently has been doing so for quite some time, judging by the way he's been looking in the pics we've seen, and in person. Perhaps he's considering adding this workout to his exercise routine..

Marcus looks GREAT! Good for him with his success too!

About Sauli's influence: He probably was an encouragement to Adam while they were together. The hikes, the juicing, the healthy eating. And the happiness they shared. And I have no doubt that Adam encouraged Sauli also. We do that for our loved ones..

Now.......If I could just get Adam and/or Sauli to encourage ME!!! I could do a whole lot better with the healthy eating and the exercise situation :)))))

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, if Adam would help me with a workout, I'd be available to him 24/7.

glitzylady said...

Okay, I think I just hit on a GREAT idea :)))))

"Adam Lambert's Workout Video"

Featuring Adam Lambert showing us all of his ***moves*** workout routines to his own music.

I bet he'd hit the jackpot with that..

Only problem: could we actually exercise..or just stand there and **watch***...

I'd be more than willing to find out :)))))

Anonymous said...

egads glitzylady, tweet that idea to Adam, NOW! Grrreat Idea!

Anonymous said...

I have a cousin who is a vocalist. She says the first important regiment is to excercise. She does Pilate and long fast walks. Then is your diet. What to eat and when to eat. Tons of water. Of course vocal excercises as well.

Anonymous said...

@1:26 PM We need to hear all this from Adam on a video.