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Adam Lambert's FINAL EPISODE on Glee S05E14 (Only Adam Parts)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Adam Lambert in Glee S05E14 from Adrienn K on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Adam on Glee tonight. Was surprised they didn't address the reason we won't be seeing him anymore tho....maybe they'll talk about it in an upcoming episode. I noticed Santana wasn't in this episode; do any of you peeps know why? Tx in advance. :)

Anonymous said...

I think Glee had better go on their knees to get Adam/Elliot back. No exiting by Elliot, signals that they are not letting him go without a fight. lol! I like the Blaine/Elliot song on this video, can we have the whole song...minimal music backing, just guitar, my cup of latte! After the Rockstar song, I think Elliot wanted to kiss Kurt! lol! So Blaine's jealousy was right on target. lol! for real lol!
Frankly I have more or less let Glee go already gently. I've said the Glee singers are a pretty phenomenal cast!
Bye bye Glee, from me temporarily; so long until the return of handsome Elliot.


Anonymous said...

Adam is a Rock Star with glittery fangs ha!ha! I loved the episode last night!!!

I missed New York City!!!:) Although it's only 8 hrs away, I can't visit often.

Can't wait when returns....


Anonymous said...

I haven't been here very much husband has gotten worse and we've had to sell our house and move in with our daughter until his disability is settled ...a couple of days ago she gave me an early mother's day to the Dallas concert!!!...last night I was so excited to watch Glee but had to watch in the living normally wonderful son-in-law...jabbered through Elliot and Kurt's song ...then later when Blaine and Kurt kissed he freaked daughter started fussing at him and that was the end of Glee for me....I'm glad to hear they didn't address Adam's character not being in the show so maybe he'll be back next season...well off I go to call the cable company and have cable put in our room can't takes chance on missing Adam again ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Hey Rosepetal
Take care, hope everything works out well for you and your husband. I was just getting into the Glee groove and Elliot has to go away. Peace and love to you.


Anonymous said...

Last night was a good espisode for GLEE - set-up the whole NYC story for them all. I loved Rachel singing people at the end, except for the fact that Elliott wasn't in any of the scenes. Too bad Elliott is out of the picture for now. Hope he comes back a bit next year.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE "Rockstar" but I can't buy it on iTunes where I live. :-(

Anonymous said...

Adam's acting improved since his first appearance in the show. I guess it was all a matter of time until they felt comfortable working together. Congrats Adam and I hope to see you back on my TV screen soon!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much .... Things will be fine... When all is settled we are going to buy a place at the lake .....just gonna be a little stressful till then .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

@rose petal....JAK here....I am so sorry to hear your husband's condition has not improved. Real life is scary. I'm waiting for news from my daughter, their doctor called my son in law in to give him results of his stress test early this morning... and has already made an appointment with a cardiologist to meet him at the hospital. I'm shaking and having a serious pleading talk with God. The usual..."I'm old take me...he is only 55!"

They just celebrated their anniversary and are still sweetly in love. I'm going to include your husband in my prayers...I'm gonna call him Mr.rose petal...I'm sure God will know who I mean. And tho you are only my pretend daughter, I'm going to include you in that prayer too.

And too. I know you are having another surgery this brave...I hope this one will help you to feel better.

Now I am going to slather my entire aching body with BenGay, vicodin is not working, maybe I can burn the pain away!

Anonymous said...

Glee was so much fun last. Rockstar was great, and Adam really got to wail at the end. I thought he was supposed to be in another song, too, but I guess not. I really liked his acting scenes, too. His conversation with Blaine was done well, IMO. He doesn't try to over-do it. He's really quite natural. I think the chemistry is very strong between Elliot, Kurt and Blaine and not just in a sexual way. I do hope that Elliot reappears now and then to spice things up.

My thoughts and prayers to Rose Petal and Sue. You have a lot of challenges on your plate right now. Remember you have good friends here who are pulling for you. And dear JAK, hope the Ben Gay worked for you. We need you here healthy and in a good mood. You are our rock.

Did I hear a new rumor that Queenbert will be performing in Tokyo as well as South Korea?? I better get busy and check it out!


Anonymous said...

Hi @Rose Petal - Strangely, I was thinking about you the other day when things got pretty hairy on this site. I was hoping all my old cyber friends would not all go away. I'm sure everything will be good for you as time goes by. I'm so glad you have happy future plans in place! Please just hold on till then! I'm praying for you and your husband as well as JAK and son-in-law, and SUE. I still feel their is family on this site.
To all others who are going through a stressful time, I hope you will find comfort soon. Keep the faith...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Just watched the recap vid.

"Glitter Rock Vampire gonna bite 'cha!"


Anonymous said...

I hope they don't write out Elliot in next weeks story line.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal So glad you are getting to go. I will also be in Dallas. Praying for you and your husband Sue and JAK. I don't usually comment on here, but have been coming here daily for the last 4 years. I enjoy reading most of the comments and feel I know some of you. Now off to watch that glittery rock vampire that wears eyeliner. Texbert

Anonymous said...

Click below to download Adam's Rock Star track:

CLICK HERE to download Rock Star

Anonymous said...

So admin has time to add new posts but still no time to delete the smut or at least close the comments on the two threads with the smut.

Anonymous said...

Watch the show. Hate the nose ring. Looked really dumb on him. Don't mind the facial hair. Gonna miss him on Glee. His acting needs some work. Also I wish he could handle gay comments from people already. Grow up and enjoy the ride Adam.

Anonymous said...

his hands gestures are so wacky ..!

carolynj said...

Texbert, I also read, but only comment in spurts. I appreciate those of you that sign your comments as it does promote a sense of community. We all need friends in our varied interests and obviously following Adam is a big part of many of our lives. For those of you battling personal challenges, I hope that the positive news of Adam's career and the sounds of his singing ease your ways. I got giddy before watching Glee last night. I get giddy reading his twitter comments. He adds smiles to my life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for their thoughts and prayers .... JAK everyone calls my husband Bubba but I think I like Mr. Rose petal better prayers are going out to your son-in- law and our dear Sue as well...I have been stoping by here to check on u all now and then but always leave when things get ugly ...makes me sad that this site was once only filled with love for our boy, then somebody left the gate open and mean old hate slipped through .... Txbert maybe I'll see u in Dallas ... I'll be one with the dazed look on my face and a little drool dripping from my permanent smile , while I'm stumbling around babbling about being in the same room with Adam and Queen .... Oh wait that's prob gonna be a lot of glamberts.... DRG thanks for the well wishes it's nice to here with family .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

@8:25 Why you focus on that?

Anonymous said...

Once again Adam was amazing on Glee sure gonna miss him! But he will be very busy,what a treat it was to have him on these episodes,hopefully he can make a guest appearance next season.

Anonymous said...

So sick an tired of the rude comments that are made on a fan site for Adam.

Anonymous said...

@8:50 They are incurably dissatisfied fans.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with stating you don't like something as long as it's done nicely. Not everyone here is an *sskisser.
Oh, & if Adam is tired of being defined by his orientation then maybe he should stop throwing it in everyone's face. Whatever happened to him expanding his horizons "outside of the box"? Stop complaining Adam and start practicing what you preach.
Judas with "gay overtones". Sheesh. And he wonders why...

Anonymous said...

@9:26 I don't always agree with Adam. For example I don't like Gaga. Adam may think he and Gaga are carved from the same tree. Gaga would disagree..

Gabi said...

Adam is such a magnet. He was great on the show and I was actually really impressed with his acting. My more "neutral" family members agreed. I like a lot of looks on Adam but I don't like the nose ring. Takes away from his beauty. Still love him though.

I have an opinion in terms of his "gay" statements: "Don't make it an issue and it won't be an issue." Adam is a celebrity and people say things even within his fandom. I can think of worse career scenarios. Shoot me now.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't the one bringing up his orientation. It is tweeted at him, comments are made on his IG and his Facebook page all the time.

If even Adams fans are this ignorant you can imagine how awful all those tweets etc are.

Anonymous said...

10:12, it's just the homophobic fans making those ignorant comments.

Anonymous said...

I also think there are homophobic fans. But not all gays and lesbians like him either. Overall just celf-centered people who get mad when things don't go the way they want.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I offer my take on a few old adages:

To cause trouble is human, to ignore divine!


Stirring sh*t is easy, ignoring is hard

;) lol

It takes an almighty power and strength within to ignore, but ignore we must. Ill-mannered children always leave the sandbox when their influence is diminished. C'mon fellow fans, we have the strength to ignore, I know we do (and viscerally, I truly feel it's one person, or no more than a few).

Thought Adam really worked beautifully as Elliot on Glee. Hope he'll be back for the last season, if even only once. Peace.

Anonymous said...

10:37, I suggested ignoring for a long time. Some people just can't do it. It would help if Admin would delete the hate and trolls. Neither seem likely to happen.

Anonymous said...

From now on if I see a negative comment, I'm not going to continue reading it, and will not comment or acknowledge it. People are posting that stuff to get a reaction. If you don't react they will stop.
On to the subject of Glee. I think they totally left the door open for Elliot to return. Yay!!! peace out!

Anonymous said...

By the same token you could say, "I wish entertainers would stop showing their heterosexual behavior; in all these sexual actions toward the opposite sex in their videos"!

Adam is a Gay American; and he can express himself in any way that he wishes; and if some don't like it; I would advise them not to listen or read his words. Until you walk a mile in another's shoes; you have no right to even attempt to tell them how to feel, or what to do with those feelings; or how to express them. Your opinion is probably irrelevant to Adam; to say the least.

I am so proud of Adam that he feels free to express himself in that way, to his many fans, and to know that the real fans will understand and support him in his seemingly never ending struggles for equality. Now especially, feeling that he has the type of support, that he may not have felt had a few years ago!

Instead of some just expressing how they felt about his singing or his acting; whether pro or con. Some have to always bring it down to something they don't like about his looks. I doubt if other fans tear down their artist; and I can think of many other's with "different" looks and their fans never talk bad about them. I personally think the folks that are always finding fault with Adam are not really fans at all. JS!!

Adam is a young man and will try different looks; and as long as he is happy with about it; his fans should except it. Unless he asks our opinions about it.

Adam is here for our entertainment and we should be here; to be entertained by him.

Carry on dear sweet, kind, generous and gorgeous man, with the beautiful body and soul!!!

Anonymous said...

11:14 AM here/ Should meant to say, his fan should "accept" him. Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

We haven't heard from Adam on twitter for so long and now this. I'm interested in his music, his looks and how he performs on stage. He's sweet and charming. His sex life I really don't care. Adam will never be what we all (fandom) want him to be so I wish we can just "let it go." Adam will not be hiding from who he is and not in his next album.

choons said...

I love the way Adam says "You've obviously come to jam!" - so funny.
He's got such a great sense of humour - maybe explore that side more in any upcoming tv or hosting gigs.

Anonymous said...

11:42 did you miss the little twitter party a cople of days ago?

leilani aloha said...

Best episode last night & best Rock song by Adam & Chris!!!

I have a strong feeling Elliot will be back!!!
Maybe for Halloween !!!
Glitter Vampire Rock Star!!!

One can dream yes?:):):)

Anonymous said...

make your comments short please , or it will be scrolled by J\S..

Anonymous said...

11:14am ... I don't know who you are, but I love what you said. Well put!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

it's suppose to be comment ; short sentence or small paragraph , not an essay !
ain't nobody got time for that

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:14 AM
Well said!!!!

glitzylady said...

Sometimes thoughts take more words than a short sentence or a paragraph. :)))

The Dark Side said...

Loved Starchild again last night. Missing him already. Imthinkmhevhadcabchsncevtomshowvhis acting chops and nailed it. Onward 2014!

Anonymous said...

Very simply Mr. Lambert, you is fascinating! HH

Anonymous said...

JAK-Rose Petal. The magic of love, enthusiasm and fortress, activate the rapid recovery of you and your beloved family! I join your faithful prayers! HH

Anonymous said...

What a disappointment. Adam was barely on there, and no explanation as to where he will be in further episodes. I will be surprised if this show is still around after this season. While the move away from the "high school" scene was positive, i don't think the New York location is going to save it.

Anonymous said...

I did find it interesting that Glee did not write Starchild out of the show. It looks like they are leaving it open for possible guest spots in the future. Adam was so great I'm not surprised.

xo laura

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:56 PM
It was announced last year that next season of GLEE will be the final season.. As for whatbthevfuture hold for Starchild/Elliot, it was left open so.. maybe... :)))

Anonymous said...

Love 11:14am comment.

Can't get enough of watching this video. Adam was fabulous on Glee. Wish he could stay on the show much longer. But I look forward to Queenbert concerts. I'm going to three concerts. Once in a life time opportunity to see Queen performing live on stage with Rock Star Adam. Love him and Queen!

Anonymous said...

Glee - Check out official video of Adam's performance of Rock Star:



Anonymous said...

Finial season, gosh I hope not. Are the ratings down.

Anonymous said...

@12:10 PM & 12:15 PM-#2

Unless you are the Administrator of this site; you have no business dictating to posters how long or short their posts should be. If you don't choose to read them; just stroll on by; no need to mention it; who cares, everyone has that right. If you don't have time to read it as you claim; by all means, don't read it!!

Apparently, someone must have struck a nerve. In the future just stroll on by. No reading is mandatory on here. Personally, I have great praise for the post written by he or she @11:14 AM; which I think you are referring to.

Anonymous said...

Loved Adam's appearance on Glee last night. His acting is so good and natural. I would watch Glee every Tuesday if Adam was on. He fit in with the rest of the cast so beautifully. That song Rock Star, was performed so beautifully by Chris and Adam and the Glee cast.

Anonymous said...

2:52 PM
It's scroll not stroll ..
Next time when you try to give someone lecture check out your vocabulary first .

Anonymous said...

Loved show last night, but not enough Adam! Knowing it was his last show, I was sure he would be in it a lot. That disappointed me.It looks like next weeks show (from the preveiw) has them mourning the loss of one of their friends with all the candles and flowers at a city sidewalk. I pray they are't killing off Elliot.I swear I will never watch it again if that is the way they leave his character. I hope I am way off base about this.I want him back next year for at least a couple shows. Love his loving personality as Elliot. I feel like he is just being himself and not having to act! Please keep him in the show next year!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:36 PM
The ratings have been going down for the last couple of seasons. Producer/creator Ryan Murphy said before this current season began that the season will come to its natural conclusion next season; 2014-15, with the students (hopefully) launched into their various future endeavors, with the focus on New York City. He hasn't announced any other scenarios beyond that..

glitzylady said...

Sorry.. Meant to say "the Series will come to its natural conclusion.." In my comment above..

Anonymous said...

If Glee doesn't kill off Elliot next week, then we still can hope and cajole Ryan Murphy until the closing episode.

Anonymous said...

The April 1 episode was up against the series finale of How I Met Your Mother, and EXTREMELY popular show. I think it beat everything in the ratings Tuesday night. Glee still gets millions of viewers, even if it in its waning years. It's been a great run for the show. So glad that Adam could be a part of it. Maybe he'll show up again during the next and final season. Elliot is too good to let go.


Anonymous said...

It never even occurred to me they would kill off Elliot. They better not. I prefer the in limbo scenario

Anonymous said...

@5:22 PM There are funeral scenes that Glee has put out for next week. The rumour is someone got beat to death, but it was not Elliot. We will see.

Anonymous said...

It is not Elliot from what I heard before. They did not know the person it was a gay man I believe that was beaten for his orientation and Kurt tried to help. When he passed they did a dedication song put flowers another human being snubbed out from hate it looks like. This has been talked about several weeks ago it was going to happen on A upcoming Glee episode.

Anonymous said...

Adam did have four songs last time he was so good. He had big part last episode he did. The song he and Kurt did was fabulous and his acting part was done very well. They did have a bunch come in from Ohio so lot going on. He was great in Glee. So much happening for him now. 6.28 and this one Sue. Just saw post thank you to all who have me in your thoughts my operation is Monday the 7 next week April 7. It was so awful last time I am scared so thank you. Rose Pedal hope everything gets better it will sweetie hope your husband does better mines got some problems to but think he will be ok my husband. Ill pray for him as well.
Hope JAK feels better and the son in law does ok if it's something so much better they caught it and take care of it now. To everyone having any thing they need love for I give it to you.
Thanks to all your kind wishes. The operation is Monday next week April 7 Austin Heart. Austin Texas. Sorry if my post does not meet standards. Love.Sue!

Anonymous said...

It is not Elliott who is hurt or killed in the next episode. The spoilers say Kurt was a witness and got hurt trying to help.

The storyline was left wide open for them to bring Elliott back next season.

Anonymous said...

@8:11 PM Thank you. I was beginning to think I was going to have to watch Glee some more.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue!
You'll be okay because you are true to yourself, your spirit! But I'd just add a word of caution regarding attending Queenbert concert; it's better to recover properly first; you can watch the videos. I went to Adam's Trespassing concert and compared it with the videos; they are just as good; the only drawback, the real presence, the big videos can replace though. Wish you complete recovery...but bear in mind the recovering from such a major operation must be foremost on your mind. Good luck and good health.


Anonymous said...


Who are you, the spelling patrol? Before you try to correct another poster's spelling; maybe you should check your grammar. For example; you said, "next time you try to give someone lecture", you should have said (a) lecture.

I don't really care; but, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. My point to you is; we all make mistakes in spelling and grammar, who cares as long as the message comes across?

Just hate to see a fan picked on; just because you don't like their message.

By the way, when someone expresses an opinion that you may not like; it is an opinion; not a lecture unless you are a child, a lesson, that you probably should learn.

I am off to give Adam & Chris' Rock Star duet a few more hits, before bedtime. Peace and out!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love Adam on Glee; come to think of it, I love every
type of entertainment that he has ever been involved in. He is so talented.

Anonymous said...

I think Glee didn't work fast enough or perhaps they were apprehensive thinking Adam might not fit the student cast. Glee should have nabbed him right after Idol. I think Glee was sizing him up; should have acted faster. Now, Adam is open to so many options and tied up in numerous projects, Queenbert being the highlight. Adam is like American ginseng, revitalises, energises; but Chinese ginseng is still the most potent...I have taken both; especially good for the brain. lwl!


Anonymous said...

In Cantonese, ginseng is called 'pow sum'...can you hear how powerful it! I wonder if Adam takes ginseng, his respiratory power seems to suggest so, or perhaps nurtured by his daily 20-hour baby-screaming. lol! Yes, natural still beats all types of ginseng. lol!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps things happened the way they did for a reason; and it all seemed to be working out just wonderfully for Adam.

Many lessons learned in life through his journey, that is still in progress. The wonderful thing, is that we are reaping the fruits along the way!

Anonymous said...

oh boy
that's not even a mistake , doesn't matter if you put an "a" or not < you gonna understand it anyway .
and BTW , you just picked on a fan too

Anonymous said...

@Sue, Rose Petal, JAK - virtual hugs to all of you.

@Sue, IMO the only "expectations" that we should all strive for in our posts is respect for Adam and each other. :)

Anonymous said...

10:13 PM

I must speak up here; since
@9:29 PM said they were leaving the thread a while back. It also does not matter if he or she said scroll on by or stroll on by; you are still moving; ha ha. A person should understand that also. The poster at 9:29 PM did not seem to be picking on another poster that you claim. He or she were rightly, in my opinion; pointing out a poster that was pointing fingers and making the same type of mistakes themselves.

This behavior seems to be quite childish; sorry, but don't know what else to call it. Apparently, you can't seem to let it go. Time to move on; as apparently everyone else has. Goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Adam Mitchel Lambert is a beautiful talented gift that just keeps on giving!!!!

Anonymous said...

well .. apparently you can't seem to let it go ether , ha ha
goodnight !!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for admin to make this a tags only can post.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is the gift that keeps on giving. Love him and thought he was great on the show. Can't wait till Vegas.