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Adam Lambert's new tweet!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Saturday, April 5, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, April 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam tweeted this to stop all the mutterings about him being on a cruise.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves getting all that fresh young dick in Stockholm. Party on!

Anonymous said...

10:32pm stop reflecting your intelligence from your obsession with porn movies.

Anonymous said...

He posted this at about 4 AM the local time. Just came from some club, maybe. We may get some club photos but there are no paps, so we get them if some people want to post them.

And @10:32 PM: Sweden is known for having a very lively gay culture and good looking men. The parties must be fun.

He must be very excited cause he tweeted. He has been so MIA lately.

Speculations, only speculations.

Anonymous said...

So now we know from Adam's mouth, so to speak, he's not in Miami or on a cruise, or back in L.A.

Can't wait for that new single release!


Anonymous said...

Yes, he loves Stockholm! ♥ Maybe he could move to Stockholm some day permanently? It is a very beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

I love Paris, but unfortunately I'm not there!

Gabi said...

As long as he's happy over there, I'm happy. On one hand I can imagine that he's missing the familiarities of L.A. - friends, family, places to go - but one the other hand it may be quite refreshing for him to immerse himself in a different country and culture. He's been in Sweden for a while now. Good to know as a fan of his music that he's really focused on his album.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have to continue to put up with 10:32?

ADMIN, please delete those types of comments.

Anonymous said...

Yay Stockholm is certainly amazing city :)

Anonymous said...

Must visit Stockholm some day. It must be great and somehow special b/c Adam loves it and enjoys living there. He's been there two months already, right? No homesick, not at all? And he loves Paris too. He is turning European ;).

Anonymous said...

Adam appreciates Europe, the culture, old historic buildings (that have been there long before America was discovered, lol), the free-er, more accepting atmosphere esp. in Northern Europe...

Anonymous said...

Adam is our beautiful Viking :)

Anonymous said...

We love Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam is our "Lestat" loving the romantic cities of Europe . . he will fly back to us soon. . so happy he gets to enjoy the world . . but he still is our "national treasure"

Anonymous said...

See the troll is here . . loving our Adam again . .

Love and Light troll

Anonymous said...

@3:21 AM
Who do you mean? I see MOSTLY nice posts (except 10:32 PM). How can you tell when the "troll" is "love and light troll" and not some loving Adam-fan?

Anonymous said...

maybe he should move there ,to Europe ; where people appreciate him more , or Asia ..

Anonymous said...

11:07 PM

Why would anyone think, that Adam would be on a cruise? At any rate Sauli is there with his very close (and very handsome) friend Ville

Anonymous said...

@4:21 AM

That's what I was wondering too. Why would Adam be on any cruise? IAnd at least with his ex like some thought? It would be weird. If he was in USA I think some paps would have seen him by now. And now that he confirmed that he is busy with music and is still in Stockholm and loves it, there is no doubt about it.

I don't believe that Adam and Sauli are so good friends that they would be on vacation (on cruise) together. Stockholm was just one weekend of two friends who met maybe to celebrate Sauli's bd in advance and said farewell because other one was going to USA next week. Adam is only one of Sauli's friends and as an ex he can never be seen on this kind of trips. Adam spends his vacations and free time with his closest friends (Markus M. et alia, not with his ex. That's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I love Stockholm too and many other parts of the world I've visited.

Anonymous said...

@11:49 PM HA HA HA! uh huh ;)

Anonymous said...


Wow; that really touched your funny bone. Your response was so funny when you shouted it! Cute, sincere laughter is good for the body and soul!!!!

Anonymous said...

7:05am HERE: sorry, my post is for 6:40am!

Anonymous said...

@7:05 AM
Ditto! I wrote that 11:49 PM post and I'm glad if that made some people laughing. It feels so good to see laughing and smiling people.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam mostly un-known in Sweden. I think he mentioned he can get around without people knowing who he is. One reason we have seen no fan photos of him for the last 2 months. I am sure he is enjoying the night life. Nothing changes that much in Adams life. Be nice to see him back home again, with most of his 3rd album under his belt.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely normal for Adam to spend time in Europe. People seem to forget that he is working extremely hard with the amazing and incredibly successful producer Max Martin AND probably planning rehearsals with QUEEN!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely normal for Adam to spend time in Europe. People seem to forget that he is working extremely hard with the amazing and incredibly successful producer Max Martin AND probably planning rehearsals with QUEEN!!!

Anonymous said...

some are suffering from cases of trollopathic delusionment.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he enjoys breadsticks dipped in a butter and garlic sauce?

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, but I'm not with him.

Anonymous said...

Queen and Adam could be working on their new album, too. Lots of possibilities thrown out there for us to think about.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Adam's new Stockholm tweet; I bet Stockholm loves him to. Apparently, he feels so comfortable there.

Anonymous said...

He is enjoying all the Swedish meatballs

Anonymous said...

at 9:18 AM

Probably so. Sweden, and Stockholm in particular, is definitely the gay-friendliest place on this planet.

Anonymous said...

3:08 AM Adam is a Viking?
I don't think so. They were raiders, however, they did 'shop' in a lot of countries! ;-)

Anonymous said...

@10:39 I'm interested in history and I think if there really was a holy grail the vikings probably took that too and it's hidden somewhere in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

@4:21 AM I thought Sauli would go with Ade...

Anonymous said...

@11:23 AM
Maybe Ade did not have time to go. Ville is a doctor and I assume he can arrange his timetables better.

I mean this guy:

And I believe Adam loves Stockholm, as someone mentioned Sweden and especially Stockholm is very gay-friendly free country.

glitzylady said...

Adam is 1/4 Norwegian (his Dad) which qualifies as Viking :)))

Anonymous said...

I agree with glizylady!

Anonymous said...

@11:23 My wish too. I shipped them hard. But finnish boat, finnish travel companion.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Love and Light
Adam Troll

Anonymous said...

Adam is more Beau Brummell than Viking.
Stylishly clad, perfumed and coiffed.

Anonymous said...

Imagines Adam wearing viking helmet instead of top hat. ;)

Anonymous said...

Viking heritage is found in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.

Anonymous said...

But just because you are from Scandinavian countries doesn't mean you are part Viking. Only 30- 40% of Scandanavians are descendants of Vikings.

Anonymous said...

Vikings had their own way of life, so to say.

Anonymous said...

Norwegians, Swedish and Danish don't think Finns were Vikings. I'm totally ok with that.

Anonymous said...

5:27, they must not be paying attention to genetics.

Genetic legacy
Studies of genetic diversity provide some indication of the origin and expansion of the Viking population. The Haplogroup I1 (defined by specific genetic markers on the Y-chromosome) mutation occurs with the greatest frequency among Scandinavian males: 35 percent in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and peaking at 40 percent within western Finland.[111]
111."Annals of Human Genetics. Volume 72 Issue 3 Pages 337–348, May 2008". Retrieved 21 May 2012.

Anonymous said...

Always a treat when Adam sets the rumors straight.

He must have seen the comments stating he's on a cruise with his ex bf and clued us in.

Thank you Adam

He must think why cant they just let it go.

Anonymous said...

5:51 PM Check the genetics in Scotland and Ireland, the Vikings "dated" a lot of girls on their frequent trips! That's where the red hair came from. The native Celts were dark haired.. ;-)

glitzylady said...

My red haired blue eyed 100% Irish grandmother undoubtedly owes a fair amount of her heredity to the Vikings...and their wanderings... so I suppose I'm a bit "Viking" too. :)))

Anonymous said...

7:35, you have that backwards. Genetic studies show the Celts taken as slaves are the source of increasing the amount of redheads among Vikings.

glitzylady said...

So, after checking up a bit, I see that the Viking responsibility for the red hair in Ireland, etc., is actually most probably a myth... Interesting.....

This is a good synopsis:

Anonymous said...

1:20 am, thanks for the correct info for the record.

Anonymous said...

No I don't have it backward. It's the same statement. The mixture of Celt and Viking created red haired people wherever they lived! Duh!

Now if we really want to shake things up genetically - blue eyed and/or redhaired people are genetically mutants! Fume about that scientific fact or do as I do just shake your head and say "How about that!!!"

So. Adam is a double mutant, "more please!"

Anonymous said...

5:39am, no it is not. The Celts were the redheads. Few Vikings were redheads. The Celts brought more redhead DNA into the Viking gene pool.

Anonymous said...

5:39, you don't get it.

glitzylady said...

If truly interested, read the article I posted at 3:07 AM about redheads in Europe, etc.. It goes into great detail about redheaded-ness in Ireland, Scotland, Norman France, etc. etc., It's a long article but well researched.

Anonymous said...

My Biological Science textbook is also well researched. Also my Ancient History textbook which describes the early settlers (after first Ice Age and into days of Roman occupation of the British Isles) as small dark haired, dark eyed, swarthy people.
The Celts were not a race of people but a number of tribes living in Ireland, Scotland mostly.


Anonymous said...

8:36, how old is your text book?

Anonymous said...

8:36, read some more.

Anonymous said...

The Finns were not Vikings (traders and raiders who sailed far from home). The Finnish ancestors were hunter gatherers and farmers. They made their living from the land not the sea.

Anonymous said...

Well then, I suppose the women in western Finland were in to Viking men when they raided the Finnish shores... he he!

Anonymous said...

The vikings couldn't get any further than the coast. If they tried the Finns would butcher them in the forest. ;)

Anonymous said...

The capital of the Vikings was Birka.

Anonymous said...

So if Adam wanted a viking, at least this time he hit the right spot. Birka is close to Stockholm. ;)

Anonymous said...

And Jonathan is in Stockholm! Yeah, right spot this time.