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Cute Kelliott art!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Anonymous said...

Tim Verrall‏@timverrall·2 mins
YES #love

RT @adamlambert: Have we made it to radio down under??? Woohoo "@timverrall: The new AVICII + Adam Lambert is ridiculously good”

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's new tweet!!!!!

The Kelliott art is very expressive! Adorbs, just for fun.

Anonymous said...

ROUND 1: I voted for @AdamLambert as my favorite @AmericanIdol contestant of all-time on @RyanSeacrest! Vote here!

Anonymous said...

The Kelliott art is SO cute!
Also, go happy to hear that LMD is hitting the airwaves. Now, if it would just hit the airwaves in the U.S.A !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Smallzy ‏@Smallzy
@adamlambert I'm playing it here on the radio in Australia. Sounds great mate!

Anonymous said...

LMD is hitting up on Australian radios and NZ running that Lipton ice tea commercial. YAY!

Anonymous said...

Great that LMD is playing in Australia. Rest of the world next :)

Anonymous said...

For some weird reason, at this moment I don't even care if LMD doesn't hit radio in the U.S., I am just so damn happy it is looking promising for Aussie radio play, as I know they really dig him down there! Good taste those Aussie's. Avicii is worldwide cyberfriends, and the good 'ole U.S. of A, though I love it dearly like any other patriotic gal, is not the whole enchilada, as the saying goes! Yay LMD, a damn hot song.

Anonymous said...

LMD sucks balls. awful electronic crap.

Anonymous said...

What a cute fan art. Last night Gleeks were tweeting missing Elliott.

Anonymous said...

Island Records ‏@IslandRecords
It seems our fans have voted @avicii's #LayMeDown (ft @adamlambert) the official song of the summer

Anonymous said...

Sweet .... Cartooning is an art. My daughter has taken it up at the age of 51...she said "I finally know what I want to do when I grow up!".... JAK

Anonymous said...

This cartoonist captures the feelings of Kelliott/Starkurt very well. Like I said before, they ooze chemical attraction. Their Rockstar cover plays this out really sensuously. I still watch the Rockstar video alongside Starchild.


Anonymous said...

Did anyone watch Glee last night? Did they mention anything about Elliot Starchild Gilbert?

Anonymous said...

Awe! I love this art. Some fans are sooo talented! I'm so jealous. Adam is gorgeous even as a cartoon! Love him so much! Also really love his vocals on LMD. I hope it becomes a single.

Anonymous said...

Love the Kelliott art. So cute and sweet. And love the fact that LMD is really hitting the airwaves in many parts of the world! It's about time. The rest of the world has such good taste. The U.S. needs to catch up.


Magiclady said...

Not a word
All I know is his presence added to the appeal of the show. He just fit right in and made it so much more!

Anonymous said...

LMD is not really to my liking production wise. so, it doesn't matter whether it's played or not..

Anonymous said...

This fan art is ADORABLE!

Anonymous said...

I love LMD such a great produced and written song quickly or not the songs genius love it.all it needs is releasing and playing world wide or just start playing it. It will catch on radio stations start playing it. So terrific.many love the song more hear it love it. It would be a terrific summer sing dancing the summer through to this terrific song. Commercials do ice tea showing its a cool summer song anthem. Crazy fun summer dance song just love it.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtless, selfish and immature comment. Of course it matters. It matters to Adam and to most Adam's true fans, who want him to do well (money matters in music business) and every song by Adam should be heard more worldwide!

Anonymous said...

@1:24 AM

Bravo, I was just going to say something to that effect. Very well said!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! it's about Adam Lambert getting to the Top when he belongs!

Anonymous said...

1:38 AM here/
meant, where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

@1:24 & @1:34

I love your passion fellow fans, but just IGNORE is the better way to go in my humble little opinion.... ignore ignore ignore. You can of course ignore me as well, lol, but my feeling is to not even give credence to a post like that by replying, it only gives it weight, of which it is not deserving. (It was not an "opinion" about the song and it's potential, which I would have welcomed, negative or positive, it was just a shit-stirring thing, don't get sucked in is my opinion).

Anonymous said...

'Squeeze' .... I love this fan art. :=)