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#LayMeDown Is the New OFFICIAL Avicii featuring Adam Lambert & Nile Rogers Single from #TRUE in Australia!!!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, April 16, 2014

. ftg is officially the NEXT single from in Australia


Anonymous said...

Excellent news!!

Anonymous said...

OMG...YAY! Happy dance! :))))))

Anonymous said...

Ok I hope it goes platinum, tons already have the album so I doubt if they will get the single. I don't know how all that really works though just glad for them to hear Adam's outstanding vocals on LMD.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you! Australia? Why does the USA get snubbed!! Grrr

Anonymous said...

8:59 grow up troll.

Anonymous said...

Cause USA is mostly into country music. Chill out! If it does well in other countries. US pop radios will take notice.

Congratulations to Australian Glamberts! Is there anyway we can buy the radio edit?

Anonymous said...

Can we send Byron gifts so he will play it on rotation? Love you Byron! Thanks for the news!

glitzylady said...

Byron has been playing it..and now that it's an official single, no doubt he'll play it frequently.. He's an Adam Lambert fan too :))) He's been there from the beginning....

Anonymous said...

Hey, There's many longggggg termed devoted Glamberts in Oz who are partying right now!

Anonymous said...

9:09 your argument is invalid "Wake Me Up" was a top 10 hit in the USA this year from Avicii. The label just fucked Adam over and didn't release LMD because they are fucking moron assholes.

glitzylady said...

Sorry, gotta answer @Anon 8:59 PM...

Australia is but the first country to get "Lay Me Down" as a single, and I suspect more countries will as well, at least internationally. I think we should be excited for Australia, not cursing them..and Avicii's label.

My fingers are DEFINITELY crossed for release in the US, and other countries..

The Dark Side said...

COOL! It's a great somg

Anonymous said...

Bryon Cooke playing, Smallzy NOVAFM 100.3, 2DAYFM 104.1 has LMD #7 on it's Top Ten and that's JUST for starters!
Not forgetting JOY 94.9 whose
always supported Adam too.
Darn this is magic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the love...
it's a FANTASTIC day in the Land of Oz. (and suspecting it will be worldwide soon)

Anonymous said...

I hope the USA gets LMD released as a single!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo sooooo happy for Australian Glamberts. Please tell us about the single edit. What Australian station via internet we can listen to LMD? Tons of excitement. Love!

Anonymous said...

Yaaas very good, love the timing of the release of LMD close to summer, the QAL tour the single being exposed in the Lipton IceTea commercial. Avicii is smarter than you think ,Adam referred to him as a genius.

Anonymous said...

No wonder he posted that happy smile picture of himself on IG. Euphoric indeed, Adam! That's what we feel right now! So happy for Adam, and us, and Australian Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

Love to all the Adam fans in Australia who have supported him from the beginning! So great LMD is now a single! I hope it will soon get air play in the US! Congrats Adam!.....~love~.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Thank you Byron Cooke for your loyalty to Adam! Great news and thanks to whomever in Avicii's camp made the decision to release LMD as a single in Australia. Hopefully, this is just the beginning for LMD. I love the song so much!


glitzylady said...

From 91.9 SeaFM Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia: Twitter convo...

91.9 SeaFM ‏@919SeaFM 6h
This is too exciting!!!! I'm playing brand new @Avicii @adamlambert #LayMeDown #music bliss! #woo #speakers #pumped - @LoudRach

I Heart AdamLambert ‏@ModestYChild 6h
@919SeaFM @TALCvids @Avicii @adamlambert @LoudRach It's funky good isn't it? :D

91.9 SeaFM ‏@919SeaFM 5h
Hells yeah! Have loved it since @Avicii released his album - @LoudRach @ModestYChild @TALCvids @adamlambert

I Heart AdamLambert ‏@ModestYChild 5h
@919SeaFM @Avicii @LoudRach @TALCvids @adamlambert We trust you to keep playing in on the air then. Thanks!

91.9 SeaFM ‏@919SeaFM 5h
You better believe it baby! I'd play on repeat if I could lol @ModestYChild @Avicii @TALCvids @adamlambert - @LoudRach

V Camilleri said...

Love to the Australia fans. So excited that this song is the next single.

Anonymous said...

YAY for Oz and all its fantastic Glamberts. Byron, the bravest male Glambert there is!!!

What a moronic post!

Anonymous said...

9:47 PM
It'll be winter here in Oz come June/July/August so LMD is the perfect song to heat up the dance floors. Avicii, his True album and the singles from it have done extremely well in Oz so hoping and praying LMD does equally as well or better. Feels great and nerve-wracking at the same time to have LMD released in Australia first. Hope it goes straight to #1.

Anonymous said...

Keep lovin ALL the Oz DJ's who now have LMD on their playlist.
So darn exciting. (Such a blessing after all the old Sony pumping for airplay.) LMD should take off like a rocket.

Anonymous said...

8:59 PM
To quote Adam. "Entitlement aint sexy".

Anonymous said...

I've posted this comment before, but I'll just mention again that I'm in the U.S. and where I live, they just started playing Hey Brother a few weeks ago, which tells me it's the new single off the Avicii album here. And since we all know artists release singles individually, I suspect it's just a matter of waiting a bit for Hey Brother to have its run, so to speak, before hearing yet another new Avicii song, which I'd obviously want to be Lay Me Down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Will someone please explain what "Entitlement ain't sexy" means? It makes no sense to me at all. Entitlement is social assistance to the old, ill or poor. It's mostly used in discussing govt policies. An alternate meaning is something you feel you are owed - a right to something - generally that you have not worked for.

What connection does that have with sexy??
I just don't get it. Social Security ain't sexy? Welfare ain't sexy? Food stamps, etc. I am really puzzled at the connection with sex.

Anonymous said...

Awesome news. Happy Day!

Anonymous said...

@3:19 AM

My take, I was here from the begnning, and some fans; at the time that Adam made this (never forgotten) statement, seemed to be trying to boss him around as if they were entitled to this right; because they were fans. He tweeted out to some of these seemingly overbearing fans; that "entitlement isn't sexy", hence the quote you see bantered about from time to time, by some fans, when it appears that other fans are attempting to run Adam's life!!!

That is my recollection of it; other's I am pretty sure might have their own. The same words can be used in different instances; but have the same meaning. You can also check a Dictionary or Thesaurus for different usuages of the word.

Hope that in some way answered your question. That is the best of my knowledge; as I saw it at the time.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam and all of us fans. It just keeps getting better and betterer!! This is great, great news from OZ!!

Anonymous said...

Happy for the Glamberts!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes. Happy as can be, for Adam, you and me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8 59pm

Why you gotta be so mean????

Time to celebrate with our brothers and sisters from down under; this is great news from the land of OZ, for us and our international super star Adam Lambert!!!!

Anonymous said...

Every day seems to bring another piece of Joy!

Anonymous said...

3:19 Didn't you bring this all up on another thread? Sorry we are going to be happy for the single release no matter how many wrenches you guys throw in. Hap,hap,happy dance no matter how it turns out.

Anonymous said...

If LMD does very well internationally, I think it will become a single in the U.S. in due time. It should follow the normal path. The song is really burning up the airwaves all over the world!


Anonymous said...

9:24 pm, your language is unnecessary plus the label is still releasing songs from the album, just not in the order you want.

Anonymous said...

@6:50 AM I agree with 9:24 PM and the wording. It's in a language everyone can understand. 9:24 PM just told it like it is.

Do you really have a problem with the word fuck and still come to the internet?

Anonymous said...

Thanks @12:39AM!

Anonymous said...

Is this going to be a single in other countries or just Australia?

Anonymous said...

Best advice: Seek a fan whose been ardent Adam fan from the beginning and who knows where to find "Adam Dictionary", or a site where all Adam's typically adamtastic quotes, phrases and words (with possible interpretations) are found. Also the phrases, nicknames etc invented and used by fans can be found there.

'Sexy is sexy!'
'It's all Adam's fault!' and many many more.

Anonymous said...

9:24 doesn't see the whole picture. She dictates her wants like a little baby.

READ 12:39am comment to get a better picture of how different Avicii's singles are doing in OZ than here in US.

Anonymous said...

@7:01 AM

@9:24 PM did use quite colorful language; I guess he or she's passion and impatient feelings got the best of them; the words seem to have just came pouring out.

@6:50 AM has a point also, and expressed a few factual points about the releasing of the singles, and how he or she felt about the language used. Not fair to be condecending to @6:50 AM because they expressed a not as colorful opinion, even if it might be different then yours.

@7:01 AM, just because something is out on the internet that may be appropriate, does not mean it would be appropriate on Adam Lambert's Blog Fan site.

I think civility is very important at all times here; it reflects the man himself!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Good advice. 3:19am does not have to look any further; he or she has found it all in you and your most informative and enlightened post. Congratulations on your excellent knowledge of all things Adam Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

I'll voice my own point of view. Adam doesn't want fans who just blindly agree and automatically butt lick everything he says and does.

@adamlambert Contrary opinions have become so unfashionable. When did this happen?

@adamlambert I prefer folks with their own, individual point of view and the balls to verbalize it.

Anonymous said...

@7:35 AM Fyi, Adam uses the word fuck regularly. Also while you're calling out people for using that word, ask them to learn to spell, too.

Anonymous said...

Someone trying to ban the word Fuck from this blog????? Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!! You got strange priorities. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Adam has said 'Fuck' many times on twitter over the years. Look

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Let's concentrate on good news comments and IGNORE out of topic comments. Topic is about LMD as a new single in Australia. Hope it does great there and translates to be released in other places. :))))

Anonymous said...

7:56 your link is infested with computer viruses. My McAfee blocked it.

Anonymous said...

7:43am. "Contrary Opinions" doesn't mean to attack people. Your comments are anything BUT NOT "Contrary Opinions".

Anonymous said...

No one's attacking anyone. We are just all expressing contrary opinions to contrary opinions. Labeling "attack" doesn't mean others can't have their contrary opinions to your contrary opinions.

Anonymous said...

I'll stay away from this fansite because of this insane person. Admin. should block this person. If this person does something wrong in her life, we will be all questioned by law enforcement cause they will check her internet activities. Not only Admin. will be in trouble but all of us coming to website will be in trouble. I check my Adam news on twitter and other monitored fansites. Goodbye!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, at 7:33am & 7:35am
& 8:11am, & 9:07am; and a few other adults on this thread, who were just trying to curtail the frantic insults and wild accusations of he or she; who seems to be extremely upset, over a few opinions contrary to her or his own.

I guess they need to get all the curse words they know out of their system while pretending to be multiple outraged fans. Someone should remind he or she or, heaven forbid, them; that cursing, as an entitlement is not "sexy"!! Ha, ha, ha. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Have a nice day! Off to work; listening to Adam all the way!

Anonymous said...

It is Spring vacation, I believe; just food for thought!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about LMD; this is just wonderful news for Adam and all his fans; for the world, for that matter!

Anonymous said...

This news about Lay Me Down, is great news. Thank you Oz. Thanks to all the radio DJ's playing it. Thanks to the beautiful people of the Land Down Under!!!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't happen to a better man; or his fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam has the most dedicated fans; and I mean from all over the world!! No one deserves it more than our beautiful man star!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning folks; hold on to your collective hats if you wear one!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic News!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Awesome news! I hope the US and the rest of the world are going to catch on!

Anonymous said...

This is 3:19 - Thank you to the two nice people who responded to my question about Adams quote. It helps to know how he used it to begin with. I know that entitlement has many definitions, but I've never heard it connected in any way with sexiness so I found it puzzling.

Sometimes a question is just a question, thanks for your replies.