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New Post and comment on Adam Lambert Facebook page!

Filed Under (, ) by Adam Lambert on Saturday, April 5, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, April 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

It's a mystery to me as to why he does not list Model on his Twitter 'resume'

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to like his facebook and Instagram posts.

funbunn40 said...

@2:41PM, I didn't think Adam posted anything on FB, just twitter,Instagram and occasionally Vine. He did have a My Space acct. but cancelled it around the time of Idol. I do check out the Fans FB site and will often "like" postings. Is that the site you're to?

Anonymous said...

The pic on the right... pheeeeewww!

Just got home. Not gonna lie or apologize, could stare those thighs and the glorious GB area for hours without food... and I'm starving!!!

Anonymous said...

@3:07 PM Good on you for 'saying that out loud' for all of us.

glitzylady said...

It does appear that Adam actually did post this on his "Official" Facebook page... It may have posted automatically from his Instagram acct, or vice versa, :) .. but he also seems to have posted the comment below the picture as well. It's right in there amongst the other replies under the facebook post... I was sort of surprised to see it earlier, and replied to his comment:

"Adam Lambert: Don't hate in my 90s raver platforms!! Hahhaah
Like · Reply · 681 · about an hour ago
71 Replies · 2 minutes ago

Check it out and leave him a reply :)))

Anonymous said...

2:36. That is exactly what I was going to say Model, for sure.

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 yes he started posting on his official public facebook page. I guess now he is on twitter, IG, and facebook. Did you see his comment about his shoes posted on this thread topic? So cute that he writes on comment section of his posts.

Magiclady said...

The right pic looks like the black jeans he wore @ I-heart. At least they fit the same glorious way!

Anonymous said...

Right on @ 3:07....just lovely to look at

Anonymous said...

@first poster, Anonymous April 5, 2014 at 2:36 PM.. totally agree with you.... Axel...

Anonymous said...

Model does not sound very Rock God-ish, imo. :)

Adam's so much more 'ALIVE' in shoots than a professional model, hope he never does those blanc, nonchallant stares, no smile, no facial expressions - his beautiful, expressive eyes, that gorgeous face would be wasted modeling... Sing, BB, sing and perform, be your true beautiful self forever and ever in pics, too!

Anonymous said...

Adam is still in Stockholm.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Adam is connecting with fans via facebook as well as twitter and instagram. It would be nice for us fans to be also more present on his social media pages since now the industry is taking them into consideration to measure popularity of an artist and his music.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes to be very very tall! I think his high shoes are fun and funky. Nice to see him giving us some fun communication.

7:09, if Adam is indeed still in Stockholm, that is probably a good thing. It means he is likely still working on this new music. That's a huge priority right now if he wants to get it out by the end of the year.

Adam is a doll.


Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted less than an hour ago:

I love Stockholm!

Anonymous said...

Can this man wear an outfit

Especially the pic on the right ...

F a S h I O n A D A M ! !

Y I I I K E S S S S ... too perfect!

xoxo laura

Anonymous said...

3:07 PM
stop fantasize about his (...)!
you're not gonna get it

Anonymous said...

OT my iPad is frly new I tried to post a comment on Adam's FB page but what do I press to enter it. Thanks ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

9:11 PM
Type your comment and then press Enter and your comment will be there. :)

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

On my iPad, a comment box comes up in which to post your comment.. When you are finished with your comment, you can touch "Post" on the Touch screen...

Anonymous said...

@8:36 Perhaps we need to explain the concept of "fantasy". :)

Wouldn't that be the sexiest thing ever if Adam posed in the same way as the first Rolling Stone cover (laying back on a bed) with that outfit on the right??

Anonymous said...

I've never before come across fans of an artist who obsess about the artist's private parts. It really is disrespectful and lowers the standard of the fandom.

Anonymous said...

11:27, the obsession is weird and the constant discussion is disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

10:04 thanks that worked for me.

Anonymous said...

This site is such a bore nowadays!

I have always (5+ years) respected Adam and admired all his talents and assets, the visual sensual & sexual image (he puts out as an responsible adult, fully clothed here also, mind you!) is soooo beautiful to look at and gives me great pleasure. To me he truly is like watching beautiful art, and he oozes sex & sensuality whether it's still (!) photos or live performances, whether he sings or just sits & speaks. He is just so enjoyable to look at inch by inch (lol). You have to be dead from the neck up or from the waist down not to see & feel it!!! And my heart has been his from the beginning...

So to all you disapprovers, I'm NOT fantasizing anything, just purely & simply admiring everything I see in Adam. In plain daylight.

Unlike so many here I enjoy "the sexy fun" that is a big part of Adam's appeal and journey as a performer - and I ain't skeeerrd to admit that! To try and repress that side of Adam on this site has taken so much fun away.
(Just to make sure, not talking about the stupid tacky graphic one liners made by juvenile or idiotic shit stirrers here).

Your comment is just stupid. Unlike you (obviously) I'm not fantasizing of getting the "__" (that you dare not even mention), hah ha. I get Adam. Hope you do too some day! :)))

I love him (as a fan) unconditionally, and I'm gonna keep admiring everything this tremendously, stupendously beautiful man allows me to see & hear!

(sorry for mistakes, writing from my crappy small screen phone!)

Anonymous said...

This site is only a bore when people post stupid, childish remarks, and lewd comments about Adam's physicality.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much the troll loves Adam. Just sits around all day and night and jumps on every topic.
Troll loves Adam to death.
You go Adam Loving troll

Anonymous said...

2:34 AM
if it's normal to you to walk around and talk about someone's dick then it's not normal to me , different culture maybe , or it's just Impoliteness from you .. i'm not the only one here find it weird obviously .

i'm 8:36 PM

Anonymous said...

@2:34 I love your post and could not have said it better myself. What a lovely way to say it. thanks.

Anonymous said...

@2:34 I'm with you! A man with all his appealing qualities is meant to be admired. Doesn't mean we don't love the "insides" and the glorious voice of the man also. :)

If Adam doesn't want any of his fans appreciating his gorgeousness, he should stop doing any modeling shoots and do all future performances in a burlap bag with unkempt hair, no makeup, no jewelry, etc. I think he knows EXACTLY what he's doing and the effect it has on some of us.

Anonymous said...

This is an Adam Lambert fan site (or used to be). This has been discussed here already, not so long ago. Maybe it would be high time to allow fans have a little fun here, also "the sexy fun" Adam likes and approves! There is not just "your way" of being an Adam fan. Not just your rules and views what is proper. Luckily my views on sex, sexuality & sensuality are more diverse and accepting, much like Adam's 'sexy is fun, sexy is sexy' and I'm totally comfortable with his sexuality & orientation as also with my own.

There's nothing wrong admiring Adams various inner and outer assets. Everything I say or write I do out of love and admiration for him. Obviously you did not read & compredend what I wrote earlier. You're just fixated on your views and being judgemental. I'm not just commenting on his body parts, I love and honour him as a person, artist and human being. And I don't say anything I would not say in front of Adam face to face (if I ever had the chance). Never use crude language or terms. Adams GB and other terms of endearment and observations of his outer & inner beauty have been on his fan sites from the beginning. Tonguebert, Chestbert, Neckbert etc.

You keep your views, but please don't suffocate the more liberal & accepting views of others.

No wonder Adam likes it in Europe. I liked it, too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my post @4:59 was for @3:40/8:36 - forgot to put that first.

@4:33 and @4:38
Thank you both for your posts.
Was writing my reply to 3:40/8:36 when you posted. :)

(have to go now, bbl)

Anonymous said...

4:59 AM
You keep your views but don't suffocate the more constructive, interesting views of others.

Anonymous said...

I found 4:59's post to be very constructive and interesting, actually.

Anonymous said...

2:34 and 4:59, I agree with both of your well-written posts. As a fan of both Adam's "inside" and "outside," I find it very possible to admire and enjoy his incredible sexiness without being gross and disrespectful about it. I love his manly attributes. He looks sexy. He acts sexy. He knows he is sexy. He just feels it and displays it without even trying. He's a perfect storm of looks, attitude and personality. In many of us here, he elicits an almost over-whelming sexual response, a response very natural and human. It's an incredible spark of excitement to feel it. But there is no reason to be gross and pornographic when posting about it. Or being purposely sarcastic about it. That's disrespectful to Adam and the fans here. I know it's done to be mean and to rile us up. We just have to ignore those posters. I relish Adam's sexiness as much as his music.


Anonymous said...

5:55 AM
Agreeing with your own post.

Anonymous said...

Chill folks; everything is A-OK!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you 2:34/4:59 and DRG for your very eloquent comments. There is absolutely nothing wrong with admiring Adam's sensuality and masculine beauty from head to toe, and for me, part of the fun of being a fan has been sharing the enthusiasm for his sexiness with others on this site.

I understand that not everyone is comfortable with expressing appreciation for Adam's sensual/physical attributes, and that's fine. But please don't ruin it for the rest of us; just exercise your right to scroll past comments you don't feel comfortable with, or don't look at the comments at all.

Have a good day everyone (or night, depending on your time zone.)

krismidas :)

Anonymous said...

Please don't ruin this site by continually obsessing over Adam's bodily parts. There are some of us who actually want to discuss Adam's voice, his music and his career.

Anonymous said...

@7:16 That's fine if you only want to read and share comments about Adam's voice, music and career, but you probably need to find a different site. The topics of discussion here are much broader. It's a sure bet that we will continue to discuss many things on this site, including Adam's personal style, family/friends/romances and even (gasp!) how sexy he looks in his clothes.

To get the voice, music and career discussion without the other stuff, I suggest you search for a site administered by a musician or music industry professional who only posts the type of information you seek.

Anonymous said...

Just listen to the rhythm of Adam's heart!!

Anonymous said...

that's a long essay , but the bottom line is that you're creepy , is't acceptable to you that a bunch of guys you don't know talking about your private area .. ?
and i don't think Adam like it anymore , in WAG tour some fans throw something like dick shaped ..idk ? ! and he ignore it .. so it's not an excuse what Adam said like 5 yrs ago .

Anonymous said...

I don't know why some men's fashion designer hasn't used Adam for one of their ad campaigns or clothing collections. He is so stylish and handsome in all the pics we have seen for photo shoots or just when he appears on the red carpet for some event. And what about the GQ cover? For me, it will interesting to see what Adam will be wearing on his summer concert tour with Queen. Yes, it is all about the music,but with Adam it is also about what he is wearing, what his latest look will be. It is all so exciting.

Anonymous said...

Get a life of your own, peeps instead of obsessing about every little thing about Adam.

Anonymous said...

To enjoy god given beauty is something. But to go over the board fantasizing and obsessing by making up lies what Adam is doing with his assets is disgusting and disrespectful to Adam. If I see a handsome guy in a cafe, I enjoy the beauty. But if I jump on him and tell him what he is doing with his asset, I'll be in crazies jail house in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Jeepers! There are a lot of topics here about whose pictures Adam is liking.

Anonymous said...

7:09, there is a middle ground. Please also respect those of us who are uncomfortable with more obvious and descriptive comments about Adam's sex appeal. It can be done in better taste and with respect for Adam and the others here. It isn't fair to drive us off the site either. There is a wide range of ages and cultures posting here and we should be able to accommodate all of our views.

I do not include the person who makes the graphic, lewd and pornographic comments in this. They need to be banned.

Anonymous said...

7:39 AM
Your way or the highway - it aint happening.

Anonymous said...

@2:34AM say what you wish-admire every part of Adam. It is not creepy as some suggest ,but also encouraged by Adam himself (.Have you been to a concert people).????? So to the prudish - admire Adam the way you choose and let others do the same.

Anonymous said...

Prudes? Nope but Adam has some petty, disrespectful fans here.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks just "drop dead gorgeous" on both these pictures!
What a beautiful sight for sore eyes.

If I had a fashion line; Mr. Lambert, for sure would be my top model. Who else on earth looks this good in clothes???

Anonymous said...

I believe what that guy said at an art show opening, Adam attended about six months ago; he said, that when Adam entered the room, all eyes turned towards him!!

Anonymous said...

I bet when Adam was in high school; he never dreamed it possible that years later; a bunch of strangers would be fighting over how to describe his sexiness!! Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Use your imagination and respect for Adam. Find a way to say something without offending others or disrespecting Adam. Be a little vague or charming about it.

Anonymous said...

Adam should do one time modeling for his friends Skingraft and The Blonds. I wanna see him in fashion magazines. Hope he wears their clothing lines for Queenbert concerts.

Anonymous said...

@9:01 AM #2

Me too; to all of what you said; that would be so great!!

Anonymous said...

Handsome is, as handsome does; and Adam does handsome just beautifully!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam M. Lambert is just all kinds of good looking; no matter what he adorns that beautiful body with!

Anonymous said...

9:01 am #1 - Areyou JAK? This post sounds like you.

Anonymous said...

Adam loving troll

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Thank you, sorry for coming back this late (work, argh!), thread probably dead... All of us were not happy with my post... Still think that pic is HAWT in all right places! :)))

Anonymous said...

So agree, thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a load of hypocritical BS!

Anonymous said...

Thank you kindly!
If you got my post, I'm sure you could have said it all wayyyy better!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post! I'm pretty sure "the effect Adam has on some of us" is a much wider phenomen if truth be told... Having been to Adam concerts... and having been here reading and commenting 4-5 years... need I say more!

Anonymous said...

9:12am, yes, right-on and short and sweet!

I wrote at the start of this thread how much photo number 2 looks like a perfect, high fashion shot.

And now, reading all the posts since ... so many varied opinions and observations! (I didn't even notice the "glambuldge".) So let me ask you, am I a freak for wanting to watch Adam have sex? I mean, come on! He's just so delicious!!

Um, I apologise in advance. I'm on pain meds due to minor surgery. I know my friends here will understand. Hahaha... :D

xo laura

omg ... i'm going to regret this, huh? ;D

Anonymous said...

@DRG, thank you! I've always loved your positive, insightful Adam lovin posts!
"He's a perfect storm of looks, attitude and personality." LOVE that sentence. Have a nice Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I will, don't you worry. More constructive and interesting views are always fun to read, restrictive and narrowminded not so much...

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Sorry you got accused of being me by Anon @6:29!

Anonymous said...

False accusation, you should apologize to @5:55!

I have never agreed with my own post, such a silly idea for an old school honest person like me...hah hah! Sorry, no troll genes in me.

Anonymous said...

Laura, can I watch you have sex?

Anonymous said...

4:01pm ...
Are you ready for the Hotness? :D

Even hotter = Adam having sex with another guy as cute a Sauli. Ouch!!

Good god ... I AM going to regret this! It's all your fault, 4:01pm, for egging me on while I'm in this state. Hahhaha..

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@krismidas, thank you and good to see you posting again! You have the midas touch when you write! So agree with your post. A big part of the fun of being Adam fan is that he is truly 'the total package', the ideal artist to follow when you 'wanna use and lose all your senses', lol! He's so much more than just a guy standing behind the mike!!!

Anonymous said...

Plenty of threads to do just that. Don't see so many posting on them, however!
I diligently follow his career and news about his music. Without falling in love with his VOICE I would not even be here. Why be so black and white?! There are so many sides and lovely features in Adam to explore... :)))

Anonymous said...

Nobody's called me creepy before, so I thank you. The rest of your post does not deserve an answer.

glitzylady said...

To paraphrase the lady into the restaurant scene in "When Harry Met Sally" .. I'll have what you're having..


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support. I do. And I will. Hope you do, too! :)

Anonymous said...

"Tell Laura I love her..." Remember the old song?!

Oh @xo laura, you really are one of the 'bright spots' on this Map!!!

Care to share some of that 'bad medicine'?!?? LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

laura, yes it is creepy to want to watch Adam having sex. It is an invasion of his privacy.

If you know meds are making you inappropriate then get off the internet.

Anonymous said...

For the person who posted that Adam likes to be tall...years ago I asked my 6'5" teenage son what he'd wanted to be in 10 years and he answered - taller. I guess for men there is no too tall. BTW my son got his wish, he's 6'8" now.

Anonymous said...

OOPS! Appreciate it, 5:11pm.

But Really? Come on! you can honestly tell me you've NEVER thought of it?
Hahhahaa ,,,

But it's an invasion of his privacy??

He'll never know. (I may pay a price, tho'. :) )

And 4:43, where did I write it was "BAD medicine"? Ha!

Glitzylady, 4:43, 4:01 and everyone across the globe having fun tonight, BEST WISHES!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@xo laura
I was thinking it in a good way, but with the lyrics of the BonJovi song "Bad Medicine"... "Bad medicine is what I need..."
Party on, Gurl!

4:43, :)))))

Anonymous said...

5:29 PM OMG 6'8" ! How much do his shoes cost?
My boy is 6'5" and wears size 16 !!!!!! I'm going broke !

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is freaky/creepy for you to want to watch Adam having sex, no matter who that person might be. Surely your imagination isn't that limited.

Anonymous said...

laura, yes, that would make you a freak. Creepy and weird to want to watch Adam have sex.

Anonymous said...

Remember the time... when so many here were gushing about Adam's envigorating effect on their sexlife... married or not...

Sexy & Fun! That's Adam!!!

Adam is ar rare artist/singer/performer, his presence both on and off stage (what ever the stage) is a true inspiration, he is an instigator, catalyst & so much more! This man with the one billion voice!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, I get it, 2:16 and 3:20, I'm creepy and weird.

But, are you guys being honest? I mean, really, it's ADAM! Hahahahh... And, yes, I'm using my enormous imagination.

xo freaky laura

ps ... 6:32am, Hi! I remember that! (obviously :D )

Anonymous said...

laura, people get arrested for that sort of thing for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Nope, 2:01pm, our society does not have the capability of monitoring our thoughts. Yet.
Wa ah ah .... (spooky sound)

I doubt that any wish or fantasy about Adam falls into the category of felony,
or misdemeanour for that fact.

But, really, 2:01pm, I think we might be able to be friends. Explain exactly what someone can get arrested for by what I posted... I am open to your thoughts. I've just been having some fun.

To all the Very young ones here, please know that many of the thoughts you'll have in your lifetime will be crazy. It doesn't mean you are. :) And now, forget what I said. You're too young to read my sexy posts, for gosh sakes!!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

What on earth are you talking about?!?