Skinpress Demo Rss Adam Lambert Quiz: "Are You The Biggest Glambert In The World?"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, April 23, 2014


So....Do you know Adam better than he knows himself??? Take the quiz at the link posted below to the OnePopz Adam Lambert Quiz and find out!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glitzylady said...

By the way, the comment that was deleted above was a random "spam" comment... nothing to do with Adam....

Anonymous said...

Yep .... Ultimate Glambert. :-D

Anonymous said...

From twitter .........

EM.ES @Sroczka79
" the official radio version of LMD will hit the radio stations around the world at the end of April 2014."…

Anonymous said...

20 for 20 for me! No problem! It's almost embarrassing .... at least my family would think so. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I have one quiz question. When did Adam gain so much weight and how did he plan to lose it until the tour?

Anonymous said...

19/20 an Ultimate Glambert! Yay!


Anonymous said...

19/20. Was actually unsure about 2 things.

Anonymous said...

19 out of 20, missed #12 name of charity!
But still considered an Ultimate Glambert. Haha!

Anonymous said...

That is an old photo of Adam.He has lost weight,if anything.He's very slim now.look @ more recent pix of him,on twitter,or in videos.That pic may make him look heavier because the hair is different.Look @ videos of BB on Jimmy Kimmel,Letterman,during his NYE 2013 live shows,etc.( and,oh yes,during some of his shows w/Queen)

Anonymous said...

I have almost the same coat as what Adam is wearing here way back in the 90's. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Come on come on give us a challenge, far too easy to whiz thru it....
Far too easy for us to do it......
20 out of 20....that's a snap, done and done,
Now that's a wrap.
No chance for things to go all
Just shake awake your hippocampus.
It's all stored there in the vast archives
Snug and cosy where your memory thrives........JAK

Anonymous said...

Two pics from Adam.

Guitar Heroine daniellestori


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady....that was fun and gave me something to do at 4:00 ones awake around here to play when I start my normal day.

Anonymous said...

IGNORE @11:00!

lorraine said...

20 out of 20......I don't know how to feel about this except to say that I just love this man and his beautiful voice---and he makes me happy.

I was recently discharged from the hospital following some somber days; my sweet husband brought me my laptop one evening before I was scheduled for surgery.He knew what I would do with it-and that's exactly what I did. I went directly to Queen/Adam Hammersmith July 12 and watched the video of I Want to Break Free.I was smiling for the first time in awhile, and fell peacefully to sleep, thinking of the joy on Adam's face that night and saying some fervent prayers to my loving God.

Anonymous said...

Ultimate indeed!!!:))

We don't wanna miss anything about him eh!!!:)

Call me crazy!!! Don't care at all!!:) Having fun is healthy especially about my Rock God!!:)


Anonymous said...

I hit the Ultimate, too! Sometimes I'm just amazed at how much I know about this guy. But it makes me SO happy! I'll treasure this whole experience forever.

JAK, love your poem. Perfect!


Anonymous said...

I am an Ultimate Glamberet too. Sometimes I think I know more about Adam than I do about some members of my family or some of my friends. I have never really been that interested in any celeb as I have with Adam Lambert. Call me crazy too, but it is fun and isn't hurting anyone.

Anonymous said...

@lorraine....hooray for your sweet husband, he knew what would give your brain a pleasant break from anxiety.
I turn to music or poetry constantly in tense situations and Adams face is a nice sight too.. I hope you will be 'all better' soon....JAK

@DRG....the middle of the night is when I write.....long long letters to my friends who also enjoy snail mail...and of course verses galore which I usually crumple and throw away in dawns early light....a little rhyming is bearable , too much is a burden. I share one a day with husband, that's his poetry quota!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK ....I've got to say
Your little ditty made my day
Glad to hear how Adam helps all of us through hard times ....I'm having knee surgery tomorrow.... He 'll be with me ....,my doctor lets u listen to music till u fall asleep to all my fellow glamberts how lucky we r to have this man....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan and got 17/20. I don't see much difference between fans and glamberts when it comes to music. Glamberts are more interested in his looks and his gimmicks with Tommy. That's why I can never be a total Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm according to your definition, I guess I'm not a Glambert.

Anonymous said...

@7:33 That's what I've been told and I accept it (I don't care really).

Anonymous said...

Fans are more laid back.

Anonymous said...

damn that is a hot look. bring it back.

HK fan said...

I'm a Glambert, but I'm not remotely interested in anything to do with Tommy.

Anonymous said...

@8:01 You live in HK though.

Anonymous said...

I mean where you come from also matters in this fandom. Glamberts can be prejudiced like that. Slow progress is happening.

carolynj said...

Kind of silly, but I was so pleased I got 20 out of 20. I do check in with myself periodically to make sure I keep my priorities straight and as long as I have more grandchildren photos than Adam photos, I think I'm OK!! It is all about having fun.
Lorraine--glad you are out of the hospital.
JAK--fun poem.

glitzylady said...



I had no idea there was some sort of big difference between being a plain ol' Adam Lambert fan (which I am...) and a Glambert (which I also admit to being...and proudly so). And I've been in this fandom a heck of a long time, like so many others. Since the beginning actually..

That **interesting**, and I consider misleading, definition of a Glambert from @Anon 7:14 AM has no particular validity, at least for ME, as far as I know. But heck, I could be wrong... I do consider myself a Glambert, but my appreciation of Adam goes sooo much further than his looks (which I can certainly appreciate, and do), and although I like Tommy just fine, the quote unquote "Adommy" interaction was part of the 2010 GlamNation tour and it pretty much ended there... It was part of the show... part of the musical "theater" of GlamNation.... Being a Glambert really has nothing to do with "Adommy", which is another thing altogether....

So how about we don't start drawing lines in the sand, so to speak, and make "Glamberts" out to be something bad, with "Adam Lambert fans" being the better of the two "factions"... Because for me, there isn't really a difference.. Or maybe I haven't been paying close enough attention to the various nuances and definititions of fan.. Or maybe I just don't try to label anyone.. Because it seems to me that we're all in this fabulous place, this fandom, together....Or at least we should be :)))))

glitzylady said...

And I also don't think it matters one bit where someone is from... A fan is a fan is a fan...

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert fans have better reputation, if that matters..

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are all sorts of cray. Too much drama. Tommy fans are Glamberts, because they simply cannot call themselves Adam Lambert fans.

Anonymous said...

i always thought that " Glambert " is silly and meaningless name , we need another name cause this one is kinda attached to Adommy crap tbh .

Anonymous said...

I doubt the general public gives it any thought as to there being a difference between Adam Lambert fans and Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

@9:34 Yes, and it has the word Glam that is a narrow-minded expression. It's like a contract that says Adam is not allowed to change his look ever.

Anonymous said...

I think when Adam is being interviewed, the interviewer usually refers to Adams fans as Glamberts, which means they have done a little research before talking to Adam. Also usually knows he is single now, and don't refer to boy friends. They keep the topic on his music, or upcoming Queen tour. Not sure if they have ever heard of Queenberts, which will be dropped after the tour anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think when Adam is being interviewed, the interviewer usually refers to Adams fans as Glamberts, which means they have done a little research before talking to Adam. Also usually knows he is single now, and don't refer to boy friends. They keep the topic on his music, or upcoming Queen tour. Not sure if they have ever heard of Queenberts, which will be dropped after the tour anyway.

Anonymous said...

oops, sorry about double post.
wasn't me, must have been the cat, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Adam uses the name Glamberts. I think he likes the drama, even being the target. Not all like to be bullied by Glamberts though. In fact, by leaving the name it might reduce the bullying.

Anonymous said...

I have been part of this fandom since Idol and I consider myself a Glambert, a fan of Adam Lambert so to speak. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts came into being with his first tour, which was all glammed up. Before that we were Adam fans.

lorraine said...

Thank you JAK and Carolyn. I do appreciate my dear husband very much-and your kind,thoughtful words.

Anonymous said...

OT, Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel posted a picture of his new platform shoes on his IG. Hope his fans don't say Adam copies him again. The only time Adam wore the same thing as Bill was when he bought a pair of pants just like Bill's back in 2009. Everything else that TH fans claim Adam copied Bill was way before Bill's look. TH fans are crays.

Anonymous said...

I missed quite a few. Guess that means I have a life:p

Anne Marie said...

I think platform shoes are quite the norm now for young men, especially in music business. They can only buy what the shoe people put out, they are the ones who set the fashions. It has been murder for the females lately.

Anonymous said...

I think Glamberts is a pretty all-inclusive term for Adam fans. It evolved early and is here to stay. Even though Adam has moved away from that glam look, it's part of his history. I don't mind the term at all and I think Adam likes it, too. To me, it's a natural term and emerged from his early persona with all of us. Changing it would be pretty artificial. JMO.


Anonymous said...

Adam is a glam rocker then.

Anonymous said...

1:03, He isn't all the time. He changes a lot. I wouldn't give him one label.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal....JAK here.....just before they slip the knock out drops into your IV tomorrow before Kickin In...."do you feel it kickin in, do you feel it kickin in,
do you feel it kickin in....Honey, are you up there?"

One second and you are def "up there"....good stuff! :-)

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady - I appreciate you letting us know that the deleited comment was spam and not a diss at Adam. Thanks. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Glamberts, Adam lambert fan, it's really not that deep people. We all are Adam fans, period.

Anonymous said...

This Glambert scored 20/20 on the quiz. I know my man. Any Adam Lambert fan is automatically a Glambert - no getting away from it. Just come along and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

I scored 15/20 and I love Adam. Oh well !!