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Adam Lambert is a Momma's Boy!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 10, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 10, 2014


Anonymous said...

Beautiful beautiful picture. ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to Leila.

Anonymous said...

He is definitely a mommas boy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful mom and son!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very filial son even by eastern standards which often rank filial piety as of top-most importance in the hierarchy of social norms. I feel this may be one of Adam's qualities that endears him to easterners who believe if one takes care of one's parents, they are more likely to be trustworthy. It's tangible love. I remember reading in the Bible that children who love their parents will amass great fortune; seems quite visible in Adam's scenario. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Adam is a wonderful son but not a mama's boy.

Anonymous said...

Did Lambertlust post this too?

Anonymous said...

Leila has always doted on Adam, and still does. We don't know what kind of son he is, we see pictures of them together, rarely with his father. This is another part of his private life, we know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust does a good job on here. I don't always like what he posts, but nobody else seems to post anything . At least he gives us something to chat about.

Anonymous said...

Moms are a fantastic lot of people
They give their all no matter the circumstances
And never expect anything in return
For their undying love and assistance
Adam has forged a special mother-son love
With bountiful blessings from above
Leila is very involved in Adam's life
Her dedication as Adam's Mom
Culminates in, Adam knowing who he is
Achieves his goals, the sky is his limit
Leila keeps close to Adam's developmnet from child to adult
And that she has shown is of utmost importance
For successful realistic results
Straddled with work and commitments
Moms are the unsung heroes
Much like an army contingent, over and out lwl!


Anonymous said...

9:08 really how did we survive 5 years without him I'll never know.

Anonymous said...

What does everyone think of Sauli's new short hair?

Anonymous said...

Adam's parents raise him to be a gentleman and we have seen him doing that to women.

Happy mother's day to all of us indeed!!!:)

Thanks for the picture!:)


Anonymous said...

Leila seems to have a very strong bond with both of her sons. It's just more visible with Adam; because he is who we follow! You can certainly tell that it is real!! In fact his mother and father seem to be very close friends also!

I don't think he is a mama's boy either; but a devoted and loving son.

Anonymous said...

Jubilant Angels shake their wings, praised the love and the infinite strength of the mothers of the world! Happy day! HH

Anonymous said...

Adam has the best mom :)

Anonymous said...

9:04 PM. We see pictures of Leila and Adam because they live in the same town. Eber lives in San Diego.

10:08 PM Sauli is always handsome, but I don't like short hair on any men .

Anonymous said...

The buzzed look suits Sauli.
Who's the gorgeous-looking girl with him?

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have a beautiful relationship with his Mom which does not include being a Momma's boy.

Anonymous said...

Old photo? Adam and his Mom look very fresh-faced and younger in this pic or maybe the pic has been photoshopped(?).

daydreamin said...

Happy Mom's Day all you mom's out there!

Anonymous said...

Picture is probably from about 2009. That was Leila's hair length and color at time of Season 8 Idol. And Adam looks like his sweet faced Idol self.

Anonymous said...

Plus - The Upright Cabaret was where Adam worked pre Idol.

Anonymous said...

9:08 pm, Lambertlust doesn't make the posts on this site. Look near the top just under the photo. Admin Fan made this post. Admin Fan almost always uses Lambertlust as their source. I don't know why they rarely use any other fans tweets or the original source. Maybe Mrs. Lambertlust is Admin Fan.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers & great grandmothers all over the world. May you have a joyous day with all your loved ones. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is cultured to the max. His refined and a class act.
Happy Mother's Day from Australia moms.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms on here. Adam is very lucky to have such a wonderful Mom!

Bing said...


@HH - it is so nice to see your comments again. El amor y la luz de mi amiga :D

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Adam is a trail blazer. First openly gay player was drafted into the NFL and I fell Adam had alot to do with it happening. Be proud of your boy.

Anonymous said...

Adam most definitely is a trail blazer. IMO his AMA performance may not have served him well, but it swung open the door to free up open-mindedness followed by more awareness of the need for equality that includes LGBTQ. It's all going in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

5:37 am, Unless you have specifically asked Michael Sam if Adam influenced his decision, you don't know that. Maybe Jason Collins was his inspiration. Adam isn't the only trail blazer.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sam didn't need any influence or inspiration. Maybe he is a trailblazer too.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was on AI, some one asked his mother , why she was at all the auditions, she said she would be there to pick up the pieces if he didn't make it. I took that to mean that he was such a gentle person, he would fall apart. I don't believe he ever thought he was going to make it through AI. He often mentioned he was surprised that he had made it to the top 10. Everyone tells him he is a great singer, but deep down I feel he has insecurities to this day. Which I feel strongly why he couldn't let loose of his second album after it was finished, for quite a while. Most of us have these same insecurities, about things in our life. Adam loves his mom, no doubt about that, but I think he still looks to her for approval. Actually he does also with his very close friends. He is not a hard skinned guy, and he has a very soft heart, which is beautiful, but works against him in the career he has chosen.

Anonymous said...

Are we talking about Adam?

Anonymous said...

How would you describe Adam?

Anonymous said...

3:08, I don't like the Momma's Boy reference either. It's a negative connotation whether it was meant that way or not. Adam and Leila have a beautiful relationship. Both very supportive of each other. I think Adam is close to hid dad, too, but they don't live close to each other.


Anonymous said...

People change and grow and become more confident and secure. And sometimes moms worry about us more than they really need to.

Anonymous said...

Adam is part of the recent surge of gay people coming out, esp. professional athletes. Music, sports, politics, too. More gay people are feeling able to come out and be accepted. Adam did a brave in 2009 just as Michael is doing so now. It's one big forward movement with lots of participants.


Anonymous said...

My mom used to say this about having kids: "It doesn't get easier; it just gets different." I am the oldest of five kids. I have two grown sons. I still worry about them even though they are good, responsible people. Their life issues may change as they grow up, but they're always our kids.


Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson never came out. He was in hiding until death.

Anonymous said...

Eber is Scorpio and Adam is an Aquarius. I really do believe they disagree alot. Us hardnosed Scorpios are blunt and Aquarius are stubborn. Aquarius go left when told to go right and Scorpio will debate that. I don't see a very understanding relationship between the two. They probably get along better after a long time away from one another.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Moms always worry about their kids no matter how old they are. First kids are leader, independent and fierce. Adam is a first child.

Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Beg to differ on that one.

Anonymous said...

@7:55 It's matter how old your kids are you support and worry over them. And on that note,
Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from North Dakota. Anyone that is a mother have a nice Mothers Day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers in our Glamily! May you all enjoy a lovely, peaceful and joyous day with your loved ones:)

I definitely feel Adam is very close with his mother but also seems to have a great relationship with his Dad even though they live in different cities and don't see each other so often. He often says both parents were so supportive of him and gave him all the freedom he needed. Lucky Adam and lucky parents!


Anonymous said...

anon 7:56 Scorpios will tell you off. that is fact. Being a Scorpio and dealing with stubborn Aquarius day in and day out wears on the patience. I believe Scorpio and Aquarius would kill one another before the day is done. Keep space between the two and it might work out. Scorpios debate the fact.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:56 I've been a Scorpio all my life and I would punch an Aquarius out. and probably an Aries, Taurus, and Libra would get it also. I think Scorpios gravitate more towards Sagitarius and Leo.

Anonymous said...

OT-She is Sara Chafak Miss Universe Finland 2012.

Anonymous said...

My son is Scorpio and I'm Taraus. We get along fine and my son is sweet and kind towards everybody. I don't believe in these sign stuff. Man made for fun I guess.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the stars or signs of the Zodiac guide anything but sailors lost at sea. The meekest member of my family is a Scorpio. I personally have none of the attributes of my so called sign.

Akin to Tarot cards and the Ouija board and casting the bones or stones to foretell the future.

Anonymous said...

His parents rock! They are so surrportive and loving!He is so lucky to have such an awesome family

Anonymous said...

Bing thanks! Offering of light and beautiful life for you ! HH

Anonymous said...

zodiac hits the nail on the head when it comes to a personality type. I truly believe it has a person all figured out. I'm Scorpio and my aunt is a Taurus. we fight like cats and dogs and the zodiac chart calls her a "hoarder". She keeps everything and stashes cash in banks. They say Scorpios are natural fighters and I will fight in a heartbeat. Eber is Scorpio and Leila is Taurus. so there you go folks.

Anonymous said...

Fiddlesticks! Utter rubbish!
Doesn't everyone stash cash in banks?
Or at least aspire to!

funbunn40 said...

OT... My first husband was a Scorpio that looked like James Dean and liked to fight. I'm a Leo that doesn't like to fight, but likes interesting conversations with my moon in Aquarius, strongly attracting me to Adam? My second husband was a Cancer which worked out extremely well,a smart real southern gentleman. I'm not knowlegeable about astrology, but I've seen links to it and personality traits, not what you see in daily newspapers, but charts that have been specifically, mathematically configured. A friend of mine would do charts that were very complex and specific with time of birth, using London mean time & where the planets were at that exact time. Adam had an interest in astrology and I wonder if he still maintains it and if he can do his own chart.

funbunn40 said...

I wouldn't call Adam a "Mommas Boy" as he definitely has a mind of his own and Leila respects it. Adam does seem to respect,love her dearly and is generous towards her, I'm sure seeing to it that she has the best of everything and is supportive of her. There is much love between them and so nice to see. He is obviously proud to share his limelight with her and she is a stunning,beautiful woman.

funbunn40 said...

Happy Mother's Day, Glamberts. Hope you all had a wonderful day!