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Adam Lambert Liked 3 Instagram pics!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

i want to see Boy George's band Culture Club. So great that they are touring again :)

Anonymous said...

IG likes are boring.

Anonymous said...

'Nightmare And The Cat' are awesome! Check them out!

NZglambert66 said...

Hi NZ Glamberts! As you probably already know, Queen + Adam Lambert are going to Australia!
We need to take a stand!
Use twitter, Facebook , Email or anything you think will get him and Queen over to NZ!!
We may be small but we're not invisible!
He's so close yet so far!!!
Thanks, and good luck xoxox

Anonymous said...

Give it up. If Queen want to go to NZ they will. This is a limited tour. Be grateful they are touring at all.

Anonymous said...

11:37 ok will do.q

Anonymous said...

Hi NZglambert66,
I feel your pain, but fortunately, if all else fails, we will get videos of the Adam and Queen tour.
Yes, I know it's not like the "real" thing, but I consider myself lucky as I will at least get to see and hear the guys!....Peace and Love,

Anonymous said...

11:37, take a stand? That sounds really obnoxious and entitled.

Anonymous said...

Yeah great idea incessantly pester Adam and Queen. As Adam says "entitlement is not sexy"

Anonymous said...

Nightmare and the cat's and singer Django Stewart over and over...
Adam has a crush on :)
I can't complain. Cute boy.

Anonymous said...

11:37, very obnoxious of you to leave your message on so many threads.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: hot995 - "ADAM LAMBERT is the musical Steve Jobs" via Toby Knapp interview with Michael Orland

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

12:33, stop making up lies to try to make Adam look bad.

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM #1 and 3, hello troll.

Anonymous said...

at 12:33 PM

Lol, if he is missing the guy then he should call or text him and NOT behave like a 13-year-old fangirl.

Anonymous said...

ADMINS: please delete the trolls before another thread gets out of control.

Anonymous said...

the complaints are real, like them or not

Anonymous said...

Yes admins please delete the truth before everyone finds out.

Anonymous said...

12:40, please provide links if it is true. Otherwise I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...


All these internet lowlives, constant shitstirrers are going to be so embarrassed and regret their writings when one day REAL LIFE bites them in the ass.

What you write in the net stays there and is retrievable forever. And when you finally understand how utterly stupid you have been, you approach Google and beg them to erase the data of your immature actions...

Guarantee one day you truly are sorry for all your "are we having fun yet?" postings... lol!

Anonymous said...

12:33. Thanks for sharing the link of Toby's audio radio interview with Michael Orland talking about Adam.

Listen to it here guys:

Anonymous said...

The complaints are delusional from IG likes. Adam is promoting and liking the band. Just like he liked that girl who performed at his birthday. There are more to like other music than mainstream music. Adam and most young kids these days like to listen and promote non-mainstream music.

Anonymous said...

at 1:43 PM

Could be, but some young fans seem to think that the band is playing in a different league and does not need the support from the likes of Adam. I am not questioning his talent but clearly he appeals more to the more mature audience and his fan base is not the same Nightmare And The Cat's is.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any complaints from NatC fans. Some troll is just making it up.

Anonymous said...

1:58 nightmare fan base is only 2000. You make it like they are huge. They are talented band. They have only three videos on their vevo account for a total of 100k view counts for all three videos. I am sure they are pleased Adam liking their music. Some fans probably downloaded their music from iTunes.

Anonymous said...

2:10 there was only one complaint out of 20 comments on Nightmare's IG. Troll make it like their whole small fan base complaint.

Anonymous said...

At least Adam has done his fair share of promoting them.
I believe he has the hots for their lead singer Django and that's just fine.

Anonymous said...

2:38 Adam only likes their music. The band is a talented LA based band. Django has girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Once again the "Adam is hot for everybody" troll is here. Heaven forbid Adam likes something or has friends. SMH.

Anonymous said...

Hey, troll, Admin is deleting you. Move along now.

Anonymous said...

Troll's brain is diluted with fanfictions. Shipping Adam with everyone he likes on IG or takes pictures with. Nothing new.

Anonymous said...

How do you know what Adam only likes?!? My guess is just as good as yours. And I read that Django is bi.

You could not be more wrong. I'm not a troll, but a long time Adam fan. I love him unconditionally and what I wrote is just my hunch, nothing more. Unlike many here I do believe Adam has a healthy sexual appetite, but I never think "he has the hots for everybody".

Why would Admin delete my post? Have not written anything disrespectful or used bad language. But if Admin so decides, I'm fine with it.
Just to let you know I have been on this site for 4-5 years and have nothing but utmost respect and love for Adam. And I ain't going nowhere.

Maybe you three (or one and the same) could develop a sense of humour instead of calling people trolls...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:47 only on trolls' blog says that Django is bi. He has girlfriend of over five years. I believe his girlfriend is related to Mick Jagger of Rollingstone. BTW it's three of us you responded to. Adam has millions of fans you know.

Anonymous said...

They initially played their music at bars and now they are opening act on tour with Neon Tree. One of the bars they played their music at is a gay bar. That doesn't make Django gay. LO really L

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming back. Which one of those three are you?
Just fyi, I don't read troll blogs and I'm not a troll. Hope that's clear now. Django can be as straight as whoever, Adam can still have the hots for him. How many straight women have hots for Adam...countless! :)))

Nobody has said Django is gay.

Not that deep!

Anonymous said...

3:47, you are delusional if you think IG likes mean Adam has the hots for somebody.

Anonymous said...

The troll doth protest too much. Lol.

Anonymous said...


I wished I had a magical power to bring Queenbert to your beautiful country. My Australian friend says NZ is like heaven on earth. Gorgeous, out of this world scenries. It would be magical if Queenbert can happen in NZ Singapore China and then end it in couple of European countries.

NZglambert66 said...

Hi guys
So sorry i didn't thin before i posted.
I do something like this.
So sorry again

Anonymous said...

NZglambert66 ignore the negative people on here.

Anonymous said...

@NZglambert66, are so sweet. Don't be sorry. Most of us true Glamberts feel for you. Maybe if there will be any radio contests in Australia, that you guys are able to listen to, you can win tickets to Queenbert concerts in OZ. Yes, please ignore the negatives. Love & Light to Kiwi Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....may I ask, what's wrong with Adam having crushes? Don't we all? How many crushes ever lead anywhere? They are just fun for awhile. Adam himself said, he's had crushes and had his heart broken. Though apparently some of you think if he has a crush it automatically leads straight to the bedroom. I would imagine he gets turned down frequently. Just like 'normal' people. Which he is.....just a real person.

Anonymous said...

None of us know who Adam has a crush on from IG likes - that is the crazy part.

Anonymous said...

But his Django and Ncat -likings are beginning to look a bit suspicious. I don't remember he has been promoting anyone THIS much. It's starting to stand out. Some kind of crush for sure. Isn't Django Dave Stewart's (Eurythmics) son?

Anonymous said...

Django does not have a girlfriend. He dated mick Jagger's daughter for years but she has had a new boyfriend for two years now. Plenty of pictures and articles about the two of them. His name is josh Mclellan. She lives in London and django lives in LA.

DJangos personal facebook says he is single and interested in both men and women.

You don't like an instagram to promote someone. That's what tweeting is for.

Not trying to define whatever Adams interest is but so much completely wrong information is posted here all the time, it's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

7:58 pm, do you keep a spread sheet of how much somebody posts on IG and how many times Adam likes their posts?

Also, it isn't promoting anything, it is just a like. Only the Adam IG obsessed know what he likes. If it wasn't posted here I would have no idea about it.

You are the one that is seeming suspicious for your wild imagination with this.

Anonymous said...

If I remember right he has also been tweeting about them/him. Not only IG-likes. But I could be totally wrong.

So this band and this Django must be very good and talented b/c Adam is interested in them/him so much. I know nothing about them/him or their/his music but I apparently must google and watch the Youtube-vids.

All I say, Adam is very impressed by either the music or the lead singer. If someone listed the "likings" and tweets he has sent lately about them/him, it would be quite long.

Anonymous said...

Adam is friends with the guys in Nightmare and the Cat, a concept very hard for some fans to grasp.

Adam is constantly liking his friends posts. Not a big deal.

Anonymous said...

Why say Adam has crush on Django? The band is signed with Capitol Records. Maybe Adam is trying to tell us about his new label!? I prefer to connect the dots in reference to Adam's new album cause his personal affair is none of my business.

Anonymous said...

But what's the problem if Adam has crush on Django? They are both single and both like men. Django seems to be totally Adam's type. We don't know if Adam is Django's type. But usually Adam gets what he wants. So we just have to wait. That would be a great match. Both know what it means to be a musician and be on a tour, long times apart from your dear ones.

Anonymous said...

10:17, why assume he has a crush? Can you read Adam's mind? Why not assume it means the same as liking one of Markus' tweets.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 PM
We all know that Markus is Adam's friend and we all know that Adam "likes" his friend photos. This Django-crush on IG and Twitter is quite recent and somehow the amount of the likings and tweets arouses questons. But you are right, all is just quessing. But I would not wonder at all if he had a crush on such a cute young and talented guy who happens to be free and bi.

Anonymous said...

10:59, you seem to be obsessed with the Django thing. Adam liking Nightmare/Cat IGs didn't raise any questions with me. You are making something out of nothing. Typical creepy fan behavior to try to pair Adam with somebody.

Anonymous said...

10:59 you need to take a really ice cold shower. You are really crossing the line by being like a creepy stalker. YUCK! Find yourself a mate or something and leave Adam alone.

Anonymous said...

Comes across as pretty cray to be reading anything into IG likes.

Anonymous said...

@11:12PM, 11:41PM, 12:19 AM
So cray I am. Understood. "Creepy", maybe. "Stalker", no need - most of the info is easily seen even here

Anonymous said...

Is it totally impossible to have a bit of lighthearted fun on this site???

What's the big deal if somebody thinks that Adam may have a crush on somebody?!? Why do you need to be the one to deny that possibility? Or the other way round...Why do you think you are "right" in your interpretations how Adam uses Twitter or Instagram 'Likes' (i.e. he only likes their music). You all could be right or wrong or something in between. You are all speculating. Making your own interpretations and projections.

So far no one said anything rude or hurtful. Adam not only 'Likes' the band, he quite often 'Likes' Django separately. I'm with Team 'He's Having a Crush', lol.

C'moon, it's springtime, have a little fun! Besides nothing better than having a little crush on somebody!

Anonymous said...

all people who follow Adam's likes and take screen caps or talking about his private relationships are stalkers !
so quite calling each other that , y'll in the same ship .
i'm not saying it's a bad thing ; it's a fan thing .. chill


HK fan said...


very strong rumours that your wish will be granted tomorrow...listen to announcements from ticketmasterNZ tomorrow morning:)

Anonymous said...

Watched Django sing after reading the posts and must admit I do think he would be Adams cup of tea. However would they have anything in common I doubt it. Adams music is so different to this group and he might appear as an olden to this young man. Who knows maybe Adam has a lot time now not going to clubs and keeping fit for his tour so he's checking out all his tags on IG.
I seriously doubt you will see this young man on any red carpet event with Adam. Could you see him socializing with Adams freinds at gathering he would be bored to tears.
Post note. Yes very talented but music not mycup of tea.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I could see them socializing together. As they did here at the recent Boy George concert.

Django says he loves glam rock and one of idols is david bowie, just like adam.

Not saying they are dating

Anonymous said...

But his hand is on Klaris's shoulder!! Lol

Anonymous said...

@HKfan I saw something from a radio station about Queenbert in NZ and Singapore on IDF. I guess we have to wait and see. I bet once the tour starts, we'll find out more concert dates.

glitzylady said...

Ticketmaster New Zealand said they would be announcing this morning just exactly who the artist/group/show that they've been hinting about... So we should know very soon...

glitzylady said...

But there IS this...which may mean something..or nothing :)))

There is a listing for" Queen + Adam Lambert tickets" on TM NZ, but it also says this:

"We currently do not have any tickets on-sale for Queen + Adam Lambert.
Click "Add to Favourites" to be emailed before tickets go on sale."

So hmmmmmmm........

Anonymous said...

I thought crushes are what teenagers go through when they see a pretty girl or a cute boy. It sounds kind of silly when you talk about adults and men in particular.

Anonymous said...

@3:05 AM

"C'moon, it's springtime, have a little fun! Besides nothing better than having a little crush on somebody!"

I totally agree with you!!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:35 AM
Yes. And here it looks more like Karis would match better with Adam. He is extraordinary beautiful and would be "at home" at red carpets.

(Please, don't take this too seriously. Just having fun. Knowing nothing.)

Anonymous said...

You sound like a bunch of catty high school girls or old biddies gossiping about something you know nothing about. It isn't "springtime fun" it's cray speculation from horny busybodies.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with @9:51am. This hooking up Adam from Internet likes is insanely creepy. He isn't a movie character to make up crazy stuff about him. He is a real person and you are strangers. It's like a creepy guy undress you and have crazy thoughts about you. You cross someone's personal boundaries. Creepy and distasteful!

Anonymous said...

Some of you are just incapable of having fun and "sexy fun" especially.

Adam is a master of flirtation, pure, fun, twinkle in the eye sexy fun. And I'm totally sure Adam would see no "creepyness" in talking about crushes or having the hots for someone.

How very limited and narrowminded is the pov that crushes belong to teenage only... You can have a crush at any age... even on your own hubby... ain't that right, @JAK?!? he hee!

Anonymous said...

@12:44....JAK here....well, today he's been a pest and I'd like to 'thump' him, but tomorrow he'll be my number #1 crush again, cause he's so darn sweet.

There def is no age limit on crushes and we are tolerant of each others. I take all the J'adore Perfume ads with Charlize Theron on that gold gown, and prop them up by his chair. He calls my attention to any Gerard Butler movie on TV. Reciprocity is a good thing. :-)))

Anonymous said...

Damn....:-)))...that's better!