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Interview with American Idol Producer: Adam Lambert was "Super Devoted" Mentor at Idol Boot Camp

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, May 9, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 09, 2014

Michael Slezak interview with Per Blankens, American Idol producer. Mr. Blankens comments about Adam Lambert and Chris Daughtry on Randy Jackson's Boot Camp and their time as mentors earlier in this season...

Excerpts from the in depth (and much longer) article about this year's American Idol...

Read the entire article here:


Anonymous said...

Your welcome.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:38 PM
If you are the one who posted this article in a previous thread, thank you!!! And if you had a tag I would have thanked you in the post :))))

funbunn40 said...

Thanks from me too for posting this welcome news. I always love it when higher ups value Adam and we can hear the compliments! I would love to see Adam in the finale, singing Who Wants to Live Forever or The Show Must Go On, big leap from his Idol journey to Queen!

Anonymous said...

okay , this is not news , this is just a crumbs !!

Anonymous said...

You know WHY this is NOT news?!?

Cause that's how Adam ALWAYS operates & works! Super devoted in everything he takes up to do.

Anonymous said...

So anons can't be thanked by their time stamp?

Anonymous said...

Great news that the producer was impressed with Adam.

I liked other tidbits like bringing back former contestants.

Maybe we will see Adam again before the season ends and maybe in a bigger mentor role next year.

Anonymous said...

Who are these BitterBerts ruining every thread with their whining????
So pathetic!!!

I'm so thankful for every little news bit @Admin & Admin Helpers bring here. That goes for every tagged and anon commenter bringing links and other information in the comment sections.

Please accept this as a GUARANTEE of my appreciation and of my deepest THANK YOUS to last for the next 12 months ahead... don't wanna spam every thread with this time & space taking certificate, insert ***kind lol smiley***

BitterBerts, grow up!

Anonymous said...

Fun voting for possible guest judges for RuPauls Drag Race. Adam is currently #9.

Chande happy Bert.. @Chande87
Adam :)) RuPaul's Drag Race Season 7 Guest Judge Wishlist - Drag Official…

Anonymous said...

Too cute.

LOL cute! RT @Jadelle1: Adam's haircuts :)

Anonymous said...

Adam surpasses everyone! He is a true professional to the max! Seriously, what producer isn't going to be impressed with the might of the Glambert! And not biased...the guy is a genius entertainer! .... ask Brian May I'm sure he'll tell you!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:46 AM
I was referring to someone in the last thread who posted this item in a comment, which I appreciated very much, and as a result, I was able to post it as the thread topic here. . I have no idea if the comment at 10:38 PM here in this thread was the one who was kind enough to do that. I suspect it was. And that is what I was referring to. If so, I was thanking them here. Specifically, I would have given a shout out & thanks within the header for this thread with a "Thank you for the tip _______!! " but a time stamp doesn't really mean a whole lot to readers of the blog when it is in another thread entirely.. I hope you can see what I'm talking about.. :)))

Anonymous said...

Guess this is older info. I lost faith in Randy a long time ago over Adam. Not a fan.

Anonymous said...

5:20, it's a brand new interview. Randy chose Adam and the producer was very impressed with Adam. I think this is great news.

Anonymous said...

Adam favorited her tweet and she is so excited :)

Adam's Manniqueen @_Manniqueen_
I love how @adamlambert has got me into so many bands/artists I never even knew existed... he´s the best. <3

Adam's Manniqueen @_Manniqueen_

Adam's Manniqueen @_Manniqueen_
I never ever in a million years thought he would see my tweets.... he´s the sweetest bestest precioiuafadsartsdscdssvfxdfcdsvchxjbjjcg

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to vote for Adam as Favorite Idol Contestant on Ryan Seacrest's site. Winner announced May 12.

Bing said...

I totally agree that this is a welcome info which recognizes Adam's praiseworthy attitude in life. He is simply a gift from the universe who keeps on giving without any hesitation. A very kind and unselfish celebrity who inspires the good side in many of us.

Adam is certainly a positive force who will continue to enhance and uplift people's lives with his artistry and the good examples he sets. That is why it is harvest time for him. He has invested so much in his craft and in life itself so good things come his way and i believe that there is more to come.

I think that Adam is not obsessed with stardom but with being able to do what he loves most for as long as possible. That is why he is never afraid to share whatever he can in helping hone the talents of aspiring singers.

Lastly, i will never forget how he would acknowledge his fellow musicians in the AI band after each performance, appreciating those who are responsible for all the fantastic arrangements. Always giving credit where it is due. His professionalism is just admirable. Adam was raised well, kudos to his parents!

I would also like to thank everyone who contributes links and valuable info about Adam. Thank you for the time and effort in helping 24/7 with things you share with us :D

@funbunn40 it is so nice to see your tag again, i miss you so much <3

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Adam has always embraced his connection with Idol and has always expressed his appreciation for the show in giving him his big break. He gives his all in whatever he does. He did a great job mentoring with Chris D. I sure wish we could see more of those two days they spent with the contestants. I'll bet there were lots of great moments that we didn't get to see. Maybe some of it will come to light. I think Adam is still the only Idol to ever mentor by himself, right? The year after his own year. Another "one and only" for Adam.

glitzy, All I can say is, as the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Keep up the good work here!

Keeping this site fun and informative is a team effort. Healthy debate is always good, but we can keep the troll/negativity to a minimum if we don't respond to the bait. We have plenty of smart, well-informed posters here who want to be proud of this site.


Anonymous said...

DRG/7:08, David Cook just mentored by himself on Idol a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing any tidbits about Adam, especially when he is being praised to the max! It's like Christmas morning to hear this news!
As an Adam fan, I appreciate the efforts of people who take the time to post information for us. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

thank you @5:53 AM
for the reminder to vote for Adam

Gabi said...

I haven't read any of the comments yet, but from my point of view Randy Jackson as a mentor is a much better fit than him being a judge. He seems genuine and warm and knowledgable (even if it doesn't always show in his spoken words). Let's not forget that television viewers only get to see a fraction of what Randy and many others involved are doing. All good for me even though I sure would have liked to see more Adam segments. Great to know that one of the producers really liked Adam's and Chris's contributions. I think David Cook was very good as well. Still, in terms of screen time on television it should be about the contestants mainly and not about promoting everybody else involved. I think the show has improved and this is the first year after Adam that I am watching Idol consistently again.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm a so called bitterbert because I didn't see anything positive in the article. If the producer recognizes Adam's talent then he should hire him to be a judge or the mentor on AI. The only thing I get is that the producer head is so far up Jennifer Lopez butt that he can't see that people have had it with her and her extremely high salary. The entire AI panel need to go and replaced with Adam and anyone else, that is if AI is serious about the show and ratings! That article to me indicates that the producer is clueless and in love with Jennifer. Make Adam a judge then I'll watch it! No Adam No Watch! Adam deserves more than crumbs from AI. AI needs to hire Adam like pronto!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

AI is renewed for next year and the judges and Ryan Seacrest are staying. People for the most part like all the judges this year. Adam being a mentor this year was great and maybe they will hire him next year for something too.

Gabi said...

I think the judges' input and chemistry amongst each other is the best in years. Yes, of course I would love to see Adam more on television, but I don't expect it from Idol. At least not now. He needs to focus on other things now and really establish himself further as a successful recording artist, as that seems to be his focus now. It is not time yet for him to be a judge. That's my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Idol doesn't owe Adam anything, it's the other way around, he owes them and he frequently states so.
@ Tall Tree you are sounding like a Bitterbert.
However, I generally think your comments are right on!

Anonymous said...

I think j'Lo watched some of her videos from her former stint as a judge a couple years ago and saw how extremely GUSHY she was and has toned it down. She's much better IMO and Keith is good. I don't know what part Harry is playing, but I don't like it. Father "know it all" ?

Anonymous said...

I like the judges this season; they seem to enjoy each other and are having fun. However, I hate the constant focus of the cameras on JLO during a contestant's performance. You see more of Keith now, but not much of Harry. He never really smiles and doesn't seem to applaud for any one. They are all making an effort to be fair and honest in their criticisms and in their positive comments. Adam took his job as a mentor very seriously and his opinions were valued. I would love to see him on the finale singing anything, just so he is there, but I doubt he will appear. Adam "made me want to listen to music again" and I have become more aware of the latest performers on the music scene because of him. And he reintroduced me to the music of Queen which I was not really into all those years ago. For me, Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in music today and if it weren't for Idol, we may never have been introduced to this mesmerizing performer.

Anonymous said...

7:39, Yes, you're right. David Cook just mentored recently. I guess I should have said that I think Adam was the FIRST Idol to be a mentor. He did it the year after he was on as a contestant. I think it was quite an honor for AI to have him be a mentor so soon after his own year. Shows they had respect for him. I'm sure all the ex-Idols who have been mentors have done a good job.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Conchita & Austria!!!
The Winner of Eurovision Song Contest 2014!

Anonymous said...

What does Eurovision have to do with Adam?

Anonymous said...

@3:53 the winner is like Bill K in drags.

Anonymous said...

Educate yourselves. Read wikipedia or google Conchita Wurst.

A beautiful person who conquered the hearts of the Eurovision Song Contest audience with a Bond type song "Rise Like a Phenix".

A few years ago he participated in an Idol type reality show in Austria... and came second...

glitzylady said...

Conchita Wurst: Rise Like a Phoenix

Anonymous said...

@3:53 PM Eurovision has nothing to do with Adam. But absolutely weird looking drag queen Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision today. He/she has good voice, nothing phenomenal. However, this drag queen has beard and a lot of people very excited about this look and her performance.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, @4:33
Should be Phoenix...

His real name is Tom Neuwirth (25) and he advocates the same messages as Adam... diversity, equality, believing in your dreams etc.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glitzylady said...

Also: "Michael Sam Becomes The First Ever Out Gay Player In The NFL"

"The former University of Missouri defensive end was drafted by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round of the NFL draft."

"Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, released a statement immediately following the news:"

"We congratulate Michael Sam and the St. Louis Rams on their terrific decision to draft him. Today, LGBT young people can look to Sam as proof that being open and proud of who you are doesn’t keep you from achieving your dreams. Gay people are our neighbors and friends. They’re our United States Senators and, starting today, they’re our professional football stars."

ESPN showed a clip of him hugging his partner when he received the call....

So much progress being made in the US and other parts of the world...on one day!!!

Not to mention marriage Equality in Nebraska...

It's a very good day.....

Anonymous said...

All the songs are mediocre and tacky in the Eurovision song contest. Conchita got a lot of publicity because of the beard I think. He says he is never going to shave. Stubborn.

Anonymous said...

I don't know should a song contest be about sexual orientation though. Or about politics.

Anonymous said...

Basically every country gives points to their neighbouring country, lol.

Anonymous said...

3:59 & 4:52
yours posts show ignorance, are discriminatory & judgemental

Beard or no beard. A beautiful personality shines through.

A change is gonna come...

PS. Both Adam and Conchita participated in the Life Ball in Vienna

Anonymous said...

@5:49 I'm 3:59. It is hard to explain it without using the word drag. Adam admires both drag queens and BK (at least used to), so how is that wrong. The beard might be like a trademark, to make Conchita stand out, like most artists need to do.

Anonymous said...

Nice news Glitzylady thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam on Idol as mentor next year. I don't think him being on again this year is going to happen. Scotty will be on this week and then one week after that is the finale.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's day tomorrow to all the mother's in the fandom near and far.

Anonymous said...

Oh the educated margin man is

Anonymous said...

I think if Adam was going to be on Idol, he would have said so by now. It's getting close to the end. Won't this be the first time he hasn't been on since Season 8? I think he's busy with the Queen tour preparations. That's fast approaching, too. Nice that he was on AI as a mentor.

Congrats to Michael Sam! It takes courage to do what he did. No one should have to hide who they really are. It should be a choice for each individual. More and more gay people in the public eye are coming out publicly. At some point, it will no longer be a big deal. And that's the whole point.


Anonymous said...

Tall Tree @11:30 pm

For the most part; I so agree with you! In my opinion; JL is no better than the last two young women; she was just lucky enough to have two men fawning over her. If MC and NM, the two women from last year had been between these two men; it would have been the same as it is with JL now. I think Mc & NM were set up for fighting and bickering.

This is my opinion; others can think what they want. JL is using the show for her own benefit as usual. Adam would have been a much better judge. But, I think that Adam is better off getting to do all the things he is doing now. It was really their loss!

Anonymous said...

9:58pm here: My post is meant for
Tall Tree @ll:30 AM, NOT PM.

Anonymous said...

9:56 & 10:25 Here: I am not 9:58, my mistake. Eyes need rest. Goodnight!

funbunn40 said...

@Bing, Just as I was beginning to read your comments I was thinking how glad I was to see you posting here again! I have also missed you and your beautiful, kind spirit! I also miss Fan4 Fun and her Diamond Cat & hope she is well. So many great comments on this thread, Glitzylady as usual, DRG & others. I'm also happy for Manniqueen whose tweet was acknowledged by Adam!When he bhas over 2 million followers it's amazing what he does get to see!

funbunn40 said...

I think the judges are doing a pretty good job this year with some actual advice. Keith is always attentive and seems to have a grasp on other music besides country and also has a pleasing personality. JLo is better, but still overpriced in my opinion, primarily eye candy. Harry has his fun moments, but he really is partial to jazz (not the usual Idol fare) and I don't always agree with him. I think he sometimes just talks for the sake of talking. He seems to contradict himself from week to week which must be confusing for contestants. I don't mean to be critical, just my observations as I see it. Adam has been on Idol in some capacity every season since he was a dynamite contestant. He's been very loyal to Idol and doesn't forget those that helped him along the way. Idol has been good to him and I hope he will continue to mentor, sing or be a guest judge. I miss not seeing him on Glee, but so happy he will be touring in the US, Canada, Japan & Korea with Queen. I think this will be a turning point year for him. I hope so.