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24/7 Playlist of HD Quality Vids from @Powderpuffnails: Queen +Adam Lambert Tour In Winnipeg & Saskatoon *UPDATED!*

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, June 26, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Playlist of Excellent HD Quality vids from @Powderpuffnails. From Queen + Adam Lambert Concerts in Winnipeg and Saskatoon

Note: The first 10 are from Winnipeg, the next 4 are from Saskatoon..

AND an UPDATE: She's added 6 more from Saskatoon: Click on the Link within the tweet below to see them! TWENTY vids in all!! 

Links to @powderpuffnails Playlists on You Tube:

LINK to (10) Winnipeg Queen + Adam Lambert Video Playlist:

LINK to (10) Saskatoon Queen + Adam Lambert Video Playlist:

Link to Powderpuffnails You Tube Channel:

On Twitter: Andrea @powderpuffnails


Anonymous said...

Can someone please fix Adam's ear plugs so they fit him more comfortably. He is always reaching for them and how can he concentrate on singing. With all that money spent on this tour can't they get him plugs that fit.

Anonymous said...

that hug after WWTLF..aaaaawwww.Axel

glitzylady said...
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glitzylady said...

To be honest, while watching all of these amazing vids, that's the last thing I notice but good point... :) (Re the ear monitors..)

Anonymous said...

Seems like the ear monitor thing has always been an issue for Adam. GNT and other performances that I've seen on YouTube was the same thing. Some commented once that when you have such a powerful voice and use parts of your jaw and mouth to such extreme that it just pops the ear piece out of place. Don't know but a thought.

Anonymous said...

When Adam sings"Don't stop me now, I'm havin' a good time", this is certainly so true. He is happy, confident, and enjoying himself on that stage and interacting with Brian. He was born to perform in front of an audience and is so captivating with every note he sings and move he makes. And, yes, I agree with the comment about the ear mikes. It seems as if he is always fixing them or signaling to the sound person off to the side. And yet he never loses a note and continues to sing. I guess if we are not in the music world, we don't know much about the mechanics of those mikes and what problems they cause. How did singers perform before they came into use all those years back?

Anonymous said...

I think it's adorable when Adam messes with his ear pieces. He does those cute little cocks of his head this way and that. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yes, whatever Adam does is fine with me! I am just enjoying the whole thing...

Jadam NZ said...

Anything in you ear is very annoying. I think 11.58pm may have a point.

Anonymous said...

I wear the ear mold hearing aids - like the ear monitors Adam wears. A big yawn can unseat them and I have to fiddle with them. I would imagine moving the jaw like Adam does in singing would do the same. Let's just learn to live with it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful playlist. I'm having a good time and more to come indeed!!:)))


Anonymous said...

These videos are just incredible. It is so sharp and the sound is fantastic. Good job @Powderpuffnails!! Very pro!

Anonymous said...

@ Axel....JAK here....that hug got to me too. So easy and affectionate....sigh

Anonymous said...

@JAK.. Yeah !!! Sigh...Axel....

Anonymous said...

Check out the moment in WWTLF when he sings the words "...fingertips..." and his hand hit the laser beam... It's a Kind of Magic!!! :)))