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Adam Lambert new tweet again!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, June 19, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, June 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

He wants to see his fans. I guess Queen fans are doing black and white. Just wear a leopard print tshirt.

Anonymous said...

That glow in the dark wristband is cute too.

Anonymous said...

OMG! so tired for tonight!

Anonymous said...

Well darn I already have my Dallas outfit and it's not got any of the colors !!!.....think I'll keep it .., it's classic rose petal... And that usually a little different anyway .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

black and white striped trouser with a leopard blouse and a red boa and gold bag. that would work!

Anonymous said...

How about some assless chaps. Maybe give that a try. Lol

Anonymous said...

no problema

Anonymous said...

Those leopard sneakers aren't bad either

Anonymous said...

Ha,ha, Adam is messing with us now.

Anonymous said...

Blue glow stick during Who Wants to live forever . . . That s classic

Anonymous said...

Even if he can't see us , I bet he can hear us !!!

Anonymous said...

Where do I get glow in the dark bracelets

Anonymous said...

I have the first color pallet he tweeted about yesterday and I'm doing that.

Anonymous said...

You peeps should look up BertWear USA to order QueenBert clothes. The stuff they have is great. I received my top in just a few days and I LOVE it! I'm all set for the concert.

Anonymous said...

I am going nude...painted in gold paint

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam, I'm going to be an individual, not a sheep.