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Queen + Adam Lambert Concert: Merriweather Post Pavillion Arial View of Venue Instagram

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, July 20, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, July 20, 2014


yada yada said...

Anyone know of any live stream links?

glitzylady said...

Try this...seems to be trouble with it tho...

yada yada said...

Thank you, Glitzy! Its working fairly well now. :)

Brownie5808 said...

Why do we have to sign in now- sorry hate it! Did not want to join google!!!!

yada said...

This is a very cool photo!! Thanks for posting it.
Be fun to know how many are in attendance :)

yada said...

Oh wow, now we can post as anonymous. lol...things change fast!

Sorry to you admins that you've had to take these extra steps. accountability usually promotes more civility. Kudos :)

glitzylady said...

The Administrator/Owner has been considering a sign in for awhile. Apparently today is the day :))

Brownie5808 said...

I have never written a bad post in my 5 years of being here, but now I have to have my whole name displayed, this is crap!!!Sorry- Google won't let me do a stage name or anonymous!!!Not comfortable with this at all, won't be commenting again- This is brownie BTW!!!

yada said...

Hi Brownie!
I'm sorry that your experiencing this. There is a way that you can log in to this site and not display your full name or email name. It took some finessing, but I finally figured it out. One still has an email that is tied into the post, but it is not displayed at all.

If you'd like some help, I'd be happy to help you. I'm sure the owner/admin & glitzy would love for you to continue to participate. :)

Anne Marie said...

Why were we not notified of any changes?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't work out how not to have my full name showing when I posted under my google account, but I have set up a live journal account just to use on was very quick, just took a couple of minutes, and you can still use Brownie..hopefully. I couldn't use HK fan:(

glitzylady said...

Hi Brownie! Yes, you should be able to register your nickname. I'm way from my computer right now but will check back later.. There are other options in addition to Google as well..i do like Google as you can delete your own comment if you feel the need...

Jean Renard said...

I cannot figure out how to post.

Jean Renard said...

I can no longer post

Unknown said...

This is a trial run for me.

Jean Renard said...

OMG-we are really out there now for all the crazies to attack us. I don't know if I want to do this, as much as I love Adam. Some of the mean Glamberts on these threads really scare me. I am just a peace loving, full of love for Adam individual. I might just decide to read the posts and no longer comment, or publish my poetry for all to read. It was wonderful for as long as it lasted. I love so many of you!!! Margarita Lady

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yes I am with you Jean (Margarita Lady) Last comment till I sort it.

yada yada said...

Margarita Lady & Janice:
The way I was able to do it was to go to and sign in using my email address, but it gives you an option to also post a nickname for Blogger use. Might want to give it a try? :)

yada yada said...

If you don't already have a Blogger profile, you will be able to create one. Hope this helps :)

247 said...

Why isn't there an easy "register here" widget?

If it took me a while to figure it out some of the tech challenged may not be able to figure it out.

Why weren't we given a notification post with some simple instructions and links to register?

Was all this brought on by the ugliness of earlier today?

glitzylady said...

As (the former) HK fan said, there are other options besides Google.. A Live Journal acct. is easy to open.. as is Word Press, etc..

ALL may use nicknames as the publicly displayed name.. No real names need be used.. As you can see, I don't use my real name either.. :)))

I'll post some links to help in the creation of sign in accts..

Nearly all blogs, websites, etc.. require sign ins.. 24/7 is one of the last to do so..

The Administrator held off as long as possible but the increase in trolling finally forced the issue in the last year or so..

I suspect too that as Adam becomes more well known, we'll be seeing more interest in him , which as we have seen from other websites, it also has the potential for negativity.. Sadly..

I was surprised that there was no warning. But here we are. I also hope that we can all soon be back posting again... and feeling secure in our Adam Lambert fan alter egos :))) My "glitzylady" name, one I use also on twitter, and as an identity as an Adam Lambert fan elsewhere where appropriate, (my twitter nickname in addition to my @glitzylady name is MaryMaryQuite:) which is closer to my real name :))) and also describes me sometimes.. hahaha! was created as a result of posting on this blog.. And I do appreciate when I have the opportunity to recognize someone by "name"... Too many anons sometimes,and it gets confusing after a while, but I also understand the reluctance of some to be "known".. Case in point: myself..

Brownie5808 said...

Thanks glizylady and HK and all the others trying to help. I feel sad, that it has come to this, of course I will still read posts everyday but you are going to lose a lot of us that aren't so internet savvy. I will try again tomorrow another way, but it seems this open Id set-up messes with my computer in all other ways.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I will ask you one more time. I hope you will finally have the courtesy to reply. Why did you delete my comment? What were the grounds for deletion? What rules did it break?

ESH said...

You can click over your name to go to your profile and then edit your profile as to what name you want to use of used before then save it. It took me less than a minute to do it.

Anonymous said...

@extra yada yada
I went to
and nothing comes up on that page to allow me to change user nsme, or create a nickname....looks like I will have to stick to live journal for now.
Wish we could use disqus, was already set up on that, with a pretty picture and everything!

Unknown said...

So Trying. I don't seem to be able to open a live journal. was no use and couldn't understand what ESH meant. Bugger!!