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Queen & Adam Lambert were #1 on 2 hours ago!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer Sonic 2014!


kitty said...

I don't know what kind of chart it is but wow I like it.

Lam-My said...

Watch out Japan Wowow
Your new Samurai is riding into town
With a magical sword and a sparkling crown lwl!
To steal your heart...rock-n-rolling to the ground
But be not afraid; his intentions are pure
His main aim, to have fun with allure
Now, now, don't think for a minute, that's mild
Because it ain't, by a mile
I know because I too was caught off-guard
Now I'm reeling dawn to dusk lol!
In a good way, cuz it gives my brain tip-top thrust
Not so fast to bite the dust lol!
Yea Samurai Adam is fierce in his Rock screams
And his voice shatters glass lol!
Anyway JapanBerts...have a whale of a time
QueenBert is once in a lifetime, worth the while...

donna w said...

Adam's "Glamberts" are so damn clever!!! I LOVE it!!!