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San Jose, CA Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Tonight!!! Live Streams, Twitter List, & World Clock

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Click on the links in the tweet above to connect to each one!

The show begins at 7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

And all of you lucky fans at the San Jose show tonight: ENJOY!!!!!

Picture above from The Vancouver Sun: Rogers Arena, 6-28-14


glitzylady said...

Thanks @Lambertlust!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

daydreamin said...

I'm here @ row 3!

Anonymous said...

To late for me to stay up. Darn it! I'm thinking Adam will be changing up something or other just because and I'll be the last to know.

You're a generous man, Lambertlust. If I could go I'd just selfishly watch it with no camera of any kind. Enjoy it your way.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lambertlust... Just saw the livestream.. huge place... you are so close to the stage and also relatively to the ministage. Sorry have to miss the concert.. got to go to work ! it is 9.30 am here Axel

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

Too bad serurity shut down the live stream

glitzylady said...

The audio is still working for @Lambertlust's stream.. and the other livestream is still up....

Anonymous said...

Will we see a better coverage of this tomorrow? But I did appreciate what I did see and heard. Thank you.

glitzylady said...

There will undoubtedly be videos from the San Jose concert...

leilani aloha said...

No video but audio's great!!!
thanks Lambertlust!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for the stellar effort to stream Nick!!!!!
Loved seeing you too! Just hearing the entire show live was heaven!!!!!

Adam is the best singer in the entire WORLD!
MY GOD!!!!!

Thank you again!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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