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Adam Lambert was on American Idol briefly tonight!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Anonymous said...

Another Adam Lambert clip shown in Idol Final Judgment!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting.

Lam-My said...

Yea I too, like this very strong soprano contestant, I remember her unique tone and power. I watched some parts of the Hollywood solo round, she got in as I recall and there are a few outstanding styles and singers; overall still nothing like S8. Actually if we remove Adam from S8, it would have also been the same as all the others until now S14. So any inkling as to whether Adam will be AI judge next season. Will tie in nicely with the release of 'Original High'.

CT said...

I saw that brief glimpse of Adam tonight on AI and he looked soooo handsome but it was over all too quickly:)

Jean Renard said...

@LAMMY-there was a guy, in the New York auditions (with Adam as one of the judges), that had the most awesome voice-he sang an original song which he wrote, and I think his name was "HOLLYWOOD ANDERSON" or something to that affect. I had never watched AI since S8 with Adam, but I just happened to watch the hour of Adam as judge in New York, and this young black man really touched me as a singer. I have not watched anything after that, but I wonder what ever happened to Mr Hollywood Anderson. Do you have info about this guy?..........Hope all is well with you, Ms. Lammy!!!!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Hollywood Anderson's best moment was only at the audition.
He sucks in everything else afterwards. If I'm not mistaken he was arguing with Ricky Minor and called him out as "that short person" or something to the judges.
Only a fool would have such a bad judgement call.

Lam-My said...

Margarita Lady.....Again, as I recall, I think he got in at the Hollywood solo round; yes a rather soulful singer but he sort of did not impress me that much, just my opinion. A young girl, Joey Cook caught my attention, very rounded voice and she seemed to sing so effortlessly; but needs encouragement to believe in herself; she appeared rather unsure and forgot her lyric, still her singing was excellent. She got through.
Thank you Margarita Lady for your constant concern...appreciate that a lot!

Anonymous said...

We will probably get a glimpse of Adam again tomorrow as the judges finish choosing the top 24.

10:29 PM, Hollywood Anderson was the cliff hanger, tune in tomorrow to see if he makes it.

Jean Renard said...

@Lam-my and @10:29 PM and @11:09 PM-Thank all three of you for your information about Hollywood Anderson. His background seemed that he might not have the best of upbringing and class. One should never never insult Ricky Minor-he is a G-d on that show and so wonderful to all the contestants...........You know, I knew a guy that appeared on America's Got Talent (from my home town), and his first song on that show brought America to tears-he became beloved from the first moment he opened his mouth to sing. He won the contest that season, a million dollars and the recording contract, but after his crowning moment, no one ever again cared about him. Thank the Universe that Adam Lambert had a different story and that we fell so in love with him that we knew we had to have him always in our lives. It truly takes the whole package and Adam definitely possesses it, (pardon the pun)!! Margarita Lady

Lam-My said...

Yes Margarita Lady....Ricky Minor was a sort of backbone propping up AI, always providing the accompaniments. Adam turned round to acknowledge him, thanking him after his performances.

Anonymous said...

I think that the guy that argued with Ricky Minor was Big Ron, not Hollywood Anderson. But with my memory these days, I may be wrong. Maybe somebody can remember for sure?

Anonymous said...

The best part of the show was that handsome young super star yelling "yea" and looking so darn handsome!! Adam looked so cute and enthusiastic. I was so thrilled to see him. Seems like Ryan is trying to incorporate him in any way he can.

Also, I like the fact that he said "Adam" was the first to notice her talents, by first name only, as if to say if Adam recognized her talents, she must be good. I swear Adam is so handsome it is remarkable. So talented, so smart.

I do hope we see him again on Idol to maybe even introduce his new single. So glad I taped this one night, just in case; and bam the magic happened!!!! "ADAM"!

So glad she went through since Adam picked her!! The other young lady that said she voted for Adam, that he like, went through too, I think her name was Jax!

Gotta go look at that tape again!

Anonymous said...

1:04 AM

Looked at the tape again; it was not Hollywood Anderson that was rude to Ricky Minor, it was that other guy! Hollywood Anderson was very nice and humble! Your memory is great! Thanks for getting the facts straight and not letting that miscarrige of a person's actions just hang out there!!

Why ruin a nice young man's reputation with something that is not true; whether you like him or not???????

Anonymous said...

@10:29 PM

You were mistaken; please be sure you are accurate before posting! As was said, it was not Hollywood Anderson who disrespected Ricky Minor! I felt this needed to be repeated! I went back and looked at the tape too.

Apparently you do not like the young man; are you going to take back your harsh statements about him now?

Anonymous said...

Glad they put Maddie thru to the top 24 I thought she was way betterer than Rachael but the way they did it was kind of cruel.

Anonymous said...

5:19 am, calm down. They said "if I'm not mistaken." They don't have to like the guy and Hollywood's reviews in the media have essentially said the same thing.

5:22 am, it was needless drama.

Anonymous said...

@7:09 AM

So what, does not mean it is true because of the Hollywood review; just opinions. Also, @5:19 does not have to calm down if he or she feels strongly about truth. You need to calm down!!

When a person finds that they are mistaken; they should correct their statements about the person they errored on. This is my opinion; and I am calm!!!!

Anonymous said...


Jean Renard said...

Thank everyone for the corrected information on Hollywood Anderson. I swear, just like my friend that won America's Got Talent a few years ago, Hollywood Anderson's debut with his incredible song about his love for a certain girl, truly brought me to tears. I have not watched him since his debut, but I certainly wish him the best. Always remember the old adage, "You never get a second chance for a 'first impression' ", and Mr. Hollywood Anderson certainly did deliver on his first impression. But, once you have America's attention, never blow it! Adam was also really moved by his original song. Rock on Hollywood Anderson! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

10:51 ahh I hate to tell you this lady but no one is perfect here or anywhere. Be sure to let us know when you find that perfect place you are looking for. bhaaaa yeah good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

I'm 10:29, sorry that I mistook Big Ron as Hollywood Anderson, actually can't tell one from the other.
But I already did premise my statement with "If I'm not mistaken" for my poor memory and a big thank you to all who clarified.
I feel bad for my mistake, I feel bad for Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

10:35 pm, don't worry about it. You did say if I'm not mistaken. Somebody is just being an unreasonable bully.

Anonymous said...

Better to take these current season Idol discussions to an Am Idol site. They are just using Adam's pic/name to get hits. Non-US people here don't know what you're talking about.