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A Wonderful Blog "My Badass Alter Ego" By A Long Term Queen Fan: Her Journey Of Discovery And Appreciation Of Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, March 5, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 05, 2015

Great blog posts by a long time "Queenie"(QUEEN Fan) and her step by step discovery of the glory of Adam Lambert: Her profession is in music, with an emphasis on Opera. She speaks about Adam's vocal abilities with authority, and so much more!!!.. 

A fabulous read!!! 

Queen + Adam Lambert in Birmingham, UK (from the Birmingham Mail)

From the Blog:



Freddie vs. Adam – or Adam vs. Freddie?

The Live Experience – QAL Birmingham 

Singing 101 – a quick overview 

Finding out More (sleuthing Adam?) 

Finding an idol – or, how I tripped over Adam Lambert

Blog link below:

My Badass Alter Ego Blog: Click Here


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure she has been an Adam fan for a long time.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:12 PM
Not according to her blog posts if you read all of them on her blog...:New fan of Adam Lambert, long time Queen fan...

Her comment about the time immediately after the Queen + Adam Lambert BBC New Years Eve Concert: "Finding Out More: (Sleuthing Adam?)..

"I wasn’t in the slightest bit surprised when I heard that the most searched for words on Google UK on 1st January were “Adam Lambert”. I was on there with all the others trying to find out a bit more about him, and how on earth he had ended up on stage with Queen....."

JAK said...

Birthing of a Glambert.....a beautiful thing .

Anonymous said...

I am a bit suspish too. She sure knows a lot of tiny details about Adam in just 2 or 3 months. Also, watching Idol vids and listening to a live stream but never watched any QAL vids? But she is a fan so, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's something written to help convert Queen fans? It's good, I enjoyed reading it, but it's obvious she's a long time fan like me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think she's been a fan of Adam's for longer than she's indicated. Anyway, it's a blog so no biggie.

Anonymous said...

She is a Queen fan. She is a vocalist and fell in love with Adam's voice watching him at NYE show on BBC.

glitzylady said...

I'm just going to say this: I hope everyone reads the blog posts and learns a few things themselves.. Extremely informative about aspects of Adam's voice, of Freddie's voice, etc.. etc..

Gabi said...

Great read!!! I learned a lot and it made me feel "validated" in my longtime Adam obsession haha.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she wrote it with good intentions for whatever reason to be saying she is an old Queen fan and new Adam fan, but it does seem like she is really a long time Adam fan too.

Anonymous said...

Most informative [about music and singing] article I have read. I agree, everyone should read it. It let's people know how much work and dedication Adam has put in to be able to look so effortless. I remember an interview I read of his childhood voice coach. She said Adam wanted to learn how to sing certain high pitched notes [that he can now safely sing] and she explained to him that he would have to wait until he was older because they required more developed muscles than he currently had at his age. THAT was certainly news to me. I thought the ability to sing certain notes was a completely innate gift. In another interview Brian stated that he asked Adam in amazement how on earth he was able to make certain sounds and Adam demonstrated the skill for him and Roger. This article helps me appreciate even more all the work and creativity Adam has put in developing both his unique voice and vocal skills.


Anonymous said...

QAL was absolutely fabulous from go to whoa but I prefer Adam sing his own songs and Freddie singing Queen's songs.

Anonymous said...

Should be "I prefer Adam singing his own songs".

Dee R Gee said...

Blogs like this should be mandatory reading, shouted from the rooftops, broadcasted over every possible media outlet. I don't care if she is a long-time Adam fan or a recent one, she really gets it, and she gets it in ways that encompass both Adam's technical skills and his over-all "feel" and presence onstage. Loved this write-up.

And I was interested in one thing that she says bugs her that also bugs me about some singers: singers will their eyes closed for extended periods of time. I absolutely hate that. It's just so goofy. One fairly recent Idol alum does that, and I can barely look at that person performing. I guess it's just a weird habit. Adam is so connected to the audience as well as to the words he is singing. He is a masterful magician. Second to one.

Anonymous said...

She is a long time Queen fan. She is a vocalist and she recently started posting at IDF.

Anonymous said...

Most informative [about music and singing] article I have read. I agree, everyone should read it. It let's people know how much work and dedication Adam has put in to be able to look so effortless. I remember an interview I read of his childhood voice coach. She said Adam wanted to learn how to sing certain high pitched notes [that he can now safely sing] and she explained to him that he would have to wait until he was older because they required more developed muscles than he currently had at his age. THAT was certainly news to me. I thought the ability to sing certain notes was a completely innate gift. In another interview Brian stated that he asked Adam in amazement how on earth he was able to make certain sounds and Adam demonstrated the skill for him and Roger. This article helps me appreciate even more all the work and creativity Adam has put in developing both his unique voice and vocal skills.


glitzylady said...

She is a very recent Adam fan, not a long time one pretending to be new:

"So we arrive in December 2014 and I get a promotion email from Ticketmaster (as I’d bought tickets for Strictly Come Dancing from them; you can laugh if you like), and one of the gigs mentioned was Queen + Adam Lambert. So Queen had resurfaced again; I was mildly surprised, but had the sudden urge to hear Brian and Roger play once more. But who the hell was Adam Lambert? A quick Google took me to a concert review from one of the US concerts, which proclaimed that Lambert was “the next best thing to Freddie”. This, combined with the respect that I have for Brian and Roger as musicians, meant that a couple of clicks later I had bought tickets for the gig at the Barclaycard arena in Birmingham. A bit more Googling revealed that Adam Lambert had come second in American Idol, and was gay – gay to the extent that it may have cost him first place in the competition. Interesting. At this point I did have a bit of a moment about a talent competition singer doing Queen’s repertoire."

Anonymous said...

sorry I accidentally reposted this

firstturtle said...

GlitzLady --
Heartfelt thanks again for all the love and effort you devote to this website and the search for material to post. This blog is so special and, as someone said, should be required reading -- if we spread the word and forward the link we'll do our part. Hurrah to all of you!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the blog, and wanted to read more. She is a new fan, and obviously she has researched Adam thoroughly, which doesn't have to take much time, because we can all do it. I always enjoy another vocalists opinion and knowledge of Adam's voice. There have been several. She did get to hear him first hand, by going to the concert. It doesn't matter that you think she is a long time fan, why try to make her out a liar on that point. What she wrote was on point and correct.
She understands how a singer sings and breathes. How they control their voice. I thought it was a good blog. Anne Marie

Anonymous said...

I have a bridge to sell to some of you.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Keep your old bridge no ones buying it. She a wonderful new Glambert. Who are you people or the some of the same persons to call her a liar. She has a great knowledge of music and appreciates how good Adam really is and what a looker he is wow. She certainly not the first new Adam fan to say things like this. She just has more vocal experience. Some negativity about her saying she a new Glambert instead of a new one like she said is oviious she and old Glambert acting as a new one to push Adam. Come on. She just who she says she is a new Glambert in awe of his talent. You may not have come out and said she had that agenda but that's what you were insinuating. This lady not the first are last new Glambert In awe of Adam. Loved her informative article. That was she and old Glambert acting like a new one correction. Sue I will be off of here a while. I just found out I am facing another major surgery end of the month. Hip replacement surgery. Will be in hospital about a week. I have to be get the ok from heart and regular dr. So I have to keeps blood pressure in check. I get to upset sometimes here. To moma bear about Adam. I'll still be around when I can. Miss all the sweet ones on here. Will be back later. I known this three days scared to tell you because of the unkind ones on here. But though I should tell the ones I consider my friends on here including the ones that don't sign who have been kind and supportive of me. Miss you be back later. Again Sue.

glitzylady said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way...

Anonymous said...

Thanks GL that helps much ! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, Hope all goes well with your surgery. We will look forward to seeing you back on here soon. Anne Marie

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anne Matie.makes me feel better. I had so much just don't feel like facing more. Guess I have to it won't fix All my back problems for sure but it will help hopefully. Sue

Anonymous said...

I see no reason to doubt that this blogger's a new fan. She mentions in the blog that she's a trained singer who's been performing for a while. With her in-depth knowledge of singing techniques and singing styles , and with her obvious love, appreciation and admiration of Adam's golden voice, why did she wait 5-6 years to start "berting" about his unbelievable talents? The fact that she's only just started sharing her discovery of Adam at this "late hour" should tell us that she's new to this fandom. She's from the UK and Adam really isn't that well known there until the BBC New Year's eve performance.

Angelina Kalahari (another classical singer) discovered Adam much earlier on and she couldn't contain her excitement and was "berting" about Adam much, much earlier.


PS: Sue, all the best to you with the upcoming surgery. Drop us a note to let us know that you're out of the hospital and are on the mend, OK? Sending light and love your way...

Anonymous said...

Sophie Michelle. I will do that thanks for the kind words. Sue

Dee R Gee said...

Sue, I hope your surgery is successful and that you'll be back here before too long. You are a true, devoted Glambert who always speak from the heart. You have a family here who cares about you. Get well soon!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Sue ... I'll keep you in my prayers & send Light 'n Love for you to get stronger every day. Bless you & keep you safe ... your sister Glambert ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

yada said...

This is one of the best articles and write ups about Adam I've EVER read. Glory! I loved reading every word.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, and learning more about the science of voice and it's visceral relationship to music.... and, most especially, about the incomparable brilliance, intelligence, innate giftings, stalwart dedication, exceptional work ethic, and astounding mastery of vocal technique possessed by Adam Lambert along with the exquisite and uniquely varied "color" range and texture of his incredible instrument, and stage performance.

Many of us have stated over and over for years what this vocal scholar and instructor has revealed as well: Adam has a very very SPECIAL and extraordinary ability to deliver music in a captivating, emotionally believable and visceral way to us.... We FEEL his music in our soul .... And literally EXPERIENCE a song it while he sings it.... And, finally, someone offers detailed, comprehensive, tangible information and insight into exactly why. She broke it all down - and I loved it. For years, I have been immensely fascinated and in awe of these specific abilities of Adam's ..... And was simply Delighted to read her expertise and insights ino these very subjects and observations about him and his performances.

And, like you guys here... I also just adore reading someone go on and on and on in adulations and critical acclaim about our guy. This particular "review" was so personal.... AND relateable.... so well written ... from just the sheer enjoyment of Adam, and from a sincere heart full of appreciation and respect for him, his incalculable contribution to music, and for the special synergy of the QAL collaboration.

She is a very keen woman....

The whole article... And all the blogs related to Adam are just magnificent..... If anyone here hasn't read it... I would do so! :)))))))

They are chock full of informative detail, insider understanding and insight into things that give a richer and fulfilling perspective of the extraordinariness that makes Adam who he is musically...(and therefore much of who HE IS, personally)..... Why he does what he does vocally, and how he can send us into heaven with his utterance of a single note. While reading her blog entries, my sense of pride was in the stratosphere for Adam....
My heart was just full. :))))

Her position of knowledge, excellence, understanding, and hard-core fandom of Queen made the reading of her writings so intriguing.... And the abundance of her exclamations, adulations, unabashed emotional responses and relateable transparency of her experiences in her journey of discovery of Adam and her subsequent Glambert-level admiration of him make it that much sweeter and a real joy to read.

I feel as if I actually know and understand Adam better after reading her blogs.....

It was also a treat reading the snippets of her observations of the WHOLE package that is Adam; including how truly gorgeous he really is. As plain as the eye can see..... Love how shameless she is about it! Hehehe - A true Glambert is born. :)

I also appreciated her info and tidbits about Freddie M.... Along with further insight into Adam's vocal and performance role with Queen as well.

Happy to have her join our world of Glamberts. :)))

And you know, really....many things that she wrote are things that we have all felt, noticed and processed about Adam and how exceptional he is... But haven't always been able to explain fully why, and in such a poignant and articulate manner as this Queen aficionado (and now of Adam, as well :)). Well, at least, not me anyway.... so many of you here are quite articulate and beautifully communicate about our GFG! :)

What an awesome blog and read, glitzylady.
Very informative - I learned quite a bit. I will be recommending it to others and, also to my daughter who is quite interested in voice, music, and vocal performance... And quite talented in that arena. So, on many levels - Thank you!!!!

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...

Sue! So sorry to hear about the need for your upcoming surgery....

My thoughts and prayers go out to you that the surgery will be a total success and your recovery a time of restoring and refreshment.

Return to us soon! We'll keep your spot warm for you. ;-). ❤️

Anonymous said...

Thank you all so much got your kind words o need them. Take care of sweet Adam. I hope everything goes well to and it helps the pain. Not looking forward to it. If my Drs. Ok it guess I am doing it. Let you know when I get out of hospital. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I'm the badass you've been talking about. I can assure you I'm a new Adam fan, I genuinely hadn't heard of him when I bought my QAL ticket. I had no idea about AI as I didn't know you can see it on UK TV. Also, I've been out of touch with chart music for quite a while and mostly listen to talk radio. I do sports broadcasting on a community station and that's taken up a lot of time for a few years. I think I'd assumed that Brian and Roger had stopped doing Queen stuff because of We Will Rock You and solo projects. So it was all news! I found Twitter very useful when I started researching, and I started following some Adam fans, who were very hospitable. I'm used to doing research anyway, as I have a Masters degree and I'm a technical writer for a living. So I am what I seem to be... :)

Anonymous said...

Hi badassalterego - welcome to this blog. Just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed your writing immensely. Since most of your posts pertain to our beloved Adam, it's given me a lot of background information about why I just instinctively loved his voice the first time I heard it. I did not watch Idol and didn't know about Adam until the release of Whataya Want from Me. The first song that my son had played for me from his Idol run is the studio version of his cover of Mad World. One listen and I was smitten... and my son still "rue the day" that he "introduced" Adam to me as Adam music plays non-stop in my house, replacing the Queen music! ;))) Now, it's QAL music, of course... Sorry for rambling on.

glitzylady said...

@Bad Ass Alter Ego
Thank so much for dropping by this blog!!!

Your blog posts were wonderful and so informative...

I'm a long time Queen fan and a fan of Adam Lambert since I first saw him on Idol.. It was evident from the first moment that he was something truly special.. I'm thrilled that Adam is being "discovered" throughout the world.. He's a treasure for sure.. And a lovely man in so many ways..

His association with the men of Queen has been utterly amazing and I'm so thankful they all found each other back in 2009.. I had never had the opportunity to hear the music of Queen live until the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas in Sept.. 2013.. It was magical. The music played by 2 of the original musicians and sung by Adam was a dream come true.. And then the North American Tour happened, and along came 3 other opportunities for me to hear them live.. Hoping one day to be able to experience it again..

Thanks again for sharing your experience with us... So very much appreciated!!!

yada said...

Welcome to Adam fandom and this blog, bad ass alter ego! We're happy to have you here. :)))