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Adam Lambert mention. Standing firm for ‘American Idol’

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, March 11, 2015

When discussing what I would write about for this column, I got disapproving reactions.
“That is so sad, Katherine,” said one co-worker (Kelsey Stewart).
“That is really sad,” chimed in another (Eric Taylor).
And they didn’t mean my topic was heavy and depressing. They meant my topic was pathetic and something I shouldn’t share with people.
But I trust you readers with what I am about to share. This is (or at least should be) a judgement-free zone.
I still watch “American Idol.” Wow that felt good to get off my chest.
“American Idol” started in 2002 and we weren’t totally faithful watchers, but definitely tuned in with everyone else to see Kelly Clarkson named the first winner. I mean you had to stay hip on this stuff back in sixth grade.
The day season two started, we were hooked. We faithfully watched every season no matter if it was the most exciting (that would be season eight when Kris Allen amazingly beat Adam Lambert), or most disappointing (It’s a tie between season nine with Lee Dewyze and last season where Meatloaf wannabe Caleb Johnson won).
Link to article:


Unknown said...

So,the author of this article finds exciting that Kris "amazingly" won season 8! By the way, I like Caleb Johnson and find him much more talented than Kris.

Anonymous said...

You need to read the WHOLE article - it mentions Adam again as follows ......

“American Idol” has given us Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Phillip Phillips and Adam Lambert, who didn’t win but has gone on to a pretty successful career. Don’t deny that you don’t know at least one song by all these artists.

Anonymous said...

Always important to read the whole thing before comment. Very complimentary to Adam; it is the truth and he deserves the mention!

Although, I think that Kris Allen and Phillip Pillips talents are equivalent! They are both talented young men! But, I think that Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood; and Adam Lambert's talents leans more toward the superstar category; especially Adam, who is rapidly becoming a worldwide superstar!!!!

Just my opinion. Of course, I may be a bias???

Anonymous said...

8:12 AM HERE:

Meant to say, "I may be a bit bias".

Anonymous said...

I don't know any songs of Phillip's or Kelly's or Kris. I do know Carrie's Before He Cheats and of course all of Adams.