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Awesome painting!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 7, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 07, 2015


Anonymous said...

"...cause I'm a peace loving guy..."

AFL, lysfm!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Playful, a little punky, with a lot of panache!

Anonymous said...

Adorkable. Love the spirit and essence of Adam that this captures! The video that served as its inspiration was fun, and so is this painting :). Great job.

Anonymous said...

More digital art.

Anonymous said...

Well done!

yada said...

I just feel glad that people feel positive and strongly enough about Adam.... And think enough of him to take their time and create complimentary things about him, featuring him - whatever that may be.

I grew up in the home of a prominent and successful artist - my father. Instead of projecting my critique assessments and/or personal preferences.... This person who created this (via computer, by hand, whatever) feels it's Art (indeed, it IS a form of art)... And the subject is certainly PHENOMENAL....

I'm happy to see it! It pays tribute and homage to Adam Lambert.

I say *Kudos* and beautiful! :))