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Handsome pic of the day!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 7, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 07, 2015


JAK said...

No hair above the ears.....sigh.....I keep hoping that hairstyle will move on and hair and even sideburns will come back.
I hope, I hope.

Anonymous said...

so handsome!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. Not picking on you JAK, really I am not, and this is a place for friendly opinions and the sharing of ideas and thoughts, I get that ... but man 'o man I don't know how anyone can look at THAT pic and have anything but WooHoo or Dayum or Lovely etc. to say! But that's just my perspective, we all have one, that's what make blogs fun :). So handsome indeed! Peace.

JAK said...

No problem.....I look at Adam from a Grandma perspective. As such I feel that any guy lucky enough to have a beautiful head of hair should flaunt it......while it's there!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my, stunning pic!

Gabi said...

I think he has never looked better! (even though that suit color is not my favorite)

Dee R Gee said...

Love the pic, of course! As for the hair, I think he might think that the shaved sides make his face looks thinner. Just a thought. Personally, I love his hair best when it's a little longer and softer on top. I loved it so much when he had those colored tips. It's really hard to find styles that don't look good on him. He's just so handsome.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Needs some air!!:)


Anonymous said...

Shaved sides and back are trendy and Adam likes to be trendy. Reminds me of short back and sides in a bygone era but the hair on top was flatter.

Anonymous said...

Shows bumps on his nose but still gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

10:15 PM


You are looking at a picture of one of the most gorgeous men in the world, in my opinion; and all you can say; is "He has bumps on his nose". SERIOUSLY!!!!!

How long did it take you to examine his gorgeous face and try to find something that you considered a flaw, or even needed to be mentioned?

I will say to you; what Brian kiddingly said to Adam at one concert when Adam made a comment about breath and mouthwash; and Adam said, "I probably need mouthwash too", Brian kiddingly replied, "you need help"! Adam and the concert Audience cracked up; it was a light and wonderful moment.

Well, after your remarks about Adam's nose in spite of all of his gorgeousness, I can say the same thing to you that Brian said to Adam in jest; difference is, I am not kidding!!

Anonymous said...


My post is for poster @10:13 PM. Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you JAK about the hair. Love the face , love the man but just not crazy about the hair style.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Anybody see a pic of Jared Leto recently?? Now THERE is some 'short' hair ... quite a difference from the super long hair look he had before ... ADAM's hair doesn't seem to be so short to me ... just not how I'm used to seeing ADAM wear it ... that's all! Still that GORGEOUS face & smile ... guess we'll just have to wait & see what TOH brings ... can't wait!! Although I'm not too crazy about 'house' music (Googled it) .. I'm sure that ADAM can make anything sound Great!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)