Skinpress Demo Rss

Summer 2010 vs march 2015

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, March 6, 2015

Posted at : Friday, March 06, 2015


Anonymous said...

oh my Adam looks so handsome always..both pictures are so lovely lovely...

Anonymous said...

Adam is a beautiful person inside out indeed!!!:) WHEW!!


Anonymous said...

Adam is sexy point blank now he's just hot!

yada said...

Whoa. BOTH pictures got my complete attention. Whew!

**HOT** as Blazes....

And it's not just external.... Adam simply oozes appeal.... It's part of who he is. I'm not sure I've ever seen a more sensual man....

His appeal projects through his essence showing through his eyes, his body language, and the nuances of his face in his photos.

Just a Gorgeous man through and through....

Lam-My said...
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Anonymous said...

Bigger man boobs.

Anonymous said...


Your constant childish comments are PRICLESS!!!

Anonymous said...

you mean prickless?!?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your post Yada @ 6:57.

I just posted, rather verbosely, lol & sorry :), on the more recent thread with the chest collage. Adam celebrates his sensuality publicly, of his own choosing, always has; he is a self admitted sexuual being, and makes no apology for it. I find that refreshing... not to mention TOTAL ROCK STAR attitude. Sometimes when I see comments that make fun of other posters here enjoying Adam's physical attractiveness, I think to myself - dude, are you not familiar with a little thing called THE HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL. But whatever, I try not to waste my time with such nonsense and I just scroll by the silliness and enjoy the best parts of the fandom.