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WARNING: Be Sure You're Sitting Down!!! Adam Lambert's Instagram Pic!!!!! OMG!!!! Looking Good Adam!!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, March 7, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 07, 2015

Adam Lambert is officially trying to kill us..


Adam's fans everywhere: ;)))

 >--->-O   >--->-O  >--->-O 

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

Edited picture via @Blinglam on Twitter:

And one more... :)))


Anonymous said...

And every Glambert faints.

Anonymous said...

The 3rd pic looks more realistic.

glitzylady said...

The 3rd picture is just a lightened up version of Adam's Instagram pic...

And what a picture it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!

glitzylady said...

By the way, I can't tell you how long it took me to get this picture and thread posted... I had to pick myself up off the floor first..., get my fingers to work again... And peel my eyes off the photo long enough to get this done...

It was a tough job but somebody had to do it...


Anonymous said...


Something's changed with him. I don't know what it is, but I fucking love it.

(Please, forgive my swearing, but god damn. I thought I could handle it with the first two, but he had to go and prove me wrong.)

Anonymous said...

Adam's hair looks great like that. I'd love to see it like that more often.

Anonymous said...

Well, Hello!

Anonymous said...

Get the purple fainting couch ready for me please.

Anonymous said...

Never knows what the days bring! Very nice to you and to us.

Kath said...

Era 3 !!!! :).

Kath said...

Era 3 !!!! :).

JAK said...

Mercy.....nice well developed....calves!

Anonymous said...

I'm so dead.. hot damn!!! OMG... I believe all glamberts need a doctor today

Gabi said... happy to see this:) He's working out and staying healthy and in shape, and I'm going to bed now with these eye candy images in my head haha. Only thing is, how much more gorgeousness can I take? Adam seems to really read the stuff tweeted to him. Just a few days ago, after the "chesbert" pics, I saw several "requests" on twitter for workout pictures. He's responded:)

Anonymous said...

That picture is a great way to start the day!! Hello gorgeous!

Rosepetal said...

Dang dang and double dang!!!! I'm at work with no extra heart pills !!!! Oh... I just remembered I work in a hospital....I'm calling ER to bring the defibrillator!!!!!

Too cute I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

Gym junkie. ;D

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like he just got done doing some bench presses considering how nicely pumped his muscles look. What a sexy man. Love that he's taking such great care of himself. It's oobvious he's proud of the gains he's making, as he should be!


Anonymous said...

This one's for the boys.

Anonymous said...

Oops, meant obvious. Lol

Anonymous said...

The third version is the best. The fourth one is a little blurry and grainy.

Anonymous said...

@4:51 AM
I thought the same. And now there must be a long queue of eager candidates knocking on his door. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Sauli will like those gorgeous pics? He has recently liked pics of some model boys only.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god this is too much!! *dies*

donna w said...

SERIOUSLY???? I'm dying......he's amazing clothed, and freaking amazing unclothed!

Dee R Gee said...

I got up this morning, as innocent as can be, turned on my laptop, saw the "warning," and figured it would be another cute Adam pic.

BUT OH NO! My eyes bugged out, I caught my breath, my heart raced. I looked closer and closer and, oh my God. The hair, the eyes, the body, the body, the body.

Makes me wonder what the liner art for TOH will look like. I am DED. Thanks for the warning, glitzlady. I almost had to call a glambulance.

Dee R Gee said...

And once again, the hair. Killing me.

Anonymous said...



Thank you for the warning!:) The daylight saving gave me more energy to stareeeeeeeeeeeee!!!:) That's all!!!


Anonymous said...

Please no new threads for awhile. He looks better than gorgeous. He looks like Michael Phelps a little in this pose. ❤️❤️❤️

Catharine Sloper said...

I guess it must be really quiet for Adam after all the hubbub of the concerts. Now with the chorus of sighs and hollers at these pictures, no more quiet!

Gracie said...


Anonymous said...

He is a big guy! Ready for a few more rounds in the ring.
Adam "Rocker" Lambert.

CT said...

I woke up innocent as could be and, as is my habit, went to my iPad, opened and came to 24/7, saw "Warning" and thought, "what now?" In my wildest dreams, I didn't expect this! WOW! WOW! WOW! Adam, whatever is motivating you to look like you do, keep doing it......PLEASE! You are magnificent <3333333

Magiclady said...

My god! he is so beautiful and sexy!
I opened these pics briefly and then lost the web page all of a sudden an was frantic that I couldn't get it back! But then back and could not take my eyes off of those guns.

Anonymous said...

@7:43 are you blind?

Unknown said...

He is driving all of the Glamberts crazy since he came home

esther macha said...

Good thing it's Sunday .I got alot of staring to do.WOW!!!

Jean Renard said...

Adam has reached deep inside his psyche and has pulled out the big guns. Humble and darling as he is, he surely knows the power of his enormous sex appeal. That body was always there, just waiting for the correct time in Adam's life to emerge. What a magnificent specimen of the male species he is. I am so proud of how he inspires us all to be our best in life. I can not wait for ERA3, and, if this is his introduction, look out world! OMG, wait until all those thousands of beautiful and handsome "ROCK IN RIO" people get a glance of "AMERICAN BEAUTY"!!! Margarita Lady

PRS said...

Well said Margarita Lady!

Anonymous said...

I bet, "Another One Bites the Dust", and Another One; and Another One, and Another One. He's gonna get more too!!!!!!! Hey, Hey, Hey! Done!

Sorry about that, couldn't help myself; Adam's picture made me do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

someone is dropping drool bibs as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Adam is taking a picture of his reflection in a mirror and his right arm will appear in the picture he took of his reflection as if it were his left arm. Go ahead, try this in your own bathroom mirror.

Rosepetal said...

Margarita lady
What a lovely and inspiring post well said. I have saved it read again.

I've nothing profound to add this afternoon but I wrote a silly Little diddy to share .

Adam took his shirt off and we nearly died,
We probably shouldn't oggle and lord knows we tried.
But with all that skin showing.... we never had a chance
We were gasping and drooling ... with our first glance.

Gabi said...

Now that I'm slowly catching my breath again - what a highly attractive man he is and what an alluring image he has treated us to(!) - I am wondering if Adam wanted to tell us that he is more than ready to seize this next chapter and the opportunity to reign supreme? Forgive me if I sound delirious...

Anonymous said...

Adam looks ripped! All that working out in the gym is really paying off and I can't stop staring at his pictures! :))

Kath said...

It nice to have fun with Adams pic. I'm sure he posted it for all the single 33 year old are younger males to look at just like us. Someone find him somebody to love.

Dee R Gee said...

Rose Petal, Love you poem! You are exactly right. I gasp for breath just thinking about him. I don't even need a picture! And Kath, I'll there are plenty of young guys who are finding this pic as luscious as we do.

Anonymous said...

Adam had staged the photo with perfect lighting on purpose. Too bad a fan felt the need to lighten it. Adam's version was that way on purpose, rather artistic, and perfect.

Anonymous said...

he can throw my leg over those broad shoulders anytime. just watch the lower back please cough cough

Anonymous said...

I love his original insta pic best, too.
Immediately thought that would look fantastic in a gallery... Perfect as it is.

Anonymous said...

I think right now; Adam is looking to giving all his attention to his upcoming debut of his TOH; and all that is leading up to it's release! I think that is his number one focus right now.

This beautiful man is trying to keep his Glamberts involved as much as possible. I respect any and all information that he can give us; including these very beautiful pictures. He is a work of art in more ways than one!!!!

There are probably so many things going on behind the promotion of his album that he cannot reveal to us right now; but, I bet it's going to be fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

I think adam is trying to look his best for the new album.

Anonymous said...

I also think that he is trying to be as healthy as possible and to just look the best that he can for living the very busy life that he is living, being healthy is the most important part; and he is achieving that also. Looking your best is par for the course when you are in the entertainment field. Adam is doing a darn good job of that; and always has!!

I always thought that Adam was beautiful, and he still is, just another side to his perfection; very hard to improve on the already perfect!!

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam composed this picture pretty much like he is living his life these days. There are things that he wants to share with us (illuminated parts) and then, there are private things that he's not prepared to share (dark and mysterious parts). He's not revealing much about his private life these days - just small glimpses and that's all, unlike in the past. Most of that private and personal stuff he's kept in the dark and mysterious place. ;))) He's happy to talk about his music and he is putting that in the spotlight, illuminated brightly!

Most importantly, only a few more weeks to April - Yay!

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...

WHAT is This?!??!??!?

I've been gone all weekend and decided to pop in for a bit, and WHAT delicious treat awaits me??



And quite happy about it too! hehe

HOT HOT HOT business we have here, my fellow Glamberts! Goodness!! :)))

I think another aspect to what makes this picture soooo appealing is that Adam has not been one to post pics like this (emphasizing his body & specifically, his physique) to his public like this before. For the most part, he's been a pretty modest fellow about his body. Which makes these recent pics.... And THIS ONE (whew!) even HOTTER.

I am totally Delighted that Adam is feeling so confident and good about himself this way. And then shares HIMSELF.... His gorgeous body.... With Us.

(Or, yes, perhaps he posted this workout shot for a particular audience already mentioned in this thread. Really though, when we feast our eyes on Adam's magnificence... Does that even matter? hehe ;))

I think he is feeling accomplished with his body, liking how his hard work looks, and he wants to share it. I just love that.

Ahhhhh yesssss, our dear Adam. Share away! Share away! :))))))))

As I look again.... Dear God. YUMMMM.

Excuse me while I stare a while. A long while. See you folks later! haha

LAMBERT Outlaw said...


Happy Birthday to ME!! ADAM!! What a lovely gift!! TY!! TY!! TY!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

yada said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Lambert Outlaw!! ❤️❤️

Hope it was a wonderful day for you! :-))))

Anonymous said...

This is Magic Adamike!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Oh my he is just a splendid specimen of Adam hood. So much to come for this great guy this year next year and beyond. If he takes his shirt off at Rock in Rio there better be a bunch of medics handy!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam is hiding any dark and mysterious secrets about his life from us that someone stated above; I think it is called, "personal life", that is really none of our business, except what he wishes to reveal. It is also called a professional life; that concerns his fans and the outside world. Adam is no doubt trying to keep a healthy and absolutely necessary balance between the two whenever possible.

Because Adam is not sharing every moment of his private life with his fans does not mean he is hiding "deep dark secrets"; it is called, "smart, and absolutely necessary", to maintain any kind of normal existence!!!!

I wish him all the luck in the world trying to separate the two!

Also, I think that Adam is very proud of the results of his workouts; and just really wanted to share with his Fans! He probably did not expect such an outpouring of such wonderful and overwhelming reactions! I bet the wonderful reactions put a great big smile on his face and boosted his confidence level about his hard earned exercise results up a few notches!!

Adam Lambert loves his fans and really appreciates their support! Right now, I think his mind is really on the TOH, and getting all the support he needs. He knows how very, very important this is!

I would say to Adam, "don't worry Adam you just put out your beautiful album; we the fans will support you in every way possible; "WE HAVE GOT THIS"!!!

So proud to be a fan of this man with such a beautiful kind and sensitive heart! He is so honest and real; what a treat it is to follow him; so exciting, never know what wonderful things to expect. I wish him all the best always, and will do all I can as a fan to make that happen!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Happy birthday, Lambert Outlaw! This is really a great birthday present! Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

yada said...

I believe this is just one more aspect of indicating something we can sense these days about Adam.....

There is just a certain something.... A certain specialness.... momentum.... Energy... whatever one would call it....
A forward trajectory of indicators that point to a golden year for Adam. I truly believe that amazing, jaw-dropping (and subtle ones as well) Breakthrough moments... years... are coming for this extraordinary, one-of-a-kind artist and person....

I can feel it!

We better hold on to our knickers, Glamberts....
Let's get ready to follow a magic carpet with our 'Crown Prince' sitting confidently atop!

He is ready.


Anonymous said...

great picture, and he is only showing the parts that are responding to his work outs with his trainer. I think he is purposely working on his arms and legs, 1, for looks, 2, for health and 3 because he has never liked his thin arms and legs. It also might have something to do with some ideas he may have for his costumes he will be wearing for his tours coming up. Whatever the reason, it is all good to be fit and healthy, and I am sure Sauli has encouraged him in this endeavor, as he is doing the same thing himself, and has done for a few years. I am glad Adam has started this exercise routine, but now he will have to keep it up
This picture is showing you very little of his face, shoulders arms and legs, as it was carefully staged.

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM, when did Adam tell you he never liked his thin arms and legs? Stop making up stories.

Anonymous said...

@Sophie Michelle
I really like how you 'pictured' Adam's picture; beautifully said and adamishly plausible. <3

Gabi said...

I think that Adam naturally has leggggs to die for - they are long and lean and I find them absolutely stunning and sexy in snug fitting rock star pants - but the toned upper body and some abs seem to be more of a "must" for celebrities these days. At this point I just hope for him that he'll stay in shape and keep a healthy lifestyle. No need for Adam to go overboard though. Still, if he posted a photo of his abs at some point I would not look away;)

Anonymous said...

12.19 do you ever stop your story telling of untrue tales. Your on every post about Adam working out and probably more. He has a small pair of shorts on you can see just about everything and he magnificent. This is not carefully staged it is a selfie. He owes nothing to anyone but hiself and his trainer mostly hiself for putting in the work. He will continue I am sure. In about a years time Adam has done TOH, did 66 concert except for the one he was sick, and did two TV soecials and X Factor. He quite busy and found time to look like this. He always working. He worked hard bought a beautiful mansion, car work hard for all he has. He may have just been busier than others that have been doing it for years. He finally has a label that is really going to back him. Now he can relax a bit and do more for hiself. I repeat he does not owe a thing to anyone for his present look but his trainer and hiself.

Anonymous said...

Now this is a pic that makes my heart skip a few beats. It's better than some of those silly, funny faces ones that we have seen lately. But then we never know what we will get the next time from Adam. He certainly keeps us interested in whatever he is doing on a particular day or time. Now Id'd like to learn more about that first single from the new album with a possible release for the single in April??? He looked amazing during the QAL tour and I guess it comes from all the training he has done. He's picture perfect in my eyes.

yada said...

Oh my gawd, Gabi! If Adam ever posted a pic of his abs..... Dear lawwd help us.

I'm not sure if I could handle that piece of information....

Glitzy lady would have to up the warning label on that pic to: "*Danger: Must Have EMT's Standing By Before Viewing". Lol!


glitzylady said...

I think we'd have to require that people sign a waiver before viewing :))))))))))))

yada said...

Lol, glitzy.... NO doubt! ;-DDD

yada said...

.... Did I hear correctly that Adam MAY have responded to requests from fans with this workout pic??

Might want to go ahead and get that waiver ready, glitzylady. hehe ;-D

(Alright, alright.... I'll hush. I can hear some of you even now saying "shhhh!".....
Cause after all, we don't wanna push our luck! I mean, look how long it took to get these from him!? ;-)))

Gabi said...

@yada, not sure how much you are on twitter, but I do check in there quite regularly. After the muscle shirt pic, I noticed several requests for "more". Not the first time that fans request more "skin".

Are we ready for the "abs"? We could just ask and see what happens? haha... @glitzy better get the waiver ready!