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Adam Lambert is back up to number one on billboard trends past 24 hours!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Anonymous said...

Adam, another #1, I could get used to this!! But, he is and always will be #1 singer in my book whether recognized by the masses or not! The fact that he is being recognized; is icing on the cake. Also, fortunate for the ears of anyone hearing this fabulous man sing!!

Dee R Gee said...

We gotta keep the momentum high. I know everybody's busy with RL, but I'd love to see TOH get released with GT still strong on the radio. Praying that Adam can tour with TOH!

Anonymous said...

GT is #3 right now, red arrow showings downwards.... let's take it back to #1 asap, ok!!!!

Anonymous said...

GT is currently #5!

Hoping the day @Ellen Show gets him voted back to #1!