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Disco Diva Gloria Gaynor ("I Will Survive") Tweet: " video!"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Anonymous said...

Did anyone realize that the Ghost Town video was filmed in the town of Bombay, and Salt on Sea. It used to be quite a little town in the 50's but now that is all gone, because of the water problem. A few people live there in almost poverty conditions.

Anonymous said...

Gloria Gaynor ..... love love love "I Will Survive".

JAK said...

Great singer, her music made the 70's sweeter.

Anonymous said...

7:36 pm, where did you find out where it was filmed?

Anonymous said...

Gloria Gaynor`s "I will survive"
everybody neeed that song during their lives now and then, and

Hype Williams - goood job!!