Thursday, April 9, 2015

Handsome pic of the day!


  1. Breathtakingly handsome <3333 I never get tired of looking at pictures of Adam and this one is especially wonderful.

  2. Whoa! The face that launched a thousand comets. lwl! Adam easily fits into an epic role; this picture reminds me of the epic film, Ben Hur; or perhaps as Mark Anthony/ Julius Caesar and even more appropriately as Phantom of the Opera...the last one will be the voice that launched a thousand ships...lwl!

  3. Appropriate because Adam worked on a ship as a singer in his younger days but he didn't manage to launch any ship then. lol!

  4. Now this is a great pic.

  5. Wow.... State-of-the-art GORGEOUS. Adam's facial features are breathtaking... simply pristine! Loving the black & white for this shot.

    Makes me want to go order a slurpy.... ;))

  6. Modern day matinee idol here... and just plain frickin' hot and gorgeous!

  7. Adam's face is always handsome, but the hair just doesn't flatter my opinion. I didn't like it in the 60's nor do I now.

  8. I know what you mean, JAK. His hair doesn't need to be that high.

  9. Stunning photo, but then, aren't they all?! As for the hair, I don't mind it. The high hair works pretty well with his quite prominent features. Kind of balances them all out. It's not my absolute favorite hairstyle for him, though. I love that longer, softer look that kind of falls loosely on his head. Less sculpted. Adam's face is so classically handsome, his features so well-proportioned, so patrician, it's hard to pick a favorite look. At least for me!

  10. STUNNING!! Breath-takingly Handsome!! Any photo seems to bring out all the Gorgeous qualities of ADAM but even hubby has noticed how mature ADAM is now ... and I LOVE his retro hair style ... very Rock Hudson-ish!! Although with a face like that ... any look ROCKS!!

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

  11. Stunning picture! It's doing strange things to me lol. Didn't even notice the hair do as much as his face takes my breath away. I like how he plays with his hair though.

  12. Is It me or his eyes getting smaller ? Still pretty tho

  13. Adam Lambert is just one handsome, beautiful looking man; but more important a beautiful soul to match!!!

    A face for the ages!!

  14. Yes, yes, yes; ALL AGES!

  15. 12:26 PM You are correct. His eyes do appear smaller, for some time now. The flesh under brow is, in several pictures now, resting almost on the lashes. It happens to most of us, eventually.

  16. If I remember correctly from the video of the shoot, and the original pic .... Adam is laying down here on a bare floor with his head at an angle (no pillow) that might enhance the gravity effect with his face (like hanging your head upside down but not as extreme).... Even with that - he looks phenom!!

  17. 12:26pm & 12:49pm

    Agreeing with yourself does not make it true that his eyes are getting smaller; as the other poster said; I also believe it's you, although you are entitled to your opinion.

    I know with different pictures that I have taken; my eyes look different at different angles. Also, if I wear eyeliner; that can make eyes look much larger, Adam does not seem to wear eyeliner anymore; if so, it's hard to see it!

    Both of Adam's parents look very young; great family genes. So he will probably have those enduring good looks for a long time. I have never seen him look more handsome. He is healthy and seems to take very good care of himself.

    Now, all the peeps that are scrutinizing Adam's eyes, face and eyebrow lines; look in the mirror and scrutinize every line in your OWN faces and eyebrow lines; after all that is what is most important since we are all so perfect!

    Funny, I never hear fans of other MALE SINGERS talk about them in such a disrespectful catty way! This is not the first time I have seen this kind of talk about Adam's looks on this blog site; it was a while back. It seems like the same person has returned. The talk was not welcomed by the fans then; and I feel that it isn't welcomed now.

    What in the world would think if he saw this? Anyway, what difference does it make????

    I can say as Adam matures, and he is still a very young man; he just looks more and more sexy and more gorgeous with every passing day!

    Back to supporting The Glam One and his music! April 21st can't get here soon enough! Wonderful days are ahead. This is going to be a VERY, VERY GOOD YEAR FOR ADAM!

  18. Once again someone is not allowed to express their opinion without someone jumping on them for a differing opinion and being accused of replying to themself.

  19. This is a great photo. I love b/w photos.

    And @6:34 PM: Calm down, please! You don't seem to endure any opinion that differs from yours. I've seen that at other thread's too (you're writing style is recognizable). This is not that deep!

  20. @6:34,Adam is very much loved & valued, but a harmless opinion on a hair style or his eyes appearing smaller is just an observation that while it may differ from yours is still rightfully able to be expressed on this site without being berated. Hope you can understand that all here should be able to enjoy a friendly,enjoyable site, free of strife & insults. Peace...

  21. I think Adam's black eyebrows may make his eyes appear smaller than when they are lighter. The lighter brows draws the focus to his beautiful, expressive eyes instead of a heavier black brow that draws the focus to the brows. Gravity also begins after 30 & I think Adam will always be incredibly handsome with his outstanding genes.

  22. 6:34 - I am the second commentor - 12:49, not both .
    I did not say Adam's eyes were getting smaller, I believe that would be impossible, I said the flesh under brow was different. It has begun to droop, it's called Ptosis.
    It's very common - just as the skin under point of chin begins to droop. Beards help hide that, my husband has discovered. : )

    No one is attacking Adam, and the reason other singers fans don't talk about their looks is because they aren't worshipped for their looks - just talent. Adam is at a delightful disadvantage, both great voice and great looks. He shouldn't be worshipped for either, just appreciated.

    His looks have changed a great deal in the years we've known him. Improved I think. Why do you always spit out "Look in the mirror at your OWN face"
    How dumb - I'm female and 25 years older than Adam!
