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AdamTweet & WBtweet: "...@TheEllenShow!"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Also, we missed this yesterday from @WarnerBrosPromo:


JAK said...

Forget????? No chance of that.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? I set my DVR the day I first heard about this. Told everyone to watch that might be interested in the singer I am always bragging about. Family said they would watch for sure! I sure hope she speaks with him a bit. Although it just says performance on my guide. I think her show has been pretty jam packed with actors; although Shaun C.(P. Ditty) was one of the sit down guests today; he did not entertain. She may talk to Adam after he sings! I know she likes him and probably wanted him to debut his song on her show! Can't wait to see him tomorrow!!

Dee R Gee said...

Gonna be glued to Ellen today! Yes, I hope she has a sit-down with Adam. She really likes him. It will be very interesting to see him sing GT. That song has invaded my head like a space alien, but I'm loving it.

JAK said...

I saw, he sure looks scrumptious on the large TV screen. Today he was a modern dancing "White Knight"....the audience was very appreciative!