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Adam Lambert Photo From 1035ktu Instagram:"Sorry But We Can't Get Over How INCREDIBLE @adamlambert Just Was! Mind = Blown #KTUphoria #glamberts"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, May 31, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, May 31, 2015

For the Instagram scorned:


Magiclady said...

Of course he was incredible. Glad more people are finding out!

Anonymous said...

I read all of their tweets and I genuinly feel they really like Adam and were more impressed by him than the others.

Anonymous said...

Adam was in his element; back on stage singing live where he belongs. Adam just brings excitement to any event; along with more fans. Everyone always talks about his Glamberts. Well, we did "drink the cool aid." lol! Adam is so cute. Well yes, we are very protective of him. Right Adam on both counts! Gosh, Adam is so good looking. In that interview; I think that man was amazed by his looks too; how could you not be with him sitting right in front of you with those eyes and that luscious hair. Oh, just everything about him!!! Sandy

Anonymous said...

Adam was on the news:

Concertgoers fill Nikon at Jones Beach Theater for KTUphoria

Gabi said...

Lots of gushing over Adam, which feels great. I think it is genuine. With this era I can almost sense a collective agreement that Adam deserves being praised. Is it Queen? Is it the MM endorsed album? Cool new sound? Or all of the above?

He looks stunning. What else is new? haha.

CT said...

Adam's vocals for KTUphoria today were sensational! Just WOW! He is a performer to be experienced LIVE! His energy on stage is contagious. Couple that with his amazing good looks ....the vocals are unmatched and you've got a performance you will never forget <3333

Anonymous said...

Gabi, Adam got this kind of praise when Trespassing came out. He just needs a song that strikes the right cord to be a top 10 hit.

Anonymous said...

Yep mind = Blown.

Dee R Gee said...

Lots of things have come together to give Adam his current boost. Songs, management, Queen cred, image, etc. All to the good! He really nailed these performances. Hope he acquired some new fans.

Anonymous said...

When I read these sort of comments, I (and I bet many of you reading on this site) sort of have this "Well, Duh..." thought that runs through my head. (Actually, it SCREAMS through my head, lol). But I don't mean to take a negative tone, I am just appreciative. It was never really PD's & DJ's & MD's that didn't care for Trespassing, it was TPTB and a business driven decision. I accept that. BTIKM was absolutely Top 40 friendly, very in keeping with the playlists of that time... but forward we march I suppose. I just want to see GT crack the Top 20, I am not even going to complain it it doesn't go higher ('thought I believe it will easily if it simply get's that sometimes elusive thing called the frickin' SPIN!!!). I try not to get bummed at the business side of it, there is a demographic issue, there just is, I respect the business side of it all... but I do think that GT has the ability to capture a more traditional Top 40/Pop audience, I really do... it just needs growing spins. #FingersCrossed. This was a great event for Adam. Kelly Clarkson is huge, but she needs events like this too, she is in the business of selling her NEW product, all those performers are alike in that way, regardless of current popularity. Good Luck Adam! Great performances, AML on stage is so, so good. :)

The Dark Side said...

EITN is a big song! It's so suited To Adam and his stellar stage presence. One can just sit and look at him to be entertained, but then he opens his mouth to sing and puts others in the dust.

Anonymous said...

7 27
What current boost?

Anne Marie said...

Dee R Gee named all the current boosts, don't you read, or are you just trying to pick on someone again, like always.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, please stop being the comment police and picking on people. You are so mean. You are the pot who calls the kettle black.