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Adam Lambert Tweets "Rolling Stone" Article About New Album #TheOriginalHigh "Adam Lambert's New HIgh: Inside The Powerhouse Belter's Latest Reinvention"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, May 8, 2015

Posted at : Friday, May 08, 2015

In this latest Rolling Stone article, Adam Lambert discusses his new Album #TheOriginalHigh and the title track of the same name, and his inspirations for both..  

Excerpts From Rolling Stone: CLICK HERE to read the FULL ARTICLE (OR Click on the link in Adam's tweet above)

"I've been out here since 2001," he says. "And that's the thing: There's a very fine line between the temptations and the excesses and the pure joy of being an adult in a city full of very competitive, creative people. I've been on both sides of it, where it's blown up in my face and been painful, and I've also had wild adventures out here."
"One of the things I've learned over the last six years, with Max and Shellback's help, is that sometimes in order to affect the listener emotionally, less is more," he says. "When I was younger, even on Idol, I was a bit more raw in the sense that I would get my original high — my spike of adrenaline — from performing. I would get so charged up and so excited in front of the audience that it would throw my energy through the roof. That's why I tend to be an over-the-top kind of performer. Figuring out how to channel it a little differently is interesting, and I've been trying to do that more lately. Internalizing it more, letting it settle and being more grounded."


The Dark Side said...

Nice article. Adam is always a good study. Can't wait for TOH!

Dee R Gee said...

Really good article, I think. Gets to the essence of what Adam has been thinking and doing. It will be interesting to see RS's actual review of TOH. They have always been quite good to Adam in their articles and reviews overall. I imagine a review will come out in June closer to the release of TOH. SO excited to hear it. Love that Max Martin/Brian May story! Nice they could all laugh about it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe time soon for an Adam Rolling Stone cover, when album is released!

Anne Marie said...

Enjoyed the article. Laughed at the part where Brian met Max Martin, and didn't realize it was Max Martin, because he hadn't been introduced, and he had never met him before. A little awkward for Adam. But these guys are great, and so respectful of each other.

choons said...

Naww - don't hold it in Adam, give us the full monty - I love it when he's over the top.

Anonymous said...


Let's give the article at the RS source a ton of hits! I don't usually ask fans on blogs/fansites to do stuff, but this is RS, would be cool to show lots of interest in article via hits. :)

Anonymous said...

There is also an AOL video on this

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam . . .over the top or toned down . . you are amazing . . .

CT said...

Haven't had time to read the whole article but will do it now. I like the "powerhouse belter" description of Adam. I agree, RS has been good to Adam and I remember they gave a 4 Star rating on Tresspassing so I'm very excited to see what they will say about TOH.

Gabi said...

I will click on the article and leave a comment :) Good one!!! The story about Brian May not recognizing Max Martin is hilarious, but also an inspiring example how the love of music can bring different generations together, with great results! Look at the amazing success of Queen and Adam!

Anonymous said...

Loved the RS article! Adam is so methodical in explaining how he went about the making of TOH, which I am pretty sure will be HOT!!!

Adam is so interesting, I could s listen to him talk all day. Adam is like a breath of fresh air in a sometimes jaded industry.

What a wonderful unassuming human being Adam is; so proud to be his fan! He is so adorable when he s responds with pride, when interviewers say they have to be careful of the way they talk about him because of his Glamberts; "my fans are very protective of me, I just love them so much"! Well guess what Adam M. Lambert; this fan loves you so much too!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Another RS cover would be a dream come true!

Pan said...

Fortunately the "combatants", eventually, remembered that "speech is silver, silence is gold". Good Lord, a tempest in a teapot, who are the most deserving fans , the veterans or the newcomers to meet and greet Adam! Really laughable, but this fuss, and the morning interviews, some, on the point of becoming trivial, kept me away from the blog for a while. Till something new, exciting happens, and it has, not new but exciting. Adam , in the interview, is clever, observant, funny.A comment , though on the famous by now "less is more", I think that we are not on the same wavelength , if I were a music producer(which I'm not , unfortunately lol) I'd prefer simple harmonies+glorious vocals, or viceversa, lavish harmonies+ a simple vocal approach .Adam can afford either way, all ways.

Unknown said...

Of all the celebrities, I've been a fan only of Adam, not because I have time only for one celebrity, but because his celebrity makes me make time for him. The past few days, I've been, as always, impressed by how well he tells a story in his interviews, something he does when he performs or creates his music. What insights he brings to reveal his caring character, quick wit, and sunny disposition. He has weathered all the vicissitudes of a polarizing lightning rod, and as we see, time has not dimmed his sunniness. Adam is wonderfully evolving as an artist and a human being. How he has dealt with the vicissitudes of his celebrity teaches us that there is light in even the darkest of moments. For Adam "Let there be light" may focus on the positive, but does not ignore the dark, its opportunities for insights and lessons. In the limelight, his struggles are seen through the glasses of a million probing eyes, as much glowing with admiration as glaring with disdain. The eyes of Adam's beholders, however, does not always see beauty. But those of us who do, who have witnessed him deftly turning missteps around to make them part of his glorious dance, are richer for joining him. Adam has chased away many of the cobwebs of this mind with his bright self and made this and many others' days something to look forward to. Some days, it's what keeps me going.

glitzylady said...

@Unknown 8:13 AM
Beautiful comments!! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that TOH brings Adam all the recognition and success that he so deserves esp. here in the US. It just seems to me that he has always been at the edge of breaking into the inner circle of performers in the music industry. He has an amazing voice and a mesmerizing stage presence beyond most performers today. He is electrifying on stage with Queen. He has earned the respect, admiration and love of Roger and Brian. He was a wonderful addition to the cast of Glee for the few episodes he was in. He gives articulate, intelligent and witty interviews. Now he's worked with Max Martin to put the latest album together. So it's about time that he gets radio play, appearances on some of the entertainment/talk shows and finally a concert tour. And a Grammy nomination for TOH would be the ultimate reward for all his hard work. Keep on re-inventing yourself Adam because I will be one of many to continue following the next step in your extraordinary career.