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Video: Adam Lambert Q&A 5/5/15 San Diego w Star94.1FM

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 7, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, May 07, 2015


Anonymous said...

i am friends on Facebook with the lady holding the camera. She's such a crack up :)

Lam-My said...

AdminFan.....This chit-chat session was quite lengthy and those people there were really enjoying his comapany; Mmm Bali High...may call you...any night any am I, your special island...come to me, come to me... I watched this movie many moons ago.
Now back to Ghost Town...moving up really fast...Original High 3 2 1 blast off! lol! That big ballad Adam has been voicing out may just be it ! because Adam's voice as one Glambert puts it is not to be restricted to just pop; but Adam knows that and that's why he once said, he doesn't want to box himself in by genres.

Anonymous said...

The loud woman by the camera reminds me of this episode in Seinfeld:

Anonymous said...

Ugh, who is that talking over Adam all the time? And then arguing with him about pop? Especially when at a pop station and Adam wants to be a pop star??

Anonymous said...

11:09 PM, you are totally right about that. So awkward.

Anonymous said...

When is this radio promo will be done? I really feel bad for Adam to go through this agonizing deals with radio people and awkward situations. He said he had a really good momentum with first week of GT release. Then why radios don't play his single based on that high response in first week and bunch of other radios adding his single? I really don't understand this running into walls in his home country. GT is well received in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and bunch of other middle eastern countries. Come on USA, what's a matter? Play GT.

Anonymous said...

wow, what an entitled person. Adam is a popstar, he loves pop and always has. Cringeworthy.

@12.53 - Adam is getting very good radio play, the song is out for just 2 weeks. What is not to understand about "the first week is the best I ever had on radio"?

Lam-My said...

He might be referring to the previous singles which didn't have much radio play on their first week of release to radio; and Ghost Town, in its first week is getting what he terms as "the best he ever had on radio"; marking a stark difference. His label is coming along very well.

Anonymous said...

And this video is why it was politely suggested that the glamberts who ARE NOT in the Pop demo should stay away from the radio stations.

Jesus, way to show the radio station how Adam fans are out of touch, old Idol fans.


Anonymous said...

Loved seeing and hearing Adam in this interview but the loud comments and calling out were obnoxious and cringeworthy.

Anonymous said...

@3:15 AM....This person was totally out of place with her comments, at the same time it's important not to discriminate older fans. We would all be upset to see anyone discriminate against Adam regarding his sexual orientation and it's no different to discriminate against someone simply because of their age group. There are many people in todays society well past the radios demographic eg. in their 60's who are right up their still listening to the top 40 and understand the current music scene, and they also have good manners and would not be so rude as this person on this video. It's important not to judge people or lump them into catergories, whether your black,white, gay or straight or happen to be a certain age group. Many pop stars are well over 60 and still performing in the pop scene,examples: The Rolling Stones, Queen, Roger and Brian and their are a number of them who would see this argument over age as being ridiculous. Many young people can be just as rude or speak out inappropriately it's should not be an age issue.

nancdruuu2 said...

I just saw Adam's Ghost Town video on VH1 Music for the first time!

Anonymous said...

@11:09 PM
Thanks for the link. I could only watch a minute of the vid .... obnoxious to the max to put it mildly.

Anonymous said...

That lady is probably the one who has been at all the meet and greets. She will never put Adam's best interest above hers. She wanted to be the center of attention. No we don't want to discriminate against anyone, but we must make sacrifices for what is best for his career. If I was that DJ I would probably think of that woman every time I played the song and not want to play it at all.

Anonymous said...

@upinthenorth ‏@upinthenorth · 2h2 hours ago
#34 HAC, #44 CHR #GhostTown ! Two more days count for official chart on Sunday EVENING !

Anonymous said...

6:11 AM....I agree that women in the video was out of line with her behavior at the same time it should not be an age issue many young people can be just as rude. As far as making sacrifices for Adam's career if this means shutting out older fans then I totally disagree many older fans have helped to contribute to Adam's success and deserve to be treated with respect. You appear to be ageist and that is a form of discrimination it's just the same as saying to Adam " No you can't enter hear because your gay" these double standards will only bring the fandom down as Adam has a very large number of older fans and they deserve to be treated with respect. It's not right to expect them to spend their time and money buying and gifting CDs just to be told "No you are not welcome here your too old".

Dee R Gee said...

Adam has become a master at handling interviews of all kinds. When he said he's kind of a "talk show host" while talking with his friends about life, etc., it made me think about how good he would be on TV in that capacity. Yes, he's funny and smart and witty, etc., but he's also tactful and sensitive to the people he is with. He can take an awkward question or comment from someone and smooth it out into an enjoyable moment. He's gotten really good at this since 2009. That one woman really wanted to run the show, but he dealt with it just fine. I could listen to him and look at him all day.

Anonymous said...

@6:28 I am definitely not ageist I am 54 years old and have supported Adam since the very beginning. I have bought and gifted many of his cd's. I am just saying that if the radio stations stop playing Adam's songs , because of the older people showing up to the meet and greets I will be very disappointed. I have only come close to meeting Adam one time and that was at the Idol tour, but I moved back and let younger kids have a chance. Also at the GNT concert I went to I could have been right up next to the stage , but I let a 17 year old (stranger)fan stand in front of me so she could have her experience of a life time. Adam gave her a lot of attention during that show , because she was the only young one up front. Adam needs the younger fans to stay relevent and we need to encourage them, is all I am saying. I honestly think that is why the Trespassing songs did not get played. All the DJ's raved about the music back then also. The program directors made the decisions not to play the songs and it may have been based on the meet and greets and that is sad in my opinion, because there where great songs on Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

@5:29 AM

This is great! Will it be on each morning? Thanks I wonder if it will be on the 20 count down soon? Do they go by sales o voting or what? If anyone knows, please respond!

Anonymous said...

Adam would be a great young television talk show host if he ever wanted to pursue it! I would watch, watch, watch!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:29 By voting

Anonymous said...

I'm an older fan, if Adam comes to my side of the world for a promo I will definitely be going we get to see very little of him in our country as it is, I'm so excited, love all the video's and love the way Adam handles the interviews.

Anonymous said...

To older fans: No problem in you going to see him wherever he shows up. Why not bring a teen or young adult with you next time?
That would be excellent promotion for Adam, reaching audiences of all ages and showing to these DJs and others present.

Anonymous said...

This age discrimination is as ridiculous as any discrimination. We're all individuals responsible for our self only. If you're going to go meet Adam, do it to support him. He comes to these meet and greets looking for support ---- how hard is that to understand? No one wants to hear you dis the host or the guest.

Dee R Gee said...

That woman has absolutely no self-awareness.

Anonymous said...

I think this woman was speaking without thinking, I don't think she meant to harm Adam deliberately. Adam handled the situation extremely well, he has excellent people skills.

Anonymous said...

Wow great group of judgemental people on here. Adam would sure be proud.

Anne Marie said...

I didn't think the chat was that bad, for all the flak it is getting. Adam seemed to enjoy it, and took everything in stride.

Anne Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

7:12 AM, thank you, you get it.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, Adam shouldn't have to take it in stride. He deserves more respect than that. He shouldn't have to argue with a fan about the choices he makes. Also, other fans shouldn't have their experience ruined by some rude loud mouthed person.

Anonymous said...

@May 8, 2015 at 7:12 AM
I don't know who you are, but you've plucked thoughts out of my mind, I agree with you in large part. It is not about discrimination, it is about putting Adam's appeal to radio stations first. I would venture to guess that many on this site are mothers, we all know what it's like to put others first, putting others first pumps through our veins... well anyway, 7:12am, I understand your position fully. I will be very very VERY happy to be proven utterly wrong. Please everyone, no need to let this thread go any further down this course, or not on my account anyway (I don't want to tell anybody what to post, just don't feel compelled to go down this road on my account). I just wanted to respond to 7:12, I truly don't mean to wreak havoc on this thread. If there was a private way I could have responded to 7:12, I would have done so.

@May 8, 2015 at 8:29 AM
Excellent idea! :)

Anonymous said...

This is not about discrimination, this is about radio demographics and who they advertise to.

Desirable demographics is not about discrimination. Car dealerships wouldn't advertise during Sesame Street. AARP doesn't advertise zit cream.

This is not about telling certain fans to go away but saying how you can most effectively help Adam.

If you put your desire to see Adam at a radio promo over his success I don't know what else to say.

Anonymous said...

@May 8, 2015 at 5:22 AM
Very earnestly and passionately put, thank you. You are right imo, it should not be an age issue, because it is a BUSINESS issue. It's a business issue for Adam Lambert, I submit to readers here with equal earnestness and passion that I would love to see his best interests put first.

@May 8, 2015 at 6:28 AM
I agree wholeheartedly that all of Adam's fans should be treated with respect, and Adam does!! Doesn't Adam continually and consistently do an AMAZING job of respecting all his fans!!, I wish that all of Adam's fans could do an amazing job of respecting the tightropes he has to walk on their behalfs and wish that they would do an amazing job in turn of respecting his career challenges.

May 8, 2015 at 9:25 AM
Yes he does, I wish he didn't have to exercise them so frequently. Good on him. His fans should reward him for his wonderful tact and sensitivity imo, not make it harder on him. Just my POV.

@May 8, 2015 at 10:08 AM
I disagree with you. I think the discussion here has been passionate, yes, and it's a delicate one for sure, but I believe people have been quite civil. I applaud the conversation here. And I hope I haven't been passive aggressive myself, that is not my intent, I truly am trying to be honest and earnest, while simultaneously expressing my own POV.

Anonymous said...

@May 8 2:18PM

Well said

Anonymous said...

I think some have missed the point of 7:12. The REALITY of the radio top 40 stations panders to the younger audience. I see nothing wrong with any age going to the events, but I do think the comments made "her" assumptions seem like you owe us, and I hope you don't go all pop on us. Not cool at all. I am 66 and take my 21 and 12 year old grandkids to see Adam because they deserve to know who he is for ALL AGES. They love him, and they are spokespeople out there when they download with their friends, (school, work,etc.) He needs all of us to enjoy him, but he doesn't need ANYONE telling Adam what he should or shouldn't do with his music. He handled it perfectly with his "what??" and then put her in her place in a diplomatic way. Remember how he told the gal on the cell phone off? He knows when to shut it down, and I think he did. She's getting flack because she tried to show how what she said should weigh on Adam's choices. I think he let her know, he appreciated ALL his fans, and there was something on the album for everyone!I am on a facebook link with more young fans under 30 than over. The LOVE him too, so let's not impose anything but support for who he is. Some glamberts miss the glitter,make-up, etc. I say I love all of him. And am enjoying his journey of discovering who he is and wants to be. TOH is a product of that.

Anonymous said...

Twitter rumor says it is Robin Smith who is the loud disrespectful person.

What an awful thing to say about pop music to Adam and at a pop music station meet & greet. That was so ignorant and insensitive. Adam was much nicer and more diplomatic than he should have been.

I hope Robin develops some self-awareness and sends Adam a letter of apology.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:18 PM, this isn't about our ages or discrimination, this is about business and who pop radio has as a majority of listeners and who they advertise to.

We want radio to know Adam has a lot of young fans in their demographic.

It doesn't hurt me one bit to stand back and let the younger fans go to the radio promo events. I can support Adam in other ways. I will have more opportunities to meet Adam in the future.

By supporting Adam in this he will be able to tour and make more albums. I care more about that than this one chance to see Adam at a radio promo event.

Bottom line, this isn't about me, it is about Adam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well you can see how the commenter put "pop" into a very narrow box. Adam countered with "What does that mean? Pink, you like Pink." She doesn't even know what the variety of pop is out there. Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5, etc. so varied and yet Top 40. As many have said here to be that insensitive and "labels" the music Adam is trying to broaden for everyone's taste, lacks class.

Anonymous said...

She is also the lady that was at more than one meet and greet. Peoplevpostwd proof on twitter.

Anne Marie said...

Adam shouldn't have been subjected to the rude person, but he took it in stride, like the gentleman he is. He did not answer in a snarky way, he knows how to handle himself in these interviews. I have been amazed at what some of the radio DJ's have asked him also, and this was not on the air, it was a fan video.

Anonymous said...

Paragraphs are so much easier to read than walls of text.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, oh, it was just a fan video so it's OK some loud mouthed b***h talked over Adam and said bad things about pop music to Adam when Adam is a pop artist and in front of WBM people and the pop radio station people. It was that bad and I'm sure Adam was upset about that part. He shouldn't have to find a polite way to deal with someone as obnoxious and unthinking as that. Just because he did it doesn't make it OK.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments here referring to the women who spoke without thinking are far worse than anything this women had to say. As for Adam he is a grown man not a young kid, he's more than capable of handling this situation. Seems people on this site just love to single out someone and abuse the shit out of them, your just as bad if not worse than the lady you all keep picking on.

Anne Marie said...

Anon 7:54
Where in my comment did I say it was OK? I think I said Adam took it in stride, and dealt with it in a gentlemanly way.
also recognizes you with your usual insults to my comments. Please try not to (abuse the shit out of me) it really shows your character. When I made my comment
I figured You would tear apart my comment, as usual. :) and you did not disappoint.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, you seem to be downplaying the incident and making it seem no big deal because Adam did take it in stride. Most people seem upset Adam was put in that position and that it is a big deal.

Anonymous said...

I think your comment is utter baloney. JMO

otexbert said...

If she was the repeat offender, no wonder Adam recognised her. How could he ever forget her after that encounter.

otexbert said...

If she was the repeat offender, no wonder Adam recognised her. How could he ever forget her after that encounter.