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From Germany: Adam Lambert Interview (Video) "Adam Lambert Brings Out New Album" #TheOriginalHigh

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 12, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 12, 2015

New Video Adam Lambert Interview From Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany)

                           Screen Caps (above) from the video interview via @glitzylady

Adam Lambert Brings Out New Album 

Translation of caption via Google Translate:

"Directly from the dpa video channel 2009 Adam Lambert as a finalist of " American Idol " fame . Now ( 12.6 . )"

"Comes out his third studio album . " The Original High " offers a fresh sound and famous guests ."

Adam's interview is over-dubbed in German so it's hard to know what Adam is saying for those who don't speak German.. but he looks incredible!!

Hoping for a translation from the German soon.. We'll post when one becomes available!

Embedded Video:



Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful man; so smart and intelligent. Just breathtakingly beautiful! So proud to be a fan. People are so busy streaming, not too much time to post. Work, work, work for Adam in streaming, etc.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely close ups in that video - thank you for the screencaps, click on them and you'll get the bigger picture!

Always love to LISTEN to Adam!
And watch close ups... * sigh! *

Such a shame they are still talking German over the interviewed persons' voices and not have translations written on the screen. Most films still dubbed too?