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From MTV UK: "Nine Things We Learned About Adam Lambert's 'The Original High' "

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 12, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 12, 2015

New Adam Lambert feature article from MTV UK:

                                        Adam Lambert Photo via MTV UK

9 Things We Learned About Adam Lambert's 'The Original High'


"Following the release of his new single 'Ghost Town', there has been A LOT of anticipation concerning Adam Lambert's new album The Original High, which sees him reunite with super-producers Max Martin and Shellback for more musical goodness. "

"So, with Glamberts all over the globe desperate to hear more, we were lucky enough to sit down with the man himself and here's what we learned about his new LP…"

Here's Number One: Go to the article at the embedded link above to see the rest of the Nine Things..

        " 1) it "turned out really f**king good" Adam's words not ours! "

"After speaking about the recording process in Stockholm, the former American Idol     star was keen to state that he believes The Original High is "the best album" he's done so far. And from what we've heard, we have to agree…"


choons said...

hey I love his slip-on shoes! And he looks so good in blue.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this album is the best album Adam has done so far. His FYE and Trespassing albums are unsurpassable to date imo.