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Z100 "Artist Of The Summer" Poll: Adam Lambert vs One Direction

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, June 18, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, June 18, 2015

From Z100 Radio in NYC:

Link to vote

Who Will Be Z100's "Artist Of The Summer"

It's down to Adam Lambert and One Direction: Since the blog you're reading at this very moment is named "Adam Lambert 24/7 News", I think you know who we'd like you to vote for.. but you pressure!!

Photo Adam Lambert: In the running for Z100's "Artist of the Summer": Let's help him cross that finish line first!!! 

Via Z100 NYC:

Who will be the Z100 Artist of the Summer!?! We're looking to YOU guys to tell us! We're asking you (the ah-mazing SUPERFANS) to vote for your favorite artist whose song will take over this summer by casting your vote below every day - and telling more fans to vote, too! Make sure to check back each week to see who makes it to the next round! Whoever wins the bracket will be crowned Z100's Artist of the Summer! Ready? Set? VOTE!


PRS said...

Thanks Glitzy.
I think it would be great if all of us supposed "old lady" fans of Adams could kick those "Directioners" young tushies. I know I'm going to vote as much as possible, and hopefully get this win for Adam!

Anonymous said...

When I go to that page. I hit the circle for Adam; it turns blue; then I hit vote; and nothing happens. I'll try my other computer; then see if it is just this one! Just checking to see if anyone else was having that problem!

Anonymous said...

We can't lose this. Remember the comment Adam made, "MY Glamberts will give the directioners a run for they're money" let's not let him down, try your best to vote at least 10 times and hour. GLAMBERTS UNITE

Anonymous said...

2:48, Is there actually a stereotype that all the Glamberts are old ladies? Wow, never knew that, I know a lot of people at my school who are Adam Lambert fans and equally One Direction fans.

Anne Marie said...

I have been voting a lot, after I click on Adam, and it says vote again it takes you to the radio station, I always click on that too, to show I am listening to the radio station. Don't know if that helps or not. Haven't seen any numbers come up yet, to see who is ahead, earlier Directions had the higher numbers, but we hadn't really started voting then. I think it's going to be like a 50/50 race. I remember how tight it was at the end when we were voting for Roger Taylor. This voting is going to take us into July.

Anonymous said...

One Direction has a huge amount of young fans, we will give them a run for their money, but we really don't have much chance. But vote, vote, vote, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Considering how organized and dedicated the Directioners have been about voting on the AT40 favorite song of the week, we are going to have to vote a lot.

*Please also vote for the two AT40 contests as they result in RADIO SPINS for Ghost Town.

Anonymous said...

2:56 pm, try scrolling gown after you vote to see the vote again screen.

3:32 pm, yes, you have to be streaming the station to do repeat voting. Just mute the sound if you don't want to listen while voting.

Anonymous said...

Help! I can't access the site that pits Adam against One Direction. Everytime I go to Z100 Artist of Summer, all I still see is the display that shows Adam vs. Ariana. It reacts to my vote, but evidently is not the new voting display. I had no idea that Adam won against Ariana, and is now running against One Direction until I visited this website!

Maybe there's a glitch in the website..... because if I can't vote there, probably others can't either!

I've been voting on these things a zillion times, and am frustrated to not be able to continue
in the next step of this contest.

Anonymous said...

As @June 18 3:45PM posted, I believe those two AT40 polls result in RADIO SPINS, one of the more worthwhile voting ventures imho. Thanks 3:45, I just voted. :)

Anonymous said...

3:54 PM, happened to me, I refreshed the screen and correct contest was there.

Anonymous said...

Off-Topic Kind of:
My tween daughter brought something sort of interesting to my attention (and btw, we'll play a game of dueling ipads and I'll vote on the Z100 poll for Adam and she'll vote for 1D, lol, basically we are cancelling out each other's votes, lol! Although, she has to go to bed earlier than I do!! ;)). Anyway, my daughter brought to my attention that 1D, for all its MASSIVE success, does not get a ton of radio play on the East Coast. 1D has had a few singles that have been so big that radio couldn't ignore them, but I ride in the car a lot with her, and upon further consideration of her statement, she's right, 1D doesn't get massive radio play in the market we live in (a fairly big one). Idk, it just made me think of the radio business nowadays... so hard to read, hard to predict. Of course, the difference between 1D and Adam is that 1D doesn't need the radio play as desperately... but then again, one of 1D's band members has left already, and the whole group will split up after their current tour I think, and those boys, except for maybe Harry Styles, will be pounding the pavement again, so to speak, like many an artist trying to survive in a fickle business.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, since you posted that at request I am requesting you post the following links that will get Adam radio spins. All Adam gets from this contest is to be named Artist of the Summer. Nice, but spins of Ghost Town are more important to his career. The two AT40 contests will end before this one so we can always focus on this later.

Artist of the summer voting just went to the final tier and there are weeks to vote on that.

Please focus on the voting that will get Adam radio spins. Radio spins are imperative to Adam's success right now.

Most important:

Also important:

An important request line for the Z100 9@9 (they play the 9 most requested songs M-F evenings. Just put your name in the request form, skip age and zip code.)

Unknown said...

mine was still Arian and Adam I hit refresh & then it went to the new page wow we are really behind

Anonymous said...

The AT40 voting should be our focus as it ends sooner and gets radio play.

Anonymous said...

Agree about the 2 AT40 polls and the Z100 9@9 poll.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:14 PM & @Anon 3:45 PM
Thanks for those links too... We've posted them before here but will do so again of course! .. I had to leave the blog for a while right after I posted this thread... (Real life strikes again!)...

Anonymous said...

Please stream Ghost Town. We don't want Adam to debut lower than Hilary Duff and Taylor Swift and right now their streaming numbers are higher than Adam's.

You can stream 24/7 on multiple devices. Just turn your volume down. Stream until Monday AM.

You can stream for free on Spotify. Here is the link.

broddybounce said...

Hey guys -- the problem some of you may be having is that the link is just for mobile. Here is for desktop:

I have informed glitzylady, who will be adding that to the post soon. (On Blogger, admins can't edit other admons' posts.)

Anonymous said...

Four against one; yes, I would think that is pretty fair. Each one of them has a zillion fans each. Should be boy bands against boy bands. Oh well, it is what it is, as long as it is not taking away from meaningful polls that help Adam to get radio play; I am ok with it. The comment Adam made about going against this boy band from the UK was tongue in cheek; like probably won't win, but, Glamberts will make them work for it. All in fun!! This is S. Cowell's boy band.
Pat J.

Anonymous said...

@5:13 PM

Hillary Duff is not in the same fan category as Taylor Swift, no one is. Have you not heard; she debuts like one million and counting. She also has about five million young fans. Whose parents and everyone else buys. So I would not count on beating her anytime soon. I think that Hillary Duff was a Disney kid, and young movie actress; started singing later in her after teen years, lots of fans just like miley. I think they would fall under the same teen to young adult status, bringing all their fans with them.

Why do people even compare or put Adam in the same category as these young people who have been in the public eye for years! makes no sense to me. Obstacles are always put in front of Adam that make it hard to over come. These people don't hold a candle to the great talents of Adam; and everybody in their right mind knows it. But, I guess we have to play the game, to give Adam a chance at some radio play and more exposure.

Anonymous said...

I'm really beginning to believe that Adam is just too fabulous for his own good.

I mean, when reading some reviews and then comparing the reviewers' to another artists' TS...and they give her glowing....really? so...I'm convinced music is never based on vocals...can't be....or Adam would have stellar across the board. Oh sure...the music and the lyrics are so important...but I'm sorry...when the reviewers try to tell the discerning public that TS is lyrically supreme I just want know.

Not trying to TS bash here but she is a prime example of how mediocre vocal ability seems to be the formula these days. With the exception of some....but not too many artists today can actually carry a tune...even with studio enhancement.


Anonymous said...

THE ORIGINAL HIGH album is currently sitting at #7 on ITunes Canada!!!!

Anne Marie said...

Of course the top sellers do not have to be good singers, nor do their songs have to have good lyrics, we have known that for years. But if by chance you can appeal to the younger people for a few years, you have a much better chance of getting to the top, even with no talent. Adam didn't pop onto the scene until Idol, and by then he was 27, not old in my book, but to teens he is ancient. This is why he has on average an older fan group, who loved him on Idol and have stayed with him. He has had to claw his way up the ladder, which the likes of Swift, never had to do, for some reason. None of this is fair, but it is real life, and Adam is fully aware of it. IMO this last album is Adam trying to appeal to people of all ages, especially the younger people who like to dance at clubs. No matter how far we go with equality, it will always be a strike against Adam with some people, which is really sad. I think he is doing superbly well with this first single and the album hasn't had a chance yet to show its merits. I will keep voting for anything that keeps Adams name out there in any tiny way, that is feasible for me to do. These are my opinions, I don't expect people to necessarily agree with me.

Anonymous said...

Hi 2:56pm ....(and any one else this may help).,..

On the mobile link (it may apply to desktop as well?) you have to tap the square with Adam's picture first, then tap 'vote' after highlighting Adam's pic (with a tap). 2:56, the blue thing and nothing else was happening to me until I figured that one out. haha

- may make no difference, but hope it helps. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm I don't see how we will ever catch up on this Z100 poll. Wow! But I'll sure keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why 'focus/priority' is needed since our browser can open multiple tabs. I open all the mentioned site and give each page a click whenever I have the time. So all polls get the vote. Artist of the summer might not mean anything but Z100 is a big radio station. Isn't good if DJs mention Adam is their artist of the summer from time to time? It's been few days we try to get rid of 1D fans on the AT40 but they just keep coming strong. I don't think we able to catch up at last minutes. Anyway, just my opinion. :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:55 PM
Works the same for both I think....

The link I posted originally was the desktop link... And worked automatically on my iPhone which converted it to the mobile version.. I did repost the embedded link just to be sure it works...It does for me :)) But same link as before..

No idea what was going on earlier!!

Anonymous said...

7:57 PM, that poll doesn't get Adam any spins on radio. Please focus on the AT40 polls and streaming!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I don't have any problem with my phone or my laptop or tablet switching to the correct version of any URL. I'm thinking broddybounce's device has an issue with that.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, this is not an issue of Adam being gay. Also, Adam has older fans in his fanbase from being on Idol, not because of his age.

Anonymous said...

7:01 PM, I was not comparing Adam to anybody.

As fans there are things we can do to promote Adam. One of them is to help him chart well which is one of the things radios and others look at and report on.

Debuting at #2 will help Adam. At this point he could be as low as #5.

It is easy and free to set up Spotify and stream Ghost Town.

Let me know if you need help with Spotify.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Well ... all I know is I've been keeping count at z100 everytime I go there to vote ... usually every hour or so (25 to 50 votes per each visit) and the darn count either stays the same or increases for 1D ... WTH?? I'm gonna try a new approach after all the teens & tweens have gone to bed & keep voting into the wee hours ... no child care tomorrow morning ... watching ADAM on TV (Oh JOY!!). Also have been voting diligently on the other sites plus iHeart Radio 5@5 101.3 KISS FM ... I don't have any high hopes for the z100 poll but I aint gonna stop until it's over!! There I Said IT!! Back to the task at hand!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anne Marie said...

Hi, good to see you on here. I have no issue with your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I vote on a PC and don't have a problem with any of the links.

Anonymous said...

Adam is losing again at this poll that will get Adam radio spins.

I'm not sure when it ends but it must be soon because it is for a weekend show.

Please vote tonight and tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Poll is closed Adam lost just could cry

Anonymous said...

It is a shame we couldn't get Adam a win on the at40 poll because it means radio spins.

Wish we we more organized and focused on the important things.

Unknown said...

I know so tired of him coming in second when he is no.1

Anonymous said...

People were wasting their time on this artist of the summer thing when it should have been on AT40 song of the week.

Anonymous said...

Adam/1D Poll IS still open. Ends July 2nd.

Anonymous said...

11:28, just to clarify, there were two polls involving 1D. The song contest from American Top 40 is where Ghost Town lost to a 1D song. If you scroll up you can see people were trying to point out the difference between the two and the importance of the American Top 40 (At40) one.

Anonymous said...

@11:43 PM

11:28 here. Thanks.

I've been voting in the z100 poll only and there were lots of little glitches today.

Still don't understand why Adam's fans have to jump through hoops to get his music played.

Anonymous said...

@12:13 AM
I agree with you! It is what it is; go figure! The most talented man on this side of heaven and it comes to this! Some of the most talented artist never got radio play and we still know who they are! Adam will always be around and the world will always be fascinated by his talented offerings one way or the other. He is not a here today gone tomorrow pop star. He a lasting talent. I would compare his talents with the Barbara S. folks of the world; not this young crop of singer he is compared with now. This is what he wants right now so we will do our best to keep his name out the for all the world to see. One day everyone will see what Roger and Brian and Nile and many others see in him!!!! Thank God that he has such wonderful lifetime fans that always have his beautiful back!

Stacy G.

Anonymous said...

All fans jump through these hoops.

Anonymous said...

There are several stars releasing music this week, and they are all vying for a spot on the top 40, or top 100, or even top 200. It's a ruthless business, not for the feint of heart. Adam has done extremely well in his placements on the charts, probably where Warner might have expected him to be.