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New Adam Lambert Single Coming Soon? Casting Info Now For New Adam Lambert Music Video!!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, August 13, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sounds like Adam Lambert is getting ready to release a NEW SINGLE!!!!  Based on this casting call for his NEW MUSIC VIDEO, in Las Vegas, on August 18 and/or 19th.

Anyone interested in trying out?? Sounds awesome! Can hardly wait to know what the new single is AND what this intriguing sounding video concept is all about

After reading this description, what do YOU think the next single will be?????!!!!!

Read the entire announcement below: Click on "See More" to read the entire description

Note: The original Facebook post from August 11 (David Anthony Casting) is no longer available:

This (below) is a screen cap (by @glitzylady) from my archives.. for those who are interested in what/who they were casting for Adam's new music video:


Dee R Gee said...

Wheeee! We're riding the roller coaster again. Strap on your seat belts!

Dee R Gee said...

Wheeee! We're riding the roller coaster again. Strap on your seat belts!

Unknown said...

If we won't see a video for "THE LIGHT" I'm done!
Imagine how artistic, fun, and uplifting it will be!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like all those various characters will be Chasing the Original High in Vegas...I'd love it, but only if THE LIGHT will be released right after!

Or, it may be a cast for "Too weird to live, Too rare to die...but I got a light"...crossing fingers!

That cast sounds like a weird hot mess. Hope we'll get to see enough of Adam. His extraordinary beauty, intensity of expressions and captivating moves are better than any busy storyline.
Wish there was more of Adam in GT instead of all that unwanted ass and flashing!

Dee R Gee said...

I think it will be TOH, too. Hope it has a different look and vibe from GT. We need a whole new tone.

Anne Marie said...

Sure sounds like TOH, I will be surprised if it isn't. I think he wants to go for the title song, that will help people remember the name of the album, among many other reasons. Wonder why they are doing it in Vegas, unless it will give some authentic background for some peoples original high.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the casting for the video sounds pretty wierd, how do you incorporate a transgender woman, a body builder, a stripper and a drag queen, in the same video? I Wonder what it's about? I think the next single might be TOH, that's my guess. Or Maybe "The Light"? The casting for the video sounds super awesome so far, I'm excited to see how it looks!

Unknown said...

Awesome news! I'm kind of bummed though, we were in Vegas last summer around this time with friends.They will be there next week, I wasn't able to take off work this year to go. Sounds like Adam will be there shooting a video next week. I know the chances of seeing him are slim to none but just being in the same city!!!!! Loving the whole album and thrilled for all the good things coming his way.Definitely a superstar!

Gabi said...

@Craig Furges, I like your intensity! "The Light" is also one of my top favorites on the album and it's right up there for me with TOH. I can imagine some cool videos for both songs, but releasing TOH now may be a smarter move. Still, "The Light" would almost get me more excited haha.

Ditto on this: "His extraordinary beauty, intensity of expressions and captivating moves are better than any busy storyline." (I would find it very cool though if we got to see a hint of Adam's romantic side)

funbunn40 said...

TOH makes the most sense for the 2nd single and video & the diverse characters would represent all people chasing the original high, making it relatable to anyone.the majority of the songs are single & video worthy. Hope it won't be a carbon copy of If I Had You which was a great video, but Ghost Town also had his friends and dancers with rapid screen shots. I thought his Never Close Your Eyes video was creative & very well done with Adam being the main focus.I'm ready for his next single & video!

JAK said...

Doesn't sound like something I'll want to watch. I don't like frenetic........generation gap I guess.
Adam seems to want a Zodiac type of atmosphere. Again. IIHY & GT.

The Ligth said...

It’s clear that those hopeless misfits, fat cheerleader, aging showgirl, drag queen, etc. are still chasing The Original High…but I’ll still keep hope that it will turn out to be THE LIGHT ;-P
I’m excited for the title track too, but I’ll never get over it if he never releases THE LIGHT, and let the guaranteed chart-topper and crowd fave go to waste…

The Ligth said...

My fave video so far is For Your Entertainment…lots of Adam being seductive and the rest of the cast add to his effect. Interesting concept for Better than I Know Myself. Never Close Our Eyes was great too but not as addictive as FYE.

Adam used all of his elements of surprise and charisma correctly on Idol and won the nation, then let it slip away by not making the best judgments…

The confusing over-crowded video of Ghost Town was an opportunity lost, esp. now that he’s at the peak of his hotness like a young Elvis, he doesn't need weirdos taking his spotlight. It should have been Adam dancing in ruins of a haunted cowboy town, walking into the flames and killing it, and even ghosts joining him for a group dance, like a less expensive version of MJ’s Ghosts. Shit, even I can easily imagine a hotter plot…

Hope he will make it up in a video for THE LIGHT !!!

Dee R Gee said...

the Ligth, I love your version of the GT video. That would have been a great concept. It could have featured Adam more and really given him a sexy, loner sort of persona, all mixed with a kind of cowboyish thing, which is always sexy to me.

Anyway, I'm withholding my judgment of the next video until I see it. Adam is really drawn to what I call "urban angst." He's a city boy who is comfortable in a sub-culture. He's lived as somewhat of an outsider, even though he has many friends, etc. I love the song TOH and I hope they can capture the essence of the song without making it a copy of the weirdness of the GT video. I happen to like the GT vid a lot, but I want more Adam next time around. Sounds like the next video will feature characters who are "searching for their own original high" along with Adam. Maybe there won't be so many flashing lights on this one. LOL

I hope that if the album gets a chance at a third single, it will be Another Lonely Night. It has a totally different sound and message. It's romantic. It's a song that should feature Adam ALONE in the video, singing that infectious hook. It would make a perfect choice for single #3 IMO.

TOH is the title song, though, and marketing-wise, it's a good choice for the next single. I just want to vid to have more to it than just a bunch of strange characters dancing around. We'll see.

fan said...

Adam needs to do a Video with just ADAM and not a lot of clutter............He is what his fans want to see and his music holds its own well with out a lot of distraction.

Unknown said...

Ditto@The Light & fan
Can we get Adam's team to listen? Tweet :|

nancdruuu2 said...

Very excited for a new Adam video! All his songs are winners, but please show us more A D A M ! He's all we really want to see! Also agree - The Original High is a great choice as it is the album name and sounds sooo good! (I hope the video isn't so jerky that my head spins, lol)

Unknown said...

The Light is the catchiest song - possibly even better than Ghost's all in the bongos! If Adam is going for a catchier vibe, them that is it - I am not certain but I don't think he can sing the title track as much because of Adam's famous higher octive! At this point, the more bongos, the catchier the vibe!!

Unknown said...

Don't think Adam can sing the title track all the time because of his notorious High octive. It would kill his throat! The Light with the catchy bongos would b a great choice!!

Tahha said...

I hope it's The Original High for sure. It's such a cool upbeat fun polar opposite from Ghost Town. Whatever it is its going to be Awesome! There are soooo many Grammy Hit Worthy songs off TOH album it's insane to even think any of the songs won't be released and made into video!!! They are ALL that Phenomenal!
"THE LIGHT" "THERE I SAID IT" "HEAVY FIRE" "EVIL IN THE NIGHT" "AFTER HOURS" are such UNIQUE Original songs that are not your "Predictable" pop we here over and over. These songs have lyrics, beats and hooks that are meaningful and catchy like nothing else. We as fans must Fight for more song releases. Everyone on radio today has Multiple songs played on continuous rotation. Adam should have the same respect as other, especially with these Amazing songs off TOH. I Plead with all of Adams fans to write Warner with requests on new releases. Also, Everyone should be signed up at "RATE THE MUSIC" where you can rate Adams songs for actual RADIO PLAYS! Once you sign up they will send you a weekly notice and you rate to KEEP Adams sings on the radio.
Adam is under "HOT ADULT CONTEMPORARY" and "TOP 40". When you sign up you create a profile and music preferences. .he's under BOTH!!!! You just change listening preference each time you Rate so you can rate at both.
Fans need to get to work...Request Adams songs at your local Top pop radio stations and watch his videos and stream his music.

Tahha said...

Ghost Town is a Spectacular video! It's actually Genius! They melded together BRILLIANTLY the lyrics that express a Rude awakening of emptiness and feeling defeated with a kick ass beat that does make you your able to overcome and feel joy's Healing! It's artistic and free spirited! I get it may be hard for more inhibited people to "Get" Ghost Town, but it really is a Brilliant video.
Adams lyrics, videos are very esoteric...they are like an Onion being peeled..there's always something new and deeply meaningful being revealed if you just open up and let it in. Adam is THEE most Phenomenal Singer Artist Performer I ever witnessed. I'm excited he never does anything Predictable!

The Ligth said...

Video of GT must not get repeated…we the Glamberts will stand by whatever Adam does no matter what, but most people’s reaction to the video was…WTF is going on?! And, even people who aren’t epileptic got seizures. At some point the flashing was so fast that you couldn’t even see a damn thing. That’s a shame esp. since that everyone’s raving about how hot Adam is although you can barely see him. I so badly wanted to see him working the cool moves at 2:10-2:20 but it kept flashing back and forth to some multi-faced creature no one cares about, and more nuisance. Why the clusterFuck when you’re better off just pointing the camera to Adam…shirtless…haha kidding, he doesn’t need to strip, as long he is the focus from the beginning to end. That would be a memorable video people would look up once they see it on TV, and would want to watch over and over again…
It’s not a Zodiac show. Adam is the show everyone wants to see, and he needs to shine like the superstar he is!

The Ligth said...

I’m all for the TOH, but I’ll have a meltdown if “THE LIGHT” won’t get released next!
Once “THE LIGHT” is released there will be opportunities to release more singles, since “THE LIGHT” will be that world-wide #1 hit that will seal Adam’s undeniable superstar status!

Tell Adam and WarnerBros to release “THE LIGHT”

I’m off to sign up for RATE THE MUSIC…