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Adam Lambert's Snapchats x2 "Stockholm"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, November 13, 2015

Posted at : Friday, November 13, 2015

Adam Lambert posted two Snap Chat videos today in Stockholm

From @adamlambert_pic on You Tube: "What Adam says in Swedish is "Tack så mycket!" = Thank you so much!"

"*Follow Adam Lambert on snapchat :) His username: daoriginalhigh"


Gabi said...

Looks like he's pretty relaxed and enjoying a bit of R&R in Sweden ;)

Marjo said...

What is he saying tho in the last snap? I can't figure it out..

Anne Marie said...

He won't take it off.........ever.

Dee R Gee said...

Lookin' a little sleepy, a little loopy, and very very sexy. At the end, it sounds like he's whispering "I love you" and something other thing. Just guessing.

MINNIE said...

I love this pic sc. Adam looks content, comfortable, happy and relaxed. Seemed to glance away for a second as if to get approval his Swedish words went well. Also thought it was a kind of flirty look and bit of a blush at the end. So pretty and a rare glimpse of the man behind the rockstar image and public persona. Adorable.

Anne Marie said...

He said, " I won't take it off, ......ever" When you know the words, you can hear him saying it. It was in response to a Brit fan who gave him the flag and a gift. I am sure Sauli was with him, and his hair is a little tousled, he does look quite relaxed. Sauli is back in Helsinki for a job hosting on Namu. Don't know yet if Adam's promo gig in Paris has been cancelled or not. They claim there is about 8 more terrorists not accounted for. They killed 4, but that was only at the venue. The other terrorists all got away quickly, and as far as I know they are looking for them. Personally I hope they do cancel Adams gig, and bring him home safely. His next gig is in TX on the 30th.

glitzylady said...

All concerts are cancelled and concert venues closed in Paris until further notice, according to news reports..

Adam's concert, which includes many other artists, including Jess Glynn, is scheduled for Thursday November 19th at The Grand Palais in Paris.. I suspect this one will not happen..

His safety and that of the other artists is the most important thing....

glitzylady said...

I just read this Billboard post:

"Paris Shuts Down All Public Spaces, Including Concerts Halls, Movie Theaters & Museums"



"Bands like U2 and Foo Fighters had already taken the initiative to cancel upcoming Paris gigs in the wake of the attack at Le Bataclan during an Eagles of Death Metal concert that claimed at least 118 lives (the band has confirmed all members are safe). But this new announcement means all Paris concerts have been canceled until further notice by city officials.

It's safe to assume this means at least through the weekend, but it could be longer. A source with knowledge of the live music situation in Paris told Billboard that concert halls and performance spaces will be closed at least through Thursday"

Since Adam's concert at The Grand Palais in Paris is on Thursday, seems likely it will be cancelled, or rescheduled for a later date..