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Adam Lambert Fan Art From @CreativeSharka: New digital painting @adamlambert #hapiness

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Posted at : Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Attention Glamberts ....The Popcrush poll with Adam Lambert vs. BTS is malfunctioning! The poll was supposed to be over at 11:59 pm EST yesterday (Sept.25).

Adam WON handily by the proscribed time for the close of the poll....but Popcrush did not close the site, and are still accepting votes!

I checked in again at about 12:57 pm today (Sept. 26), and Popcrush is still accepting votes. Adam was still the winner, with 4263 votes vs. 4169 for BTS.

But now BTS has pulled ahead of Adam....more than 16 hours after the "close" of the poll!! And when I last checked, Popcrush is still accepting votes!

PLEASE WRITE TO POPCRUSH TO COMPLAIN.... the email address I found and wrote/complained to is:

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Nanbert ... I just came from there & left a scathing comment to Pop Crush calling the poll bogus & declaring ADAM as the rightful Winner after midnight!! That poll is rigged .. I will never participate in any poll on that site again & I will denounce any other poll that is run by Pop Crush every time .... until or unless they declare ADAM the Winner of Round 2!! FOUL .. Pathetic BS poll!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw...good for you! I just came back from there too, and Popcrush is still accepting votes. I saw your comment, and two or three others who are complaining, too. I wrote a scorching letter via the address I posted above.

Don't know what's happening there, but Adam WON fair and square, and they'd BETTER say so!!

Glamberts do not take lightly to Adam being cheated out of a win!!!

Nanbert said...

P.S. I wonder if the Popcrush computer system had the wrong date entered in it for the poll closing. Maybe it's possible that someone entered 26 instead of 25 as the end date. That said, the computer might close the poll at 11:59 pm EST tonight!

If Adam doesn't get HIS WIN... EVERYONE, be prepared to do some serious bitching!!!!

Humm...I wonder if any other polls are having problems. I noticed some had started on Round 3, but at least one seemed to still be on Round 2.

Mi Re La said...

And the winner is ..... BTS. Once again Adam is stolen to vote To be ashamed PopCrush Those who voted for Adam probably stopped to vote at the announced time to close the vote. There was no way to win the BTS. By 11.59 Adam was leading with the big difference

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Mirella ... when I realized what was happening I tried to vote for ADAM but my votes were rejected over & over so no matter what happened at the site .. honest mistake or whatever .. ADAM is no longer in the contest!! To me THAT SUX!!! I'm never voting at Pop Crush again!! Also ... those idiots that are running the Vote for most Beautifuls poll are screwing up there too!! How can all these Orientals be so far ahead of our American men??? No Way!! Not voting anywhere unless I'm sure my vote Counts!! My time is much too valuable to waste on BS polls that are rigged!! I'm so pi**ed I could scream ... not that it matters!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I really like this digital art - very flattering & colourful.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Except for the cigarette ... not flattering at all ... that's not what he was holding in the original photo!! Check it out!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Unknown said...

Joint more likely....