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Adam Lambert on Instagram: @daniellestori @sohohouse dinner was #sohogood, @samsmithworld: so fuckin good. Vocalzzzzz! Love the new songs!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Posted at : Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A post shared by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on
A post shared by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


The Dark Side said...

Don't get Sam Smith at all he puts me to sleep! Oh well...

Dee R Gee said...

Nice to see Adam at SS's with some other big names. Apparently this was a small charity show that was invite only or you could win a ticket. Adam was surely on the "invited" list. I'm happy that he was included. I think sometimes we assume that all these big stars are close friends. But they probably aren't. Everyone is busy. Adam has had some big names attend a few of his solo shows. And some of the QAL shows have had some big names in the audience. Adam's new music "plan" is still a mystery.

Sam Smith has found a real music groove that millions love. It's low and sonorous and usually sad. It's emotional and it suits his low voice. He has definitely hit the jackpot with that formula. His fans will automatically buy, stream, view and listen to each song he puts out. They know what they are getting and they love it. And he gets automatic saturation radio play and full label backing.

Adam doesn't have that "identity sound." He experiments and changes it up. That can be a good thing or a not so good thing, sales-wise. I hope Adam's new music gets strong backing and at least more radio play then he's had in the past. I realize radio is only one piece of the puzzle. Streaming is THE way to support a song now. But radio exposure, unlike streaming, gets the song out to people who aren't necessarily looking for it. If a song is heard on the radio a lot, listeners assume it's a hit and that it's cool to like. Adam is due for one of those.

Nanbert said...

Might not have recognized Danielle with her hair so light, if she hadn't been identified in the photo. She's always pretty, but I kind of prefer her darker and hi-lighted color.

I really LOVE seeing how Adam has such strong and lasting friendships (male and female).... that says SO much about his character and personality.

LTA said...

Adam is not a boring artist/singer!:) Good or bad for being risky with his style of music, people still recognized how talented he really is. A long and lasting love from me to Adam ha!ha!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Radio is living a questionable period right now!! Only the younger demographic is interested in listening to the pop music, rap, hip hop, etc. There are a lot more people that would listen to radio if there was something that was "listen-able"? Most of today's music falls on "deaf" ears when it comes to the older crowd & I don't just mean the "dinosaurs" (that's me) ... adults have other means of listening to music .. Spotify .. Ytube .. iphones, etc. That way they can listen to their kind of music .. not radio "fare"!! I haven't listened to music on the radio in years .. only the football, hockey games, weather & NOT even the news!! If I want music I've accumulated quite a collection through the years & am in the process of making it possible for me to listen to whatever & whenever I Please!! My only problem is putting it on all the different devices that are available ... so far I only have my mp3 & my DVD/CD's .. gave my tablet to my son .. he liked mine so I said .. "It's yours!"

Right now the only Singer I'm interested in is ADAM .. female .. Alisan Porter!! They give me all the listening pleasure I require ... Love 'em Both!!

And I don't think that's EVER going to CHANGE!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Rosepetal said...

Not a SS fan total snooze fest for me. Like Lambert Outlaw I mostly listen to Adam. I have friends in music and listen to them a lot but I just can't do the whole Sam Smith an Ed Sheeran thing. Guess it comes from growing up in era when music kicked your butt instead of put you to sleep.

Nanbert said...

Haha...on a "round trip" here, just discoverd that the photo of Danielle and Adam above is a video... just find the arrow in the middle...... two complete nuts!