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Adam Lambert Snapchat Photo 10-6-17

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, October 6, 2017

Posted at : Friday, October 06, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Helloo Adam! So you are back home; and that aged table with all the furrows makes a nice design; the fresh salad looks good. Soon it's back to the drawing board with Queen again. You could sing another of your new songs. Hey where is Pharaoh...

Nanbert said...

Oops...don't eat's a dish garden, using a species of succulent plant.

Lam-My said...

Well well, many wild garden weeds, plants, flowers are very nutritious so I think these in the bowl look quite benign and may even contain medicinal value or omega-3. And who in their right mind would actually put a bowl of harmful garden plants on a patio table. I might give it a try, after finding out first.

Nanbert said...

Dish gardens usually consist of living plants planted in a shallow dish or bowl... used for DECORATION/DISPLAY only....just like cut flowers in a vase... or like any other living house plant... they're are very "in" out West especially. "Succulents" are used in them quite often because they are hardy and easy care---and many have unusual, interesting, and often exotic the one in the snapchat photo. Take another look...after clicking on the link above, click again on the photo and it will enlarge the plant a bit.

No one in their right mind would consider eating a decorative house plant displayed on a patio table...why would that even come into question?? Where better to display it? That's what they're made for..decoration/ be attractive and be set on a table to add to the decor and ambiance...NOT to eat. They're house plants. this case, the noun "succulent" is the identifying name for a group of plants that are drought resistant/water storage types (cacti, aloe, jade plant and dozens of others)....NOT to be confused with the adjective "succulent", meaning tasty, juicy...two entirely different meanings, depending on the use. English gets confusing sometimes.

Lam-My said...

Aha, a rather good example is listed...aloe vera which is a very good food, lots of vitamins; but don't take too much, may be laxative as it cleanses, removes toxins from the body. Can be used in smoothies and salads. Maybe Adam is throwing in some of that in his juicing regimen. Regardless if it's planted in a bowl or in a garden, if a plant is edible, it can be eaten, that is not the point of contention; so it can be eaten even if it's planted in a bowl, like the one on the patio table. No need to explain words that are pretty common! maybe not to you. I have used the word in various connotations.

Lam-My said...

T-Mobile Arena - Las Vegas...Spread your wings...06/24/17

Las Vegas Take care! My condolences to bereaved families who have lost their loved ones.

Nanbert said...

The POINT of dish gardens, like any houseplant, is DECOR...NOT dinner!... Whether or not the plant/s used are edible is UNIMPORTANT...they are not meant to eaten, only displayed.

Lam-My...I did not remark on the "salad or dish garden" comment to embarrass or contradict you, but to be sure none of the other Glamberts on this website make the same mistake. Many houseplants CAN be poisonous or unhealthy, just as I agree with you that some may be edible. But, it would take a plant expert to know which is which. And, it's a moot point anyway when it's ONLY used for decoration/display.

Mi Re La said...

Nanbert, I was shopping today and I was looking for a kale but I did not find it. Continue searching.

Nanbert said...

Mirela...sorry about that! You know, Kale has only fairly recently become common where I live. I'm 84, and I only became aware of it within probably the last 7-8 years. Now it's everywhere!

Keep asking around for it ....grocers usually get stuff in stock when it's requested often enough.

Lam-My said...

No need to state the obvious, of course many plants are poisonous; exactly what I said, who in their right mind would put some harmful plants on a nice wooden table. So it's still possible ! a child might like to try it, or Pharaoh. lol! By the way, is this Adam's new garden/patio...oooh-la-la; Adam may be laughing his whatever off; good for taking his mind off his jet-lag.
Also, I did not take it as your contradiction against mine...not interested in what you expound in the first place. I always respond to tunnel-vision one-track mentality.

Nanbert said...

Well, I'll give you this, never miss a chance to be nasty and take a shot. Try being civilized for might even like it.

Lam-My said...

Head buried in the sand
Trying too hard to lend
Obvious irritating advice
Always assuming others don't know
Strangely, she always falls short
And then resorts to diminishing her opponent
My advice to you is open your mind
Tunnel vision, toot-toot train one track only
By the way, if that organic garden
Is Adam's new residence oooh-la-la!
Helloo Pharaoh! You seem real quiet
Having the time of your life huh!
You can try those organic plants
Not poisonous! Daddy loves you too much...

Mi Re La said...

I do not think Adam moved to another house. He would say something. He always shares his joys with us

Nanbert said...

Sorry you felt "diminished"...completely unintended. But you didn't seem... or want... to understand my point...that it was a decorative dish garden, NOT a salad.... so I tried to explain it to you..... in far more detail than I really cared to.

It is clear now that you felt "attacked" by my pointing out your simple error of thinking it was a salad... nor did you intend to admit it, so you dragged the subject to edibility...and away from "use"...wasting both our times.

It IS possible to have an intelligent and civilized discourse, you know. Insults are juvenile and ill mannered...even when couched in "poetry" is yours above.

Lam-My said...

Please! I did not state in any form I felt 'diminished or attacked'! My line from above says very clearly:
'Strangely, she always falls short
And then resorts to diminishing her opponent'...meaning, you use an escape strategy and not that I feel belittled. I already stated before and now, your rigmaroles do not interest me the least bit so how can I feel diminished by them or attacked if they don't mean a thing to me?

As I advised before, 14 times already, the best way is to keep off each other's turf; since you say I'm juvenile and ill-mannered why do you keep coming back for more of the same?

Finally, I do not 'couch my poetry'...strange terminology; I use all sorts of formats: prose, poems, haiku, dialogue and so I just write in any of these formats, not 'couch my poetry', goodness gracious. See! You need to open your mind and see things in a wider perspective.

Yes, I did use the word salad but the first picture was showing only half the bowl but now it's changed to show the complete bowl. And even if I say it's a salad, it's not too far-off; many edible plants can be served as an ornamental display on a dining table as well as a salad and even as a gift.
My advice to you stands...Open your mind! Don't bury your head in the sand.

Finally, this is the 14th time I'm telling you I do not wish to engage in conversation with you, so just vamoose! 再见 jai jian!


Nanbert said...


FYI: COUCH (verb)..."express (something) in language of a specified style"...i.e.... YOU have COUCHED insults to me in "poetry".

But, I'm sure you already know that meaning....and have "used that word in many connotations"... as you also stated above.

And notice that I helpfully pointed out to you(above) how to get a larger photo of "your salad"...and in fact that was resolved for you by someone on this website shortly after my comment.

YOU used the word "opponent" (above)... which assumes an "attacker/adversary" state of mind....and saying (of me) "she...then resorts to DIMINISHING her opponent" (you). Only one way to interpret that...using YOUR own words. Again, sorry, that was never intended.

Lots, lots more...but I'm wasting my time, and we're undoubtedly irritating the hell out of our fellow Glamberts, so let's move on. Besides I have a kite to fly! It's fun...try it.
he he #%&@%##
"Tunnel-Vision One-Track Mentality" Nanbert

Lam-My said...

Well, a salad as I said is not far-off from what I saw, rightly or wrongly, based on the incomplete picture of Adam's bowl-terrarium. You can eat the plants grown in it, so doesn't that technically make the bowl-terrarium / bowl garden a live salad? Once more, toot-toot train runs only on one track! Can't turn right or left toot toot... straight ahead...Oh, not time to fly a kite, winds too strong, your kite will fly away! One step forward, two steps usual and always.

Referring to your statement: 'we can hold a civilised discourse'.
Well, you started the attack mode first, all the time ! not just this time! And that's why I decided to stay clear of you; also not interested in your rigmarole. Precisely, you need to heed your own advice directed at me on 'civilised discourse'.
You said above: ' be sure none of the other Glamberts on this website make the same mistake.'
Straight away, you alleged I made a mistake and I'm misleading others. That sounds serious enough for me to put on my boxing-gloves which I seldom initiate. I have explained even if I saw it as a salad rather than a bowl-terrarium, it's technically edible plants / salad. Open the window of that one-track mind of yours; until then and only then, you might be able to hold a 'civilsed discourse'.
'A rose by any name would smell as sweet' Romeo and Juliet.

Nanbert said...

Neither you nor I have a clue whether those plants are an edible species or not...nor does it matter one little bit... it never did.

BTW...Your quote SHOULD be... "A rose by any OTHER name would smell as sweet".


Lam-My said...

Yes, I was quite aware that I left the word out after I re-read it when it was printed out; and almost wanted to change it, but thought meaning still intact. See, again, Open your mind! for God's sake.
Why are you so intimidated that you keep wanting to point out my supposed mistakes? There is no way you can beat me in this game you're you know why? You are always 3 steps behind! And I've told you that before.
Like the time, you tried to correct me on my use of 'helluva' and entangled yourself doing it.
And another time, when you couldn't fathom my explanation on an astrology aspect...said I made things up; you're one helluva desperado.

Nanbert said...

Good!....."helluva" is used correctly this time.

However, "desperado" usually refers to a bandit/outlaw of the Old American West...not a very apt insult in this instance.

Lam-My said...

Toot toot toot chuga chuga .... one track only...

Nanbert said...

Brilliant riposte!

Nanbert said...

FYI...after a bit of research, I have discovered the plant in question is known as "Donkey's tail" or "Burro's Tail" (Sedum Morganianum). It is NOT toxic.

So-o-o, Bon Appetite!