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From GQ: he 46 Best Celebrity Halloween Costumes Ever #40 Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, October 15, 2017

Posted at : Sunday, October 15, 2017

Famous people tend to have a terrible track record when it comes to Halloween costumes. Either they opt for something boringly basic ("Look, I'm a cat, I have cat ears. See?") or, much worse, offensive. But lucky for us, there are a few original thinkers among the boldface name set who understand what Halloween is all about: committing to a costume and wearing the hell out of it. Here are the dressed-up heroes who have done it best:


Mi Re La said...

This year Adam will be in Prague on Halloween night. I am curious if he appears at the Queen concert dressed in a special costumes.

Mi Re La said...

Remember Halloween's performance last year
Adam Lambert ‘Evil In The Night’ - The X Factor Australia 2016

Mi Re La said...

.....and 2015 performance Hilton Halloween Party

Lam-My said...

Homer lived in a shanty hut by the sea. A very amicable person, and colourful, adorned in stylish clothes with his well-kept long white plaits. The neighbours always knocked on his door if they needed help; and he would go all out to assist. Once a week, he would go out to sea, and returned after many days at sea; like he was searching for something. He was alluded to as 'The Old Man And The Sea'.
One day, Homer was returning home and as he approached it, he saw a crowd gathered outside, gestering about something. A young roguish man was banging on Homer's door demanding that he wanted his house back!

What is that all about? thought Homer; I've been living in this house for 70 years.

The neighbours surrounded Homer, tugging at his long white plaits to prevent him from going back to his house, saying it was not safe.
Then the roguish man turned and went straight at Homer waving his stick at him. Lo and behold! at this crucial moment, a streak of lightning struck...the stick broke in half, like a sign from heaven. Homer himself was really shocked at what was taking place right in front of his home.
The roguish man still kept demanding that he wanted his house back. It was really puzzling to Homer.
Then instead of fighting back, he invited the confused man into his house. Whoa! All the neighbours were aghast, for Homer's safety. Somehow, his calm and gentle gesture impressed the assailant and his flare of temper subsided. Homer gave his intruder a cup of hot tea and then all of a sudden, the stranger kind of broke down and stammered:
I am Henry!
Henry? You mean you are my son whom I've been pining for, day and night.

Homer was stunned by this revelation and couldn't believe what he heard. He had seen with his own eyes, a shark gnarled him and he soon disappeared into the sea, 40 years ago. And till this day, still went out to sea hoping against hope he would find him.
Henry apologised for his bad behaviour and said he had these outbursts of insanity and anxiety as a result of his desperate search for his father. Life was really hard and he was being trafficked by unscrupulous mercenary gangs.
Homer wept, got up and hugged his long-lost son whom he never dreamt he could still see return to him as suddenly as he was taken from him.

How did Henry survive his shark attack...Well, Henry was a very strong swimmer, being at sea from childhood helping his father on their dinghy. He managed to surface and gasped for breath; but was drifted away by the currents; he escaped from the relatively small shark. It was his destiny...a trawler passed by and picked him up; but as a young child, he was not able to tell his rescuers where he lived and contact was soon lost as he lived on the trawler that travelled far and wide.

The neighbours who ad gathered were close to tears and rejoiced at this dramatic father-and-son reunion; they celebrated a meaningful Halloween together, that 1st November.


Nanbert said...

This "Old-West Prospector" of Adam's was one of his most detailed costumes of all. He was completely unrecognizable.

And it DOES resemble Willie Nelson.

Nanbert said...

Mirela...those links you sent above made me chuckle..reminding me of Adam trying to keep that prospector's beard on while he was performing.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

My favorites are ADAM = Genie & ADAM = Pirate!! ADAM has a great imagination & he's been 'practicing' Halloween all his life!! Great costumes!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)