Saturday, November 25, 2017

Queen + Adam Lambert COMPLETE Concert VIDEO Dublin 11-25-17 Livestream Via @cmoneirl Periscope

Queen + Adam Lambert COMPLETE Concert Dublin, Ireland

 Livestream Via Caroline Mone @cmoneirl Periscope (recorded). MANY THANKS Caroline!

If you missed the lifestream today (11-15-17), you can watch the recorded Periscope here.. 

Click on the link in the tweet below or simply click on the video in the tweet below by @suemillermdr.

But FIRST, this gorgeous photo of Adam Lambert from the Dublin concert. Photo by @shellstar79 Instagram  LINK HERE

Adam Lambert of Queen + Adam Lambert
Concert in Dublin, Ireland 11-25-17
Photo by @shellstar79

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


  1. Ok, Bicycle Race was hilarious. Couldn't get the bicycle over the bumps!

  2. OK!! Scorned again!! Please tell me where I can get the full Dublin concert videos so I can enjoy this tour too!! Thanx!!

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
