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Adam Lambert With Isaiah, Natalie Ong and Amalia Foy!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 3, 2018

Posted at : Saturday, March 03, 2018

A post shared by I S A I A H (@isaiahmusicofficial) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

I wonder if Isaiah and Amalia have ever seen Adam in full concert mode before? Probably not. What an experience it is to see him in all his glory! They really see how it's done!

The Dark Side said...

Love this reunion. What a thrill for these young people. Adam was an awesome judge and mentor. Having doubts we'll see him on Idol this year-- just a feeling I'm getting lately.

Nanbert said...

How nice that Isaiah, Natalie and Amalia got to finally see their former mentor performing in his "natural habitat"! I bet they were really awestruck....watching Adam with Queen.

It was sweet and thoughtful of Adam to make special time for a reunion with them.

Nice looking kids...and SO talented. Hope they have successful careers.

Nanbert said...

P.S. Adam looks like he just came in from a rainstorm, or out of the shower... with his hair wetly flattened down like that! I don't think I've ever seen quite THAT look before. LOL

LTA said...

Adam just showered and comb his hair flat ha!ha! He is for sure excited to see his kids again!!!!:)))) Lovely pictures!!!:)

Sunflower said...

Nanbert. Hahahaha! You're not lying!!!! Nice reunion with the kids.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Oops!! Sorry guys .. just got out of the shower & couldn't do a thing with my hair!! LOL

Love these pics of ADAM & his "kids"!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Haha....been there, done that!

BTW...Lambert Outlaw, how have those "compression" treatments been working for you? You haven't mentioned anything about that for a good while...and I don't know whether that's a good sign or a bad sign.

I was talking to a friend recently who had a relative with what sounded like the same problem as yours...severe swelling in her legs. I mentioned what you had said about the treatment you were getting...and she said she would pass it on to her relative.

Is it helping? I've had my fingers crossed for you. You do seem in better spirits lately. I hope it's not my imagination.

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW!! These photos are GORGEOUS!! So lovely that Isaiah, Amalia & Natalie were able to catch up with Adam. :-))))

Anonymous said...


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21m21 minutes ago

Really enjoyed our two shows in Melbourne ! thank you all who attended!!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Nanbert .. I try to be faithful to the treatments .. once a day .. for 1 hour ... but I really don't see much improvement .. still fat ugly legs .. I try to keep them covered so I won't have to look at them. Doctor says they won't improve much but they're hoping it will keep the fluid circulating .. not much circulation but I guess it's helping some .. I'm still able to shuffle along by myself .. don't need the wheelchair as yet!!

I try to keep my spirits up .. no sense in doom & gloom outlook ... hubby is a Saint .. he helps as much as he can ... no one else comes to help .. we're still helping each other!! He can still go to Sunday Mass & he brings home my communion to me & we pray together!! That's really what keeps me going .. my Faith in JESUS!! HE knows my needs & HE's always there to give me strength!!

My daughter-in-law was here with the kids today .. brought my Girl Scout cookies .. I ordered 5 boxes ... hubby is a Cookie Monster!! lol

Thank you for your concern Glam Sister ... it means a lot to know you care!!

As for the leggings ... they have to be ordered by your doctor ... Medicare paid for mine .. they're quite expensive ... here's the info about them ...

Tactile Medical
1331 Tyler Street NE Suite 200
Minneapolis MN 55413 USA

Patient Services
(866) 435-3948

Maybe the doctor can contact them for info about the leggings ... they hurt when you first put them on but after awhile not so painful .. I usually take a couple Tylenol & sleep through the sessions .. it's all automatic & it even goes off after an hour!! Hope this helps ... it's really frustrating not being in control!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

BTW .. Nanbert ... here's the online address ... maybe your friend can get some info online

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw...thanks so much for the detailed information. I'll pass it along.

Sounds like you're sticking to it faithfully. Good for you. Even if you haven't seen much improvement yet, that probably won't happen overnight.

I'm surprised to hear about your hubby bringing home communion for you. That's the first I ever heard of it.

Hang in there...and give your Saintly Cookie Monster hubby a big kiss! And...of course I care, Glam Sister.