Saturday, December 8, 2018

Adam Lambert Psted Photo on IG

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


  1. Great for Adam! All that for just 2018? Oh my!... An amazing ten years! SO happy for him....and the only way from here is UP! His talent cannot be denied.

  2. 2018 was a great year for Adam, and 2019 will be even bigger! NEW MUSIC! That will be the highlight. The Elvis tribute and the Playmobil movie will be big deals, too. And if we get a solo tour, I just might lose my mind in an entirely good way.

    Going to the Chicago QAL show! The tickets have been secured!

  3. 2019!!!!! Glamberts/Queenberts are rocking hard!!!

  4. Aha, my name LAM 林 / forest.

    A previous post on 'This LAM is tough'/ Adam Lambert

    This LAM is not a sham
    Nor is he a martyred lamb
    He faces up to his struggles
    A gay man...he makes a stand
    But doesn't ram
    Champions equality for all
    Straight, gay, lesbians, trans 
    Yes, this LAM is tough
    When the tough gets going
    The going gets above the rough 
    He opens doors to others 
    So no one bites the dust 
    Just get up and dust off the mud 

    Now, this other 林 Lam
    Well, straight as an arrow
    Has no problem with others 
    Of different gender, race, creed
    But will not succumb nor kowtow
    To those who need to subjugate
    This 林 Lam reciprocates a tete-a-tete lwl!🌳🐑🐕🌴 

    (July 19, 2018 at 8:43 pm)


  5. 你好 ni hao CNN Writer Fan! I just saw the *Mandarin Duck on Erin Burnett OutFront...
    Dec 9 2018

    3 days ago...I commented : Chinese regardless where we live use the same Chinese language *Mandarin...
    December 6, 2018 at 8:08 pm 🦆🦆

  6. Yumm.. My "Mandarin Duck" is one of my favorite recipes. Soy Sauce and mandarin oranges with a few spices, make a pleasantly sweet/sour/salty sauce/baste flavor to a nicely crisped bird Years ago, I used to always make it during the Xmas holidays.

    BTW...a Mandarin duck is also the name of a uniquely colorful species of duck...but is not the species required for a Mandarin Duck recipe...a plain domestic duck is best.. Just don't try it with any wild duck...they taste/appear entirely different...dark meat and much leaner. They don't even seem to be related!
