CONCERT REVIEW: LA Weekly, Los Angeles, July 19 & 20, 2019
Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Posted at : Wednesday, July 24, 2019
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credit: Bojan Hohnjec © Miracle Productions LLP |
"Lambert does a phenomenal job. ... Each crowd fave, including the opening “Now I’m Here,” as well as “Seven Seas of Rhye,” “Don’t Stop Me Now,” “Somebody to Love” and “Radio Ga Ga,” is treated with the reverence it deserves by Lambert."
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The Adam I adore - "...motorcycle for Lambert to drape himself across..."
Indeed, Patria! And, Nanbert -- you might be particularly interested in the first few paragraphs that discuss Adam's "Im not Freddie" speech! :)))) Very timely to our discussion here on 24/7!
Just came from Ytube .. video of Queen + ADAM with Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders .. Fat Bottomed Girls ... MUST SEE ....
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Hi Tess!
Thanks for this -- but you may have missed I already posted that (about 15 mins ago) in the Spike Edney post -- but much appreciated!
Guess I'm late again .. somebody else beat me to it!! Oh well ... ENJOY!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Thanx!! broddybounce .. typing one-handed kinda slows me down .. most important thing is .. it's here & everyone can enjoy it as much as I did & will keep on doing on Ytube!! I put it on FB too but had trouble with Twitter .. guess they only Tweet FAKE NEWS (lol) ... QAL ROCKS!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
broddybounce....Indeed, in the midst of that complimentary review, I was a saddened by the reviewer's remark about Adam's "pink elephant" speech as follows:
"Eight years into his run as the frontman of this most iconic of rock & roll bands, it must get tiring to have to justify one’s existence night after night."
Then the reviewer softened his remark a bit by complimenting Adam's "decency" in saying so....but still, it shows that I'm not the only one who sees that and feels that way.
Time is running out....Queen won't be touring much longer. Will Brian and Roger retire leaving Adam still considered as "Freddie's stand-in"...or "second string"...or "runner-up"?
It really should be up to Brian and Roger to finally/officially ON STAGE give the "pink elephant" speech...memorializing Freddie and giving thanks for ADAM ...and say that they have had the fantastic fortune of performing with the TWO GREATEST FRONTMEN OF THEIR LIFETIMES...absolutely true....finally according Adam the STATURE that he has earned and so richly EVERY concert (like Adam has been doing for 8 years).
Sounds fair to me. I'm sure Brian and Roger feel that way about Adam. What do you think?
Nanbert, don't forget I'm on board with you.
And Brett Callwood
Patria, RIGHT!....but Brett Callwood (I had to check it out)... the reviewer above, didn't suggest any way to resolve the problem. However, he's not alone. I've seen similar remarks from a couple of reviewers during the last couple of years.
Nanbert, I get what you mean by "saddened" but I thought you would also feel vindicated because the reviewer has, more or less, agreed with the point you were trying to make. But I do like how the reviewer "worked it out" in his thinking.
For me, as a superfan of Adam ever since he performed "Tracks Of My Tears" on Idol, sure, I don't need to hear that again and again. But then there are people like my brother, who I wrote about in other comments, who are nonbelievers but who eventually are pulled to the concert after two previous attempts and/or go "just to see Brian & Roger," and then hearing that MAY loosen them up a bit about Adam, followed by just one killer performance after another until they fall in love. Of course, they could also do that even if Adam DIDN'T do the speech, yes, true, but some, yah. I mean, the first two big tours, and even the Vegas residency, yes, this tour MAYBE coulda left it out. But maybe they decided to stick with it because BoRhap bringing in some newbies and aren't familiar with the whole Q+AL set-up. (Of course, it didn't sway my dear brother!!)
That being said... I think we have finally reached the point that NEXT tour, yes, absolutely, positively, it needs NOT to be said, put to sleep. Then I agree it even goes to Adam insulting himself! lol
Oh, and let's see if he does the speech when they do the tour in the other countries. He may not need to as I don't think they have as many cynics as we do in the US! If they ever get back to England -- and I am SHOCKED they haven't announced any dates yet -- I don't know, they've played there enough and it's a small enough country that I think the pink elephant speech probably isn't necessary. But I really couldn't say.
And then to your point about future tours -- I put "next" in caps above because I think there will be. I think they have it to go on for at least one more tour, and heck, maybe more. The boys love it, it keeps them vital. I think Adam will go on for as long as they do them. He loves it, the songs are MADE for him (as one reviewer recently put it), he really gets to express himself to extremely large crowds -- and, ok, he makes a few nice dollars, yes?
I actually was thinking about this fact while watching the San Jose tour and "will this be the last?" -- but, barring any major health issues for the two older boys, I think they will. They were as energetic as ever, they were all ON FIRE. Roger's voice I thought was as wonderful as ever, even insofar as to say 'impressive.' Brian's playing is still stellar and he is definitely having a great time. Not only do I hope they go on touring, I hope they finally break down and decide to do some recording -- even one song. May, Taylor & Lambert, or whatever they want to call it.
It is so nice to have a good LA review for a change.
The show looks so wonderful. Sorry I will be missing the tour this time.
Love that there are streams and vids though from you guys!
broddybounce.....well, I've been saying "next time" for a long time now...and there it is again. I agree Adam delivers that speech with wonderful charm, humility and humor. And maybe, as you say, when they start the next leg of their tours, they'll finally "put it to sleep", but don't hold your breath!
I agree about future tours. If Brian and Roger avoid any debilitating illnesses, they should have several tours left in them....I know they love it, and it's rejuvenating. Brian says they pamper themselves, and each leg is only about 6 weeks at a time. I agree, right now they're ON FIRE! Maybe never better!
But as far as dropping the "pink elephant" speech, I'm not holding out much hope. Neither was that reviewer, when he resignedly ended with....."Next time Queen plays, we'll still be talking about Freddie Mercury--- that's just the way it is." Oh my!
I just feel badly for Adam. He's still followed by "American Idol runner-up". Must he also be followed by "Freddie Mercury stand-in?...or "second string"? for the rest of his career? He's paid his dues...long ago!
I'm not hopeful that there will be any new music from their collaboration. We both know how hard it is for a new song/s to "take off". Familiarity is what makes a song a hit. And Queen has a herd of well-known songs to pull from their immense catalogue....and they pull out a different one every once in a "Machines" on this tour.
Especially after the "failure" of the album they made with Paul Rodgers, I don't think Brian and Roger want to "bother" trying to write another.
What I would really love to see is at least one DVD (hopefully more) of some complete QAL performances. That splendid Sonic tour in Japan was made into a DVD, but never widely distributed, and was only in Japanese. I've seen it offered on sale sometimes on Amazon, at well above $100.00! That's the one that has our only video of Adam singing "I Was Born To Love You"...OMG, what a performance that was by Adam! It's still on youtube...but for how long? Then there's the "Isle of Wright" festival, with that most ICONIC rendition of Adam singing "Who Wants To Live Forever" Rock in Rio, etc, etc.
Adam is so unbelieveably stupendous with Queen now that I feel he needs to be awarded his full stature and credit NOW....before it's too late, and the opportunity is lost. I think only Brian and Roger can best make that happen!...with their own "pink elephant" speech! Finally.
BTW...I don't mean that Adam should become a member of Queen....they should always remain Queen and Adam Lambert, IMO.
Nanbert, loved all you wrote! And, lo & behold, the music critic for the Houston Press, which I just posted -- he talked about "pink elephant" too (wow, it's become a very popular subject for the critics -- they seem to identify with it) -- but the way he explained it, I thought was very insightful.
broddybounce....I see what you mean about the Houston Press reviewer. He sort of criticized the "pink elephant" speech...."Lambert's proclamation almost seems unnecessary at this stage in their union".
But then he speculated that it might be because a ..."whole new generation of Queen fans emerged from darkened theatres" the wake of the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody".....and the "Pink Elephant" speech might be for their education.
Whatever!...... it is true that several reviewers have remarked on the large numbers of younger fans...i.e. high school and college age.... that have been turning up at the concerts. Hurray! New Fans! New Queenberts! New Glamberts!!!!! How could they not be! I HAVE been impressed by the apparent enthusiasm and participation of the audiences on this tour.
Well, let's hope that SOON Adam will no longer need to explain himself...ever! anybody!
Hear, hear!!
By things I have heard I honestly believe it is Completely Adam idea to do this speech. In my heart of hearts I do not believe they would put any pressure on Adam to do that speech if he was not on board 100 percent with it. They always say that AdaM has that humour like FM that he doesn't take himself serious even self deprecating.
I AGREE WHOLE HEARTEDLY WITH BOTH broddybounce and Nanbert. There are great arguments there. Adam does do it with total humour and remarkable style.
I feel that certainly eases any tensions from skeptic in the room. As one said I read I went in a skeptic came out a total Adam Lambert fan for life. I'm pretty sure there are many others like that.
There will always be the people like dear Broddyboune brother set in their ways. Few feel like that was there legacy FM frontman period. No it was just a wonderful period in time and now there is another wonderful period in time with Adam. In my opinions those hard headed people can go listen to the Queen recordings with FM. I'm not being hateful that just what I feel.
Brian, Rodger and Adam and the entire band are at the top of there game right now just even by just the videos they are unmatched right now in skill and Adam is glorious.
I agree Adam would win them over at this point with no speech I believe by the sheer brilliance of the man. The ones that dont have a pre concert agenda to not give Adam the credit where it is immensely deserved. I'm not crazy about him doing the speech either. But if it makes him feel more comfortable that probably a good thing.
He has faced a big task with many Queen fans and for the very most part won them over big time.
Sue.. I agree with much of what you've said. But I feel that the "Pink Elephant" speech was MUTUALLY decided between Brian, Roger and Adam in light of the intense die-hard "He's not Freddie!"fans they would encounter. I'm sure Adam would not do it without B & R's permission...nor would they MAKE him say it if he resisted.
However, I feel that it was a clever plan to somewhat "disarm" the "Freddie Only" fans. By being humble, self deprecating, AND a BIG FREDDIE FAN himself... Adam was at least able to elicit tolerance, and yes.... SYMPATHY..... from naysayers long enough to "show them HIS STUFF! The "Freddie Onlies" probably felt...Adam "properly humbled himself and declared Freddie a "Rock God", so let's give the poor guy a chance".
Well, Adam took that opening and ran with it! He even made a lot of fans from the "Freddie Onlies"... whether they still preferred Freddie or not. But he really converted most Queen fans when it became apparent that he could perform perfectly as frontman for their beloved band and it's music...and Queen came back to life with him.
Now that Queen and Adam Lambert have...TOGETHER....brought the band and its music back better than ever, it's time that Adam stop "explaining" himself and calling Freddie a "Rock God" when HE is one himself...proven by his performances these last eight years!
The "Pink Elephant" speech has served its purpose...the reasons for it have been resolved one way or another. Why should Adam have to continue belittling himself? There's no doubt he'd be perfectly comfortable without it.
Nanbert I agree with you as well. Im sure just about everything that goes into this concert is all talked out by the three main men Brian, ROdger and Adam. Of course he would not do it without there permission. I just think he the one who presented it to them.
I agree with all you said. There are so many very young new faces teenagers as well as more familiar ones there at the concert now. So that may be why he still does it. I do believe speech or not Adamwould still win them over.
I know how you feel he so talented in his own right why should he have to prove a darn thing after 8 years I feel the very same way. Correction Adam would ran the 2 together.
Sue ....I agree with you that it's very possible that Adam might have initially volunteered to do the speech...after much discussion among them about how to handle the flak they expected to be subjected to....but still feel it was very mutually discussed and decided on among all three. Brian and Roger must have had a lot of trust in Adam to let him handle that speech.
But, we are where we are, NOW....8 years later. The speech has served its purpose... QAL's success has proved it should be dropped.
Nanbert I just cant argue with anything you said. I have to agree. ADAM M Lambert is so darn humble about his magnificent talent you almost want to scoll him about it.
As we are always hearing there will never be another FM well by God in my opinion there also will never be another Adam Lambert either. He is a spectacular talent.
Hi everyone!! Here's a movie clip from the film 2012 on Ytube of ADAM singing Time For Miracles ... Sweet memories .. I LOVE it & thought you might too!!
BTW .. some of the comments begged for clarification so I put in my two cents 10 years later .. enjoy
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
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