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Adam Lambert Interviewed At Sundance Film Festival By Adobe For Their "Flip The Script" Short Segment, January 21, 2023

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Posted at : Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thanks to Adam fan & YouTuber y0116jp for posting.


Sunflower said...

I’m so proud and happy for Adam! His first movie, wow! You can see in photos posted and videos how happy Adam looks, that big smile of his! No doubt this small acting role can lead to more roles in the future, the director and other cast members gave great praises for Adam’s acting but also as the person he is. Good for him he deserves it! I only wish drugs weren’t part of the story because drugs in movies make me nauseous. LOL. Did you hear Adam is adding another UK release party show on Feb. 26? I’m wondering what kind of US Promos Adam has for us, besides the talk shows. Speaking of talk shows, tomorrow Thursday Adam will be promoting and discussing the songs from “High Drama” on “Talkshop Live” at 6:00 pm Central time. Seems he has CDs to sell with his autograph and a chance to ask Adam a question. First of all I NEVER ever heard of this site, sounds to me like a “QVC” or “HSN” but a Rock and Roll version. You have to sign in first. Now I DO want to see Adam but don’t feel like signing in, hate doing that, hate coming up with a new password (always frustrates me to do so) and then this site may send you emails for upcoming shows. I’m overwhelmed with all these accounts. I don’t know what to do. :(

Dee R Gee said...

Sunflower, I also dislike signing up for a "one-time use" viewing of something. I'm very wary about my sign-in getting sent around to other things beyond my control. I wish there was another way to view it. Maybe at least some of it will be posted for all to see. Hope so. I'm very interested to hear what as to say. Can't wait for that London concert of High Drama, too!

Sunflower said...

I hope to Dee R Gee, we can somehow see clips at least from tonight’s Talkshop Live. Adam just posted several minutes ago that his next single from High Drama will be out tomorrow. This time a Billie Eilish song called Growing Older, he added a snippet with this post consisted of about 3 words. Sounds nice, but need to hear the whole song.

Nanbert said...

So much to look forward to with Adam these days....there's never enough. Just spent about a hour rewatching some of his earlier interviews...such a charmer!

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw the last few minutes of the live chat. Couldn't get to it earlier. It says there will be a recorded version available soon. What I saw was great! Missed the part about the songs.

Dee R Gee said...

The whole recorded video came on pretty fast so I just finished watching the whole thing. Loved every minute! Can't wait to hear the whole album! Adam was so lovely and very informative.

Sunflower said...

Hahaha me too Dee R Gee caught the talk show but missed the beginning! Will try for the repeat! At midnight Adam's other single "Getting Older" is out, I incorrectly said Growing, hahaha! YOU GUYS just found out Adam will be performing at the pre-Grammy party! There's also other artists too but ADAM! The Grammy's is the first week of February don't want to give the wrong day for Adam so I'll wait to make sure. Read its a BMG party Adam's US Label.

Dee R Gee said...

Pre-Grammy party! Great news!