Monday, January 9, 2023

Adam Lambert's Music Video "Holding Out For A Hero" is now available on Youtube + Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

#AdamLambert #HoldingOutForAHero #MusicVideo 

The official music video for Adam Lambert's Holding Out for a Hero, taken from the forthcoming album High Drama, coming Feb 24. 

Pre-order limited edition and signed copies now:


Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


  1. Woohoo I love it, I love it! I find this video so dang cool, everything from the song naturally and how handsome Adam is throughout, his clothes and eye makeup too! I am still hearing great comments with Holding...Hero, The Bonnie Tyler Fans tweeting about this fantastic version (real Bonnie's own words) to stream stream stream! Already on UK and other countries playlist! Come on United States lets get this song rolling across the music charts. I believe theres a radio station in Orlando, Flo., that has started playing Holding...Hero, but we need more than 1! LOL Also Adam is making a special announcement today in a few hours via an Australian talk show, what does Adam have up his sleeve? Haha Have to wait for that. Surely sone kind Glambert will post this mysterious announcement! Can't wait to find out.

  2. This video is great! It shows us so many of my Adam's talents. Great look, fantastic voice, interesting action. Love the costume changes and the "band" action. Adam's little expression at the very end is so cute. This is a fun one! NOW STREAM STREAM STREAM, Everybody!

  3. Goodness! Now we know why the album is called "High Drama"..... it's Adam at his MOST!

    I love the "rock rasp" that appears in his voice, and I especially love that section in "Holding Out For A Hero" where he quietly drops down to his impressive lower register for a phrase, and then blasts out of it with a stratospheric "I NEED..." (at 3:03)... Oof!

    Talk about drama! What an exciting video! This is why I call Adam a "Glam-eleon". The album obviously shows his vocal and persona versatility for all genres. No one else can do this!
